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von shrad

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Posts posted by von shrad

  1. originally belched by MarkWhore It would be a nice touch if you got a medium map from some empathetic third party, such as the otherwise worthless Germanfellow.

    Well if there is anything in this world worse than a grog in heat, its 2 grogs in heat. Stop it you freaks, this is a family show. I will play on your map of humiliation Worminboy, and after I complete my topplement of Markwhore I am coming after the creator of the sham you call a fair fight.

    let us pick our own 1500-2000 worth of killware. Then we could play on a map that didn't look like Peng's notion of the Afterlife.

    Great! What can I expect from Markwhore? A full assault composed of King Tigers supported by Gebirgsjager and Fallschirmjagers. He will no doubt purchase a MarkIV that will stay behind the lines until the nasties are over if only to later squawk of its superiority in battle, a Monty of a tank if you will.

    Do you want me to put forces on it, or do you want to send me your shopping list, so that I can ignore it and put forces on it?

    What do we really know of this Germanboy. Lets see. He is from Germany and he is a boy. If that's good enough for *Grog-Lover* , then it is o.k. by me too. Lets see its evilness!

    Prepare to assume the fetal position Marky-Mark, and start biting that pillow of yours because the fornication is ready to begin!


  2. I am back you sorry lot of pig vomit. Prior commitments kept me away from the board for some time and I must say that what I have read lately, trying to catch up mind you, has disturbed me.

    I see that the locals where Stuka has been off to are not bright enough to kill the repetitive bastard and feed him to the crocs. I demand that the whole of its tribe be injected with lethal amounts of Ebola and clubbed to submission.

    And what is with this Hiram fellow? He is trying to make himself a Martyr by resolving his 'membership', like that were possible. Well Hiram this is not the Girl Scouts. Your den mommie cannot just write a note for your absence. This collection is like a Crip member that received his B. S. from Sally Struthers home-schooling. You will be hunted down and 'Let Out' by the good graces of several size 11 boots.

    Phillies Phan seems appropriate for a such a sorry quitter. I doubt even that over-aged bunch of pulled groins would want their loser name associated with such a forfietter.

    'Here you go Cardinals, we give you the win because it was just a matter of time anyway'

    And to give Croda a win is akin to letting the French march into Paris like some kind of liberators. That mook couldn't win at a game of CM if she were playing a chicken who was trained to peck the keyboard for feed.

    You will be scratched off alright. Right from the face of Earth.

    In Games just now being processed;

    Seanamoo-moo is hiding like a hit and run rapist in anger. I fear the worst from him. Maybe he will Quit too?

    Croda cant stop dying. It is the one thing the lad does well, except for shaving his legs in record time.

    What does that leave me? It leaves me with an open card. Markwhore , how bout I knock that grog right off your shoulder?

    or how about you Elvira ? Do you think your suggar daddy Peng give your bottom a rest and let you come play for a while?

    To the other entrails of this thread, come and get some of my CM manhood or Piss Off!

    [This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 02-24-2001).]

  3. Although a 10x10 tile size would be very nice I don't think it will be possible to implement. What I do think needs to be done though is more variations of existing tiles and many more new ones added.

    For example I would like to see a lot more variations in buildings. Battlefields would look so much better with more combinations.

    Also buildings of various sizes and shape are needed in addition to multi-level ones.

    Another thing that would add a lot to the game would be combination tiles such as,

    Wall in woods

    Building surrounded in trees

    Half wheat/half open,wooded...etc. (This would basically eliminate those jagged looking fields set at angles to the map and ones along curved and angled roads)

    If possible a cut-tile would make map making easier. Basically it would make the surface of the tile level no matter what the elevation to either side. This would be used for roads that ran through uneven and hilly ground. The edge of the tile could curve sharply up or down at the edge of the tile to meet its neighbor.

    While I am ranting about tiles I have a few more suggestions concerning terrain.

    1) would be to allow transparency of buildings that you could see out from. As it stands if you have a city map it is difficult to get a good view of the action of troops in the buildings.

    2) is the spreading or simulation of fire and blazes. It would be cool and more realistic if the game only showed smoke coming from a location for a determined amount of time before it became a full blaze. All this could be susceptible to weather conditions and the type of terrain.

    e.g.. You torch a large bldg. and a plume of smoke rises warning of the impending doom. But it is not until 2 turns later that the fire graphics sprout from the building. The same could be applied to any burnable area. (is burnable a word?)

    3) would 'straighten out' water tiles set at angles on the map creating a more fluid river.

    Now on to suggested new tiles;


    Ditches (regular and A-T)

    Farm out-buildings (Barns and Silo's)

    Partially destroyed Buildings

    Cemetery (don't know how hard it would be to show the headstones though but at least a squad could enjoy the benefits of them)

    Rail Bridges

    Rooftop Location

    Destroyed rail tiles (not that big of a deal but could be cool)

    K.Oed Vehicles ? (used sparingly of course)


    Some town tiles;

    Rubble strewn streets

    High Walls

    Rail-way crossings

    Factories (massive complexes)

    Large Building with alley (One that takes up more than one tile and creates a tight alley when joined with similar tile)

    Fountain w/ paved

    Cellars (ok I might be dreaming with this one but oh,it would be so nice.

    These are a few that I could think of and I am sure there are others that I am missing that would greatly increase the overall gaming experience of the CM saga. I apologize for the format of this dribble but I was in a hurry while I wrote it.

    P.S. BTS, can you elaborate yet as to how CM2 will simulate interior areas of larger buildings?Will individual walls be shown?


  4. Seanachai said

    Stingy bugger. So you dole out to Mr. Happy, without a thought to the rest of us. Sycophant.

    I am sorry but this is a scheduled upkeep for Mr.Happy, or as we like to say at the 'Agency', Mr.Felony. You see his pleasant demeanor hides a jaded past of a career criminal who's crimes against humanity started with the Murder of his own mother shortly after birth. Mr.Felony's awkward childhood was replaced by a dysfunctional and perverse puberty that culminated in the raping of no less than 6 barnyard animals.

    As you can see the traditional methods of punishment were too good for this abomination. So it was then decided to 'treat' Mr.Felony rather than punish him. Using the most modern equipment of the 60's and the tried and true method of Drug Induced Behavior Manipulation we set out to create a new MO for Mr.Felony. Weeks upon weeks of being tied down and forced to watch crappy Superbowl half-time shows and repeated LSD drops to his deep blue eyes produced a kinder, more outgoing lad. A Mr.Happy if you will.

    So the priodic administering of hallucinogenics to Mr.Happy is for the benefit of us and not for the git who is now watching the walls bleed as marshmallow hillclimbers fall to the crashing sound of green triangles hitting water.

    Party on Mr.Happy

  5. Yes Lorak it is true, Herr Eggbert has decided to press an attack after a 20 turn barrage that left my poor gum-chewers crapping in their pants. Green troops mind you! I would have done better commanding the Sisters of St.Mary's and an earless dog. The old man has prevailed and I only hope that his Sometimers has set in enough that he will forget to come home after a trying day at work.

    I despise you Eggbert and our rematch will continue when you get back from your 2 week vacation (read therapy)

    Now to pick me up a little;

    Croda is dying in great heaps of worthless bundles!

    Seanamoo-moo's and my game has just begun and we shall work on completing it this year. The rat fink has to be sitting pretty with such broad avenues of fire that my poor Gerry's can hardly lift their heads up, let alone press an attack. A pox on you Moo-Moo! May your Inner Croda be hit by a cross-town bus.


    [This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 01-27-2001).]

  6. Oh man....must...try....to...be...nice.

    Yes my dear Stuka you should marry the gal. But you already know that don't you. Then there will at least be a good half.

    BTW....I have seen a photo of the bride to be. Very lovely looking girl. She was standing next to her Father at a pool..... Oh wait...that was you Stuka.

    Seriously I wish you two all the success I have enjoyed with my wife and hope for the best in the years to come.

    *vs tips his glass of Ripple to you StukaPukaPants*

  7. I feel your pain and wish you and your family my heartfelt condolences in your time of loss.

    Now may I suggest options that might help you come by some spare cash?

    1) Seek employment at the nearest fast food establishment. Not only do you get to work with oil's of the exotic kind you also get to stare at the teenage girls working their weekends away.

    2) Panhandle. Pick yourself a nice street corner with multiple bus-stop benches for break time, and feign a life-threatening illness. It might help to dig up some crappy old clothes and work on your uninvited window washing technique.

    3) Sell one ofd your valuable items to the local pawnbroker. Not only will you get top dollar for your items, it also comes with a great interest rate.

    Headcount: How much for my Grandmothers antique diamond wedding ring?

    PB: I'll give you $30.

    HC: But that is worth more than $1500 and btw, I need $45 + S&H.

    4) Convince your friends that you are letting them in at ground floor on a new 'super product' and they only have to invest a few dollars each and then make new friends and never call the old ones again. They will think you hit it big.

    5) Call wealthiest living family member and explain that you have a gambling problem and are in to it deep to a vicious loanshark for $100 (enough to pay for a backup copy)

    You see if you put your mind to it there is no limit to the lies you can tell. Ask my last employer.

    ' I don't know why I got fired. I didn't do anything smile.gif

    Always glad to help,


  8. Remo said

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Hoody-hoo! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Hehe.... Correct me if I am wrong but wasn't that Golmer's secret call to Sgt. Carter?

    Glad to see that the word has reached another interested wargamer. I recently brought my game over to a co-workers house that never played a wargame in his life. He absolutely loved it and said he was going to show his brother the game. Turns out that he is a wargamer for many years from SL on up. He totally flipped over it saying stuff like 'Oh my God they have this in it?' and 'I cant believe that was covered. Just knocked the socks off him. The rest was history. Needless to say there will be a few more copies bought from his circle of friends because of the thing you described, word of mouth.

    BTW, welcome and let me know if you want to play a battle after you get that full game.


  9. Something is going on with my Email account that will not let me receive any mail. It shows it going through the process but keeps saying that I am not getting any. I have been trying to send myself e-mails but haven't received any of them.

    Is there anybody that I owe turns to because I sent out a slew of them yesterday. You can also send them to my icq which is 57596782.

    sorry for the inconvenience,


  10. Well the exiled Fionn wishes for a game does he. He shall get it and it will be a public AAR for two reasons. First it will be a warning for all CM players on what NOT to do. Second, if I win it will be a trophy to flaunt in the face of you pathetic gits that will hang over the fireplace in the cesspool for years to come. He will get his game...oh yes and I will have my day! Muwahhhhha

    In other news from the front,

    Herr Eggbert is spanking me like the red-headed stepchild Lorak is. Get ready to record a valiant loss, if somewhat pathetic, from Herr Oberst. He is a real Mother Flanker!

    Croda continues to go to the mat with every glancing blow quicker than a Don King client. But having been in a few scrapes myself I have learned not to let my guards down and lend a helping hand. So you will continue to to be pummeled until even the best Cut Man cannot close your wounds and no reputable plastic surgeon will offer their services.

    Seanamoo-moo I await your set-up with clenched teeth and itchy trigger finger. I guess you are running b24, no?

    Now send me that set-up so I can put you out to pasture that you may graze until Spring.... and then off to the packing house with you.

    *serious mode on*

    How the hell is Peng doing? I hope the 'ol boy is up and about soon if he is not already.

    *serious mode off*

    Die often, die a lot'


  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> I consider myself a serious war gamer and I want to make this purchase but I don't want to get ripped off again. Any comments will be welcomed. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    No gossamer it is better than that. Most reviews were written after limited time with the game but just when you thought you have seen it all, another facet of it is exposed. I have been playing it for over a year and I am still being suprised at the events on the screen and 'under the hood'.

    It is the wargame to play and even non wargaming friends of mine have fallen in love with it. There is so much depth to this game yet it plays very easily.

    I suggest playing the demo but keep in mind that the full version offers a world more.

    Nice to have you aboard and look forward to a future game with you.


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