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Posts posted by rich12545

  1. Right. That's how Empire games work. They start slow, gradually build up, and you end up with a lot of units fighting each other all over the map. I think it's slower here because there's more to consider like techs and stuff but it doesn't seem to make a big difference.

  2. Let us know when a city has completed a construction. I know the icon will be on the to move list but there might be other units there of the same kind and it could be missed. Maybe a yellow dot over each city that just completed a unit?

  3. You might be right about these points. Compared to Empire Deluxe this game takes way more time to get going. Much more complex. But I'm finding not as bad to manage as I thought. The basic ui is very good although I agree with many of the suggestions for improvement. And I think the sliders mentioned above would also be an improvement.

  4. First I think the max size needs to be increased greatly. Not only for random maps but for historical ones. For example the map of Europe needs more space between cities imo.

    Also I think random maps could be more random. Now they're pretty much the same with islands placed randomly. Would you consider sliders on the random map page?

    water-land more water>more land or random. Currently the setting is for too much land so the islands are too close together.

    islands-continents more islands>more continents or random. You already include this concept but a slider would make it better imo.

    dry-wet more desert>more jungle temperate in the middle or random.

    level-mountains The mountains setting is currently too high imo.

    cities fewer>more This setting would hugely alter gameplay

    resources fewer>more Same here

  5. No it does. I was turning the wheel. That's now pretty common with games so I just assumed. We all know what happens with that.

    Regardless, this looks like a very easy to move around. Macro just click and click. Micro just click, hold and move.

  6. In any case it looks like with the rule set you can effectively disable tech and mostly disable the need for resources if desired.

    I still think a simple check box to disable the complex functions like tech, resources, trade, etc would be a good idea and wouldn't take much to program. Maybe that could be in every ruleset.

    Looks like it's possible to make virtually any strategic or operational level wargame. Maybe even getting down to tactical. Will be interesting when the full game comes out to look at that.

  7. The mouse wheel zoom out doesn't work.

    Can't figure out how to do city production.

    To attack, it looks like I just move the unit to where I want to attack?

    Is diplomacy only for multi-player or solo also?

    Will a detailed printable pdf manual come with the game?

  8. Ok, that all sounds pretty good. And probably the larger the map the more tech differences will matter.

    I was wondering about one other thing. How easy will it be to set up operational level battles/scenarios? And will those battles be set up without resources and tech advances?

  9. I just read the review that's on the BFC front page. It talks about the tech tree and made me wonder if this will be another game where battles will be decided by tech advancement. Where getting one tech level ahead or behind will make all the difference in the game. I hope you've developed whatever that will avoid that.

  10. SC2 is semi abstract. It is not totally realistic. Compare to Empire Deluxe. Two armies fight. One is destroyed and one lives on. SC2 isn't that far abstract but it isn't totally realistic either. Compare units to TOAW where a division will list every squad and every weapon in the division. Whereas SC2 will give a number for strength and that's it. SC2 is a much simpler game than TOAW but more complex than ED. The trick is enjoying what it is instead of trying to make it into something it isn't.

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