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Posts posted by rich12545

  1. All of a sudden I understand the difference in map size between Empire Enhanced and EoS. With EE there are vast expanses of ocean between islands/continents. So sea units spend a lot of time traveling. With Eos islands/continents are very close to each other. You have much more land and cities in a much smaller space. So comparing sizes is really immaterial. The current largest EoS size will take about as much time to play as an EE map maybe 4-5 times larger.

    I think I like the EoS system better. More involvement in the game and less in moving pieces around the map for 30-50 turns taking forever to get someplace.

  2. Something to consider.

    Each turn all units that are waiting for movement can be put in a queue. They can come up for the player one at a time. The player can move the unit, hot key for skip this turn, hot key for wait (unit goes to end of queue sequence). Units that are on sentry or in the middle of a several turn move would be skipped.

    I think this would make turns easier and faster, especially when there are a lot of units all over the map. It would also eliminate the need for all those units on the left panel waiting for orders. When there are lots of units there it can be confusing.

  3. I'd like to suggest more terrain types. Jungle comes to mind. Marsh also. Probably a few others. Or will additional terrain types be something that can be modded?

    Also, what do the different elevation settings mean? The percentage drop down?

  4. I'm still on the fence although our last discussion took me from 40% to 60%. I want to play some more and see a robust ai opponent before going full board, although I have confidence this will happen. In any case, I don't pre-order games unless there's a nice discount for doing so.

  5. Had one last night. About 15 turns into a game. A city needed a construction choice so the whole left side of the screen had the city window. And it just froze. Couldn't do anything. Had to do a hard reboot.

  6. Thank you very much. This is going to be a great game.

    Your response brought up another question (not a game breaker though lol). Will the game support multiple cores for processing?

    And btw, regarding the larger maps, if some systems can't handle them they can play small to medium ones. Many games are like this.

  7. Hi, you know I've been bugging you about certain options. I don't believe you've answered these since the demo.

    1. Allow resources, diplomacy, trading, etc to be options.

    2. Allow for much larger maps, up to 5-6 times the current max.


    3. Allow the option to start random games with everybody already at war with everybody else.

    Reason I'm asking now is I'm looking at making another mod for Empire Enhanced. If I do, it will take hours to complete. However, if I end up buying this game I'll switch my Empire playing (which is more than all other wargames combined) to EoS and not make the EE mod. But, for me, the answers need to be yes. If no, then fine. I'll continue with my plan and not waste time here. Whatever you want to do is ok but I would greatly appreciate your response so I know how to plan.

    I think EoS is the better game and has huge potential. I've discussed the possibilities for using it to make scenarios like Battle of the Bulge or Market Garden. It would also work for naval games like Midway or Coral Sea. Other time frames as well. You can't do this though unless 1,2,3 are implemented.


  8. Started a new game. Sent the plane exploring each turn. Sent the infantry down the road looking. Sent the transport out looking for stuff. The transport hit an island and stuck. I could not move it. There was a circle with a slash everywhere. So I got out and started over. Same thing happened on a different island with a different start island.

  9. I'm trying to replicate this problem, but I'm having trouble. I'm giving my transports orders to the coast, close enough that the yellow dot appears, but as far from the coastline as possible. My transports move to the location over the next turn. Then I give my Ground-Units orders to move off the transport and onto the island, and it always seem to work okay for me. Is there anything special you're doing? Can you send me a saved-game where this problem is happening?

    Brit, I just installed xp 64 bit and everything from the game is gone. But when I had problems, not very often, it seemed like I put the yellow dot not too far from a city and there were mountains close and the amount of level land was pretty small. Even though the transport stopped at the yellow dot on the previous turn, the infantry would not move on the land. I even tried to set an order to attack the city. The red attack circle on the city wouldn't show. So I think maybe the problem is that more level land is needed for land units to move onto an island. If that's a design decision, that's fine. But if it's a bug, I wanted to report it.

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