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Posts posted by killmore

  1. Originally posted by Renaud:

    If even one of the TC's happens to be looking backwards from his cupola toward the AT gun position when it fires, then he will almost certainly see the flash/smoke. It would then be spotted instantly, not just in 10 seconds.


    Sure but this means that sometimes guns would be spotted and sometimes not.

    But guns are spotted every time in 9 to 12 seconds after 1st shot.

    Thats what changes odds in favour of Tanks.

  2. The source was History channel.

    And yes that was 76mm gun on a T-34. (I don't know which specific type of 76mm)

    We are talking extremely close ranges here. Probably less than 50 meters. Even if there was no penetration then 76mm was breaking off a chunks of tigers armour. Second shot was then fatal.

    The program was about Zitadelle.

    I do believe that at longer ranges 76mm was totally useless.

    But then again Dailmers 40mm nailed my Tiger at 600m (front armour). So it is probably possible in CMBB too.

    Also there was specification of "was able". So this is not 80% of the time.

    [ October 14, 2002, 03:40 PM: Message edited by: killmore ]

  3. Wait a sec!

    You should not be able to spot ATGun in under 10 seconds after it fires!

    Specially when buttoned, in rain and fog and being backwards to the gun.

    AT Gun is dug in and in the forest too.

    This is just not realistic.

    No way the crew can scan 360 degrees in under 10 secs.

    Besides 3 tanks were already dead but did not yet bailed. That leaves only 2 tanks being able to look.

    If I want to fire a single shot then hide how would I do it in CMBB?

  4. I finally have a proof that AT guns are spotted way too easily!!!

    Rain, Digger in AT 45mm in the forest, spotted 10 seconds after they opened fire.

    Distance is 100m.

    All tanks are buttoned and with their backs toward the Guns.

    There is NO WAY both guns would be spotted in 10 seconds!!!


    This feels like a serious debalancer.

    [ October 13, 2002, 03:42 PM: Message edited by: killmore ]

  5. What is really needed is supply/demand purchase system.

    If player keeps buying STUG in 1942 it should become more expensive.

    This Cannot be done in CMBB as it is today - you really need many players to balance purchases out.

    T-34 would still be cheap because there are tons of them.

    T70s could become extremly cheap if no one buys them. The same would apply to 37mm AT guns...

  6. Originally posted by Foxbat:

    I really liked the BOOM-on-click options in CC, but a bit to gamey/cartoonish for CMBB.

    Besides do you know how real-world soldiers learned to distuingish the sounds of the battlefield? That's right, experience, there just ain't substitute for experience (well a good FAQ maybe) ;)

    Well you don't have to use it... But it is a great help for a beginner.

    If you will not be able to identify opponent weapons you won't be able to click on them...

  7. Originally posted by killmore:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

    #2 would be cool, but it seems to me that is more information than we should have.

    You have this info for your own artilery...

    You can also write down the last time gun fired and figure out when it fires next time. But why do it manually?

    I guess you need to hide this info in enemy units - but that is done already

    It will make beginers understand advantages of conscript vs veterans and weapons</font>

  8. Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by killmore:

    I am sure it is relevant to hundreds of Russians/Polish/Ukrainians/East Europeans who are buying pirated CMBB copies for $5 right now...

    I bet at least 10,000 will be sold ! smile.gif

    (I even saw game I helped to developed being sold!)

    Well that CDV copy protection is supposed to take care of that problem :rolleyes:

    -tom w</font>

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