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Everything posted by fatherof6

  1. I used to until our IR people busted me. I had made the top ten users in the whole company and that's what brought me to their attention. I had something like 10,000 hits on Battlefront.com over the period of a month or two. Ten times as many as anything else I looked at. I've gone cold turkey on all personal internet use since my boss confronted me back in March. SOB! Now I can just check the board once a day at home. I knew they could track my usage but I was amazed at the detail. Be careful guys. It's very embarrassing. Glenn
  2. I know what I hope to be doing on Father's Day and it's NOT playing with the kids. Preordering last June was the best spending decision I've made in a long time. Thanks for all of your hard work BTS! Glenn
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>So for every 2 "smart" people they produce 1 child, while for every 2 "stupid" people produce 4-6 kids.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Boo Hoo. Steve called my wife and me "stupid". Although sometimes I'm tempted to agree with him, the only way he can mollify my hurt feelings is to send me a copy of the final release today. Glenn [This message has been edited by fatherof6 (edited 06-06-2000).]
  4. It won't work Black. There's a version checker in the PBEM file opening sequence. Charles has said in another thread: <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>The v1.01 player will see a message informing him that his opponent is using an older version. The v1.0 player will see a message saying "Sorry can't load this PBEM file. Please upgrade." <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The same thing obviously applies to the demo. I inadvertantly confirmed this when I started a PBEM game against a beta tester. He initially put his VoT setup in with his Release Version and I couldn't open the file. I hope this will prevent people from running different Mods as well. Glenn
  5. Charles & Ithai, I'd love to play you guys but you need to put an email address or ICQ # in your profile. If you don't want to publicize your real email address, then it's very easy to create one at yahoo, hotmail, etc. PBEM is the only way to extend the life of these demo scenarios. Glenn [This message has been edited by fatherof6 (edited 05-27-2000).]
  6. Thanks for the advice so far guys. Just to clear any confusion for future posters, maybe I should have said: Given what you now know, would you be happy playing a PBEM game as the Germans in VoT without any advantage? After thinking about it some more, I wouldn't be. But maybe you are better at defending than I am. While the AI is good, maybe the best yet in wargaming, it's no slam on BTS to say that a good human will usually beat it. I hope Charles/Steve won't be offended when I use the following analogy. To me, CM's AI is like a 7-11. Not a lot of variety, but always there for you at 3:00 a.m. Glenn
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