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Posts posted by argie

  1. Originally posted by laxx:

    Life Cycle of a CMBB player:

    Pre-Grognard Phase - Like "Why are there no T-44 tanks ?" or "Why aren't horses/calvary moded, please fix or do somefink". Gets into debates with other grognard wannabees, usually centred around To&E. Gameplay is TCP/IP or PBEM. Post detailed AARs. Starts quoting book titles and Authors. Has a forum thread with his name on it.

    Self-actualisation Phase - You and the CMBB are one or is that you are one with the game. You actually memorised the whole CMBB To&E from 1941 to 1945, including the various blast value of the AFVs. You doan really participate in the forums anymore, except to smack down some smart ass faux-grognard-wannabee and show whose the boss. Is able to critique HMG tripods. Usually gets invited to test CM betas. Doesn't smile alot. What game play ? You design scenarios!


    There is something that can be called the General Forum Phase... I think it's blurried with both above, and is for those beyond all hope.
  2. Originally posted by Andreas:

    I would think that it could be argued (by those knowing more about it than I do) that his non-capitalist leaning on the labour union may have something to do with the mess Argentinia is in.

    Yep. That could be argued. Considering that most of the past century the Argentinian Governments were more akin to antiperonism than peronism...
  3. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    If the average paycheck in Nambia can't cover the expense, should we lower the price? I think not so why should we peg the price to what a Canadian, or anybody else, feels like paying?


    Ok. If I send a copy of my paycheck here in Argentina, may you consider to send me the Strategy Guide for free and deduct it from taxes as charity?

    Just an idea :D

  4. Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by laxx:

    - Despite what everyone says, Turn the Fog of War to Partial, Full or Extreme. Turning to NONE means that while you can see what the russkies are up to, the russkies can see you as well.

    Are you quite sure of that? AIR, BFC has stated that the computer opponent always plays at extreme FOW. The setting just applies to the human player.


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