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Posts posted by TeAcH

  1. I've played PE and most of the mods. It really is a blast. Then I got a set of the Revelators for my Elsa Geforce card and played it in 3D. It was unreal. I truly mean it. Unreal. No other game worked as well with the Revelators as that one did (Day of Defeat is good too). Even without the Revs, it is a lot of fun, has a lot of support from the fan base, and is really cheap in its re-release. I'd buy it if you dont have it. My only gripe was the penetration calculations. Seems like at close ranges, the Shermans would shrug off to many hits. The rest of the game was great!!


  2. Thanks John. I appreciate the compliment. We like the BER too and would like to spread the word to make it known and available to more players. Unfortunately, not many CM sites that I am aware of link to or host the file. Combat Missions did for a long while...dont know if they still do.

    As far as a MAC version goes, my friend (BradleyH) and I won't be making a MAC version. We don't own MACS. However, there are two possibilities. If someone out there knows how to convert the program, we might release the code to them. Secondly, PC emulators for the MAC are an option (or so Ive heard)



  3. Hi Treeburst. I was about to go to bed but decided to check this forum one last time when I saw your post here. I know this is somewhat confusing in how we decided to do this last turn deal. The BER will always end the game on the last turn. You can do as you suggest and add another turn to the game if you care to. This question was posed to use about a month ago....here it is and our reponse. We are probably willing to change BER if you all want it that way..but read this first.

    From Chuckle:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Now, some thoughts...

    say you have a 5 turn game, +/-1, the BER will say 'Battle Over - Cease Fire' on any turn of 4, 5, or 6.

    I think it should say 'This is the last turn, ceasefire NEXT turn.' instead .

    As it is, the way it reads, you will never get to play the 6th turn, the last turn would be 3, 4, or 5.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    Now my reply:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>As far as your first words about the changing the comments in the BER to say "This is the last turn", we see your point. Keep in mind that the whole purpose of the BER is to surprise the players on when the last turn arrives. This is done in order to prevent the flag rush. Given the limitations of the BER with respect to its inablilty to "interface" and "control" the CM game file, combined with the concern about turns that you state above, we do not recommend that anyone use a variance of +-1.

    If we changed the BER to say "This is the last turn" we give the players the ability to rush a flag down to the 60th second of the last turn. We dont want that. So (using your example) you check on turn 4, BER says go on. You do turn 4 and then go back to the BER on turn 5 and check. BER says go on. You have that last turn and that is it. Otherwise, you give the player notice at that time that he has a full two turns to use and we dont want that to happen. We want the BER to tell you on turn 5 either GAME OVER or PLAYS CONTINUES. That way, you get it as random as we can give it. Correct me if I am wrong. For now on, just factor that into your understading of the BER and your games and you'll be fine. Again, pose any suggestions to the contrary and we will look at them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    The thread can be found in its entirety here:

    Chuckle's suggestion in thread

    Let me know what you all want.



  4. BradleyH wrote:

    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I've just posted BER v1.5 build 23 to http://www.badcoinc.com/ber. This build checks the version stamp internal to the application with the version stamp of the game file to ensure features are in sync. Application build 23 supports files generated with BER 1.5.22 and greater.


    I recommend that if you are in the middle of a game DO NOT download and install this update... wait until you start a new game.


    For the full install (if you have not installed any version of BER): http://www.badcoinc.com/download/BERSetup.exe (~5MB)

    For just the updated binary executable only: http://www.badcoinc.com/download/BER15_ExeOnly.zip (~250KB)

    Suggestions on improvements and enhancements welcome! -BradleyH


    I just wanted you all to know.


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