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Posts posted by TeAcH

  1. Is there a way I can set and lock my CM graphics at one resolution while desktop remains at another?

    Also, could someone with a good graphics card tell me night battles actual have a black shroud of some type on the battle field preventing you from seeing too far or does it just dim the field and limit LOS?

    Also, on my Viper 2, I cant get FOG even with the new driver. Cant adjust a fog table in D3D, only OpenGl. Is there a FOG table setting in DirectX? Where is it.

    Sorry for posting this here rather than in tech support. Also, I did and search and didnt see this come up.


  2. Well, this must be bug then because FOW was set to full at the start of the game. I didnt turn it off. can that be done midgame? Please comment. Bug alert!! -or- DEU!!(Deficient End User).

    Also, aside from the picture, there still seems to be the lack of FOW when it comes to what the current "functional" FOW provides.

    I vote for an extreme ("true") FOW setting so I cant see where my opponent has green troops and vet troops, etc. etc. etc.

    BTW, Id be happy to send someone the game file as an email attachment if they know how to determine if FOW was disabled somehow.


    [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 07-01-2000).]

  3. I agree on modeling them as realistically as possible. To that end, they should not be "dumbed down" so our games will be better...hence more gamey if you ask me. So I hope that was not the design decision made about them.

    I vote that their accuracy and loadout be modeled as accurately as possible while their rarity affects the units price. When that is accomplished, then let the chips fall where they may on the field of war.


  4. Okay..here's a picture (pardon the quality) that illustrates my point. I am playing a friend the Red Devils scenario..PBEM style with me as the Germans. I have cliked on a unit of his and I can see:

    -His experience level

    -His mental state

    -His special abilities

    -and that he is Hiding!

    Too much data for Fog of war



  5. kwazydog:

    I agree that you will see a difference between elite and green troops in battle..because those are two extremes. But the logic fails in consideration of determining the difference between two adjacent rankings (e.g. veteran and regular). You would not know that because there isnt that much of a disparity there.

    Secondly, and I think this is another supporting fact. Currently the game will not only provide me with an enemy troops skill level, but with the special abilities of a command unit? What? You heard me right. How can that be explained?

    All I am saying is make it so the game will tell you what type of squad it is (volks, rifle 44, etc) along with the number fighting v. the number dead or wounded and thats it.


    [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 07-01-2000).]

  6. Thanks Danno. I saw that in the book. I have it in my settings for OPENGL only and turning it on has no effect. A friend of mine has the TNT16 meg card and he doesnt see the fog. All I see is a gray background with very very faint fog way way way (did I mention way) in the distance. I thought Id see heavier fog but I dont see any at all really.


    Can someone take a screenshot of working heavyfog and post it?

  7. How about a line of sight disc that will illuminate a units available line of sight (similar to the lighting effect in NOX. That way, during setup (and maybe setup only), you could press a key to see all areas of sighting as opposed to the "L" and drag method. Just a thought.



    "Ah-ah, I know what you're thinking. Did he fire 6 shots or only 5. Well to tell you the truth in all this excitement I've kind of lost track myself. But being this is a .44 Magnum - the most powerful hand gun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself one question, do I feel lucky. Well, do ya punk?"

  8. Hmm...thanks all. I guess if that was the reasoning Scott, I would have voted against it. I don't think you can tell if a unit is Elite, Crack, Veteran, Regular, Green, Conscript, etc. In the heat of battle, I don't think you can tell that. Whatever the rationale, it only serves to hurt you and your opponent when this is revealed.

    BTS, can we have an option to disable that in a future patch?



    [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 06-30-2000).]

  9. I see your point but with all due respect IntelWeenie, I cant be as accepting as that. Charles already confirmed that this is an issue that would have been corrected if the LOS map wasn't such of a resource hog. How much of a hog it is? Well, I was hoping for another answer.

    Secondly, the buildings are not modeled with holes in them, IIRC. There has been discussion about adding partially collapsed buildings and the like in CM2, but that is not the case in this release. Also, what you are saying then is that a tank behind a hill is not safe either because there could be a culvert present allowing sighting through it. Or that grass is grown up over a hole in the hill that blows aside in the wind and thus presents no cover. Items are what they are and they should function appropriately.

    These posts are in no way rants about how bad the game is. They only serve as dicussion to report possible bugs. We all love the game!


    [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 06-29-2000).]

  10. Is there any reason why the quality of the enemy troops is listed for you to see and vice versa? I mean, if I am playing in a head-to-head match, or even v the AI, I don't think there would be anyway for me to be able to tell what quality the enemy troops are. How is this explained in full fog of war?

    I was playing a PBEM last night when it occurred to me. My opponent and I had infantry engaged in a battle. I had ID'ed his units to the man (8 of 12), which is fine, but seeing that he had green troops helped me and hurt him. Can that be discussed for future patching considerations??



  11. S










    Thanks all. I appreciate the comments very much. Schijndel Road was on my mind the very day I heard an editor would be included with CM. Close Combat 2 was my favorite of the lot. The followings got poorer until cc4, which was laughable and an utter disappointment. Nonetheless, I am glad you all enjoyed that scenario. You know, when I first started this scenario by building the map, it turned out fairly large. The final map in the scenario seemed about right. Initially I thought it was going to be too small but after playing it a few times, it seemed fine. I am playing a buddy in Schijndel right now as Germans and we are having a helluva fun match. A real chess match and nailbiter too!! HA! I positioned my AA gun behind the Panther expecting it to provide cover. When the Allied FB arrived, it dropped two bombs and descimated my Panther and AA in one fell swoop. The AA didnt even fire a shot. Granted the FB arrived from behind it. Oh Well.

    Yeah. What a fun map. Take care,


    [This message has been edited by TeAcH (edited 06-28-2000).]

  12. Charles, Thanks for your reply. I'm a little bummed by your response though. I guess I was hoping that it was a bug that would go away with a tweak or a patch. But I guess it would take too much to fix it. I wonder how much more CPU and memory power would you need to fix it. The second question I have is could the building corners be invisibly exagerated just a bit to "trick" the LOS grid into making them much more accurate. In other words, create an invisible barrier around the corners of buildings that tells the computer that the wall sticks out furhter hence creating a collision field that is much closer to the drawn texture mapped wall?

    I still love this game and play it all of the time, much to my wife's disappointment but I sure would like to see this tweaked a bit. Any way that a tweak like the one above or any other is possible?



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