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Everything posted by PhilBohin

  1. Agree with previous comment. It's good to see there are still some idealists left out there. Thanks guys
  2. You're not alone. I'm having the same problems - only I haven't tried installing any rulesets for CMBO yet, so I've nothing showing in the window, whichever game I select from the drop down menu. I must be doing something wrong, but can't see what! Phil
  3. Thanks for the reply Madmatt, I've downloaded the 6.47's to try. Also, many thanks for all your hard work on the mods and collecting together the work of all your contributors - helps to make a very good game GREAT. Phil
  4. Thanks for the swift reply - I feared that was the case. I was using the 6.31 drivers before!
  5. Is there a recognised problem using this card with CM? I don't normally frequent this area cos I've never had a problem (until now). I've upgraded my NVidia drivers to get another program to work and now I find strange graphical glitches (flashing menus, bottom panel being overwritten) in CM. Is this common? Is there a fix or shall I go back to the older drivers? I'm using the 6.49 drivers at the moment.
  6. Great demo - looking forward to the game. I'm puzzled however. 9 times out of 10, when I try to run the demo, I can get through the initial screens, but as soon as I click to start the game, I get a black screen freeze. (I'm fed up of restarting with disk scan!) Yet every so often, it works - and continues to work. I don't see how I manage to get it to work, yet next time I try to play, we're back to the big freeze! I've up-graded to DirectX 7 but that hasn't done the trick.
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