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Major Tom

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Posts posted by Major Tom

  1. Hell, you want to see a top quality tank game? Get your hands on a copy of 'Sands of Fire'. Stationed in North Africa, you drive a series of British tanks to whipe out the massed numbers of Germans with a single charge. I cannot stress the horror of this game. I don't remember when it came out, possibly late 1980's. I suppose for then it was interesting enough, but, it was really a very boring game to play after a while.

  2. The 79th Armoured, to my recollection, never fought as a single Divisional unit. Brigades/battalions/troops were always sent off for specific duties. They were used mostly for amphibious attacks, accross channels and large rivers. The 79th was used during operation Veritable, those DD tanks were invaluable. You would never see one of these specialized thanks rumbling through the woods, or into cities or villages. If there was unlimited time for BTS, and unlimited processing power, then, ou could have every single freakish vehicle ever used.

    I have a question though. For some American tanks during the battle for Normandy they had a rudamentary plough welded on the front of their Shermans and Stuarts in order to cut through hedgerows. Is this going to be taken into account in CM or, is it just too complicated of a thing to add which was only just used in a small region?

    Yeah, the British loved those little Carriers. They can only really withstand Macnine Gun fire, and with that open top, they are even not safe from that! The WASP was probably more of a stopgap type device, when there weren't enough Crocodiles around, or, when they didn't have to worry about fierce resistance. I am sure that it wasn't up-armoured very much, and could not take any hit from an AT gun (especially with all that flammible stuff in it!).

    Just another quesiton. I don't know if they were used in large numbers, but, the Canadians developed a tank called the RAM. I know that this was based off the Sherman, and wasn't used in combat in its original form. But, they created APC's from these vehicles and I am wondering if they are included? I don't know any technical details, wether they were open topped and all, or anything else about them.

  3. Yes, I tried the Hide command, and lost a Stug because of it. I assumed it would result in the lowering of engine noise and such, but, what it really does is just cause them to avoid all enemy contact, even if it puts you in a worse position than you were in. I had a stug, on hide, fire smoke and back up in a semi-circle because a Sherman came into its firingline. Well, now it exposed itself to a full side shot which easily took it out. Use the hide command wearily for vehicles.

  4. Here, here...

    I cringe at every TOAW scenario issued with the game. I realize that a lot of work went towards them, but, many are just so wrong it isn't funny. I have to say that there are many that impress me that are designed by individuals, and indeed deserve the 5 stars that TGN gives them, but, the ones that were shipped with the game have so many flaws. The "Battle of France" (I am an early war historian freak, can't wait for CM 1939 & 1940 to come out, battling Panzers against dismounted Polish cavalry, or attacking Rommel's 7th Panzer with a bunch of Matilda's!) was so incorrect it was freightening. Units that didn't exist were put in places that even if they did so they would never be. I have been working on creating the most historically accurate version of this (I have read so many books on the subject), but, then CM came along and swept me away in 3D wargaming heaven.

    I love this game, not purely for its graphics (which are impecilbe!) but for its attempt at being as historically accurate as they can, AND, for the fact that they are really receptive to what the buying public wants in a game, even down to picky details. It was no less than 2 seconds after the mass request for a group select occured when you guys at BTS announced it's implementation. I am truely looking forward to the plethora of qualatative scenarios built by those of you affiliated with BTS, and those who are so dedicated to create spectacular scenarios of their own. You don't go out and say to the public, 'this is what you want, because this is how we made it', you ask us what we want. I cannot express my gratitude and amazement at everone affiliated with the development of this product, from programers to beta testers. Thanks a lot.

  5. I have thougth about this happening also. Seeing all of those WWII movies about shattered squads forming rag-tag groups after a defeat. I would rather have one squad up to full strength than 3 squads at 1/3. However, soon MANY problems arise. What will the squad be called if you mix a SMG squad, a Rifle squad and a Volksgrenedier Squad? It is easy enough to calculate firepower, I guess. But, what are the restrictions? Couldn't someone just divide a 2 squads with uneven firepower (9 M1, 2 Tommy Guns, 1 BAR & one squad with, 9 M1, 1 Tommy Gun, 2 BAR) and joining the 2 strong halves (4 M1, 1 Tommy Gun 1 BAR & 4 M1, 1 Tommy Gun, 1 BAR), resulting in one squad having for example... 10 M1 Rifles, 1 Tommy Gun, and 1 BAR, with the other one having 8 M1's 2 Tommy Guns and 2 BAR's? This could open up an avenue to cheating, by allowing one to create a-historical super squads with an abnormal amount of heavy weapons.

    What about the skill of the unit? Veterans mixing with conscripts, what will be the result? Will it turn into a regular, or green squad? What if it were 6 Conscrips and 2 Veteran? 2 Veteran, 1 Elite, 2 Regular, 2 Green, 1 Conscript? Sure, the computer could average out the skill, but, in reality you will probably tend to worsen the quality of troops. Veterans having to take care of FNG's will tend to get killed much faster than with other veterans, or just on their own.

    Not to slam your idea, I had it myself and indeed it did occasionally happen in the heat of battle. But, most squad reorganization occured after the conflict was over and there was time, as is modeled in the operations by giving squads (not broken) reinforcements. Possibly it is already included in the game, or could be included within a future patch (however, I don't think the game needs a patch!), it is up to the historical realists to decide this one!

    [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 12-17-99).]

  6. So, I guess you guys better not die or something soon then, eh? :) Seriously, I am looking forward to what you guys are capible of doing in the near future, let alone this amazing game here. I mean, with the progression of computer speed as it is currently you could create an almost to life version of the game! You guys have the skill and dedication to make it happen. In fact, you could probably go up do Brigade or Divisional scale! Imagine that! Commanding every single squad, no wait, every single individual soldier in an entire army corps! It will take years just to initiate the setup!!! What have you guys unleased upon the world!!

    Indeed, keep good health, may you live a long and productive life to see your dream of simulating the entire history of modern warfare down to the individual soldier by the year 2053. I know I am going to be on life support waiting for that one!

  7. Rubble has been improved in the final version, so we are told, haven't yet seen a clip (hint! hint!).

    The American troops are modeled accurately. If you have a fashon complaint take it to General Eisenhower (SP? Sorry, I am not an American and don't know the correct spelling of all of their Presidents, infact, I don't think I can spell Cretien correct either...) :) Indeed, if you want, you can edit the colour yourself to represend to dark olive drab undercoat. Never wear white socks with a dark suit, eh? However, to say that it isn't even in the ball park is going to the extreme. I have seen multiple World War Two movies, in colour even (Watched that entire show Combat in reruns about 3 times!), and the colour of the American troops in CM is not far off, even if it is off at all.

    However, a lot is personal preferece. I don't have a problem with the infantry, many other's don't either, yet, some do. You cannot make a perfect game that pleases everyone. From what I have seen of screenshots it appears as if there are not that much change in the appearence or colouring of the uniforms. I am sure that they nailed this one with their astute closeness to reality.

    For all honesty, they could have released the game based PURELY on the demo that we have recieved (however with more units and maps!) and it will still be the best wargame that I have ever seen in my life. It's gameplay is excelent, indeed, I love the artwork and 3D modeling, I mean the tracks of the Tanks even move!! When it turns, one goes forward while the other goes back!! It is freaking amazing!!!! I am not trying to criticise you, but, what they have done so far is amazing. Most games don't come out in Platnum as good as their demo has.

    [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 12-17-99).]

  8. Got a question about the Universal Carriers. What exactly can they carry? I have seen pictures of these things, and even one up close and personal in Quebec City. They can tow just about any Allied AT Gun, but, what can they tote in troops? They can fit the Driver and Gunner, and possibly 2-3 other people cramped in the back. Indeed, I have seen even smaller Belgian Tractors (in pictures) carry around 4 guys, but, this was not in actual battlefield conditions (more like down a highway). Other than a portable Machinegun what use are Universal Carriers other than moving AT guns? Or is this all?

  9. Well, we must remember too that the battle of Kursk was initiated by the Germans. Frequently in history have attacks been made at 1:1, or even much less odds, occasionally with much success. The numerical odds tell almost nothing of the forces at hand. There is the Quality of the Leadership, Units, and Equipment which take an integral part. I would much rather have a company of Regulars armed with M1 Rifles attack an entire battalion of Conscripts with bolt action rifles any day. Just look at our games too. Although we cannot tell much so far, as the quality between the soldiers is very similar, we all know that green and conscript troops are good for little more than defence. I would hate to have to take any postition with conscripts. Indeed, in Chance Encounter the Germans have a small Conscript Platoon, and I neglected to check their status and threw them into a heated battle, boy did they run! However, on another occasion, one platoon of Regular and Green troops was crossing a field, and te Regular squads (2 of them) headed back to cover, leaving only the Green HQ and Squad to take the position. Which they did. Sometimes you can get these guys to become hero's, but, the chances are much better for your Veterans!

  10. Although this doesn't deal with Combat Mission, it does follow on the War in the Pacific theme. TGN is doing a remake of Gary Grigbsy's Pacific War, as most of you are aware of. Indeed, I thought that the original was one of the best wargames I have seen. It is being graphically, and internally updated. Allowing for a much more realistic game. I think that they have even included vessels as small as Minesweepers, along with all of the historical larger, Ships, Planes and Land Units. It is supposed to ship out in Spring 2000, so way after CM, but, it will hopefully quench our lust for games dealing with the Pacific Theatre, however, on the Macro scale.

  11. Even though I know that this has already been looked at, I did not see the response, nor can I find that post again. Here I go.. Is there going to be anything to denote where a squad/Unit was destroyed? Like where they were down to just one man and bit the bullet? It has happened to me where a unit suddenly disappeared a few turns ago, or, one of my really good units got annihilated. I would like to see something, like a little cross, or a gun with a helmet on it, just to mark where the unit died. This is to show certain information, mostly just for the end of the game. I know that someone mentioned this before, and I don't mean to reiterate, but, what was the end result?

  12. Just a few additions, hopefully not repeats (even though I did look over the post beforehand!)

    How about broken units. Do they keep that Exclamation mark from battle to battle? I would assume so, but, if there is enough time between engagements, and suitable reinforcements can't the squad regain it's composure?

    What if, a few battles after a tank was 'abandoned' they manage to recapture it. Is it possibly availible, or have their enemies stripped it of every usefull part?

    One question I had about he process of operations, is, what is the driving force? I know that movement and kill ratio are taken into account, but, without victory points, what is the goal of certain missions? Possibly, both commanders will start off defensive, and nothing will happen for a few turns. Maybe this is supposed to be what happens, I don't know. I can see later on in the operation, when you have a rough guess at the enemies strength, but, what will be the reason for a well entrenched force to move forward? I just don't understand this.

  13. Well, I just pre-ordered the game, and, well it goes all to hell. When I first did the process, I took my time and made sure that everything was ok. However, when I pressed 'send order' or whatever it said, I recieved an error message, stating that it did not accept my purchase as there was too long of a time lapse or something. So, I just go and reorder the product. However, after I do this, I go to check my e-mail for the confirmation, and, I recieve TWO of them! It seems as if the first order did indeed go through even though it said that it didn't! I sent a message back to sales@battlefront.com, but, I am unsure about their 'all sales are final' deal. I really hope that I am not stuck with TWO copies of this game. Even though it is a great game, I don't need two.

    I don't know if you guys at Big Time have any control over sales and such at Battlefront, but, their records will clearly show 2 purchases made within a small amount of time dealing with the same product, and I did not intend to purchase both of them. So, basically this is my plea for sanity, and the sake of my credit card to get this sordid mess sorted out. I sent a message trying to cancel one of the orders because of the circumstances, but, I don't know of the result. Some help would be greatfully gratifying.

  14. If you are using that sniper in a bell tower analogy from S.P.R., then you must know that any poorly trained sniper wouldn't be caught alive in one. They would be caught dead, but not alive :)

    Bell towers may give you a good view, but, they are such a target. Even the lowliest private would think that would be the best place to snipe from. And this is what makes it such a horrible place, everyone would look there.

    Of course, this doesn't mean that those of us playing CM don't have the option about placing our guys there. I suppose that it was only done for simplicity sake. It would probably make programing the game a little more difficult having a spot that can't be filled by a squad of men, let alone a HMG or bazooka team, but only a sniper. Plus, how often do we get snipers anyway? Frankly, I haven't had much use for the one we are given!

    I don't know about that roof thing. It was kind of bugging me too. However, the only instance I can think of where there were actually soldiers fighting on a rooftop was on the "longest day" (If we are using movie history as actual history). This was where that Free French group was assaulting that fortified Casino, with the AT gun at its base and the 2x 20mm AA guns on the roof with a bunch of MMG's and troops. However, this building was so high up that nobody could shoot down on them. The main reason that I can think of why troops would not go up on a rooftop, even with a mortor, is, that there is absolutely no cover up there. Sure, there might be a slight wall, but, you might as well be hiding in a freshly cut field! No cover from above. Indeed, I have also found trying to position mortors very difficult. This is why I perfer FO, you can hide them wherever you want! But, I try to avoid buildings alltogether, the tend to fall on your head too easily!

  15. Market Garden was almost like Germany's Crete. After the end of WWII I am pretty sure that the Allies rethought the use of massive Airborne operations. They just aren't armed heavily enough to withstand organized and determined resistance. At Arnheim, there were 2 SS Panzer Divisions nearby, reforming after their mauling in Normandy. Indeed, these formations were very weary and depleted, yet, they were still able to decimate the British forces. Using Arborne troops for such large Tactical uses is, well, idiotic. If the land forces were closer, then the use of airborne as a support for the ground troops would have been practical. Ground forces in support of airborne fails, or almost fails every time.

  16. Certain gamey tactics are unavoidable. These are, when you know where and when enemy reinforcements will appear so you can adjust your forces accordingly. This is utterly horrible in Last Defence. The Hellcats and Platoon appear in the same spot, roughly on the same turn. So, the Germans know exactly where to bring their armour and infantry at the correct turn.

    A way to get around this, is, to have all reinforcements appear OUT of enemy line of fire. That is, either they appear behind trees, in a valley, or behind buildings. Or, have them appear at random spots at their entry zone? Instead of everything being placed right on the road, how about randomly, or at the player's choice? Now, the player's choice idea could lead to a whole new set of gamey tactics which renders it to be a null choice. I say, let the computer decide where they pop up, totally randomly.

    Now, I have honestly never used vehicle crews for anything other than guarding prisoners or rear defence. FO officers are also just about as good as tank crews. When they have served their purpose I usually coralle them into an area, as some sort of emergency rear defence if my attack or defense plan crumbles. Sure, I use crews to reinforce a rear area building freeing up better troops for the front line. Just in case they break through, I will have something to try and stop them, however, they can probably stop just about nothing.

    If someone scouts out your position with a bazooka team, and then starts to send in overwealming force, then, retreat. You know that you have killed one of the valuable and relatively few bazooka teams, so, consider it a victory! This might not apply to the Germans, but, these are the Allie's only form of portable Infantry Anti-tank units they have, so, if they want to waste them LET THEM! There are ways to counter these gamey tactics within the game system.

    If you are having a player bombarding places where they know you have set up troops due to default setup regulations, then, just move them around during set up! Realistically, if the game does allow it, then why not? It is not like you cannot use the same tactics against them? Also as Steve stated, for tank crews and FO, they won't add much towards gaining victory in a charge, they will only gain casualties and the LOSS of victory points. Possibly, the points for FO could be raised too, or just lower their experience level (unless that hinders bombardment time) so they have less will for suicidal charges.

  17. Fionn, hey, I never claimed to be innocent of transgressions myself (did I? If so sorry!). Just, that after so much, uhh, stuff, happening on a lot of these posts things are showing signs of degenerating. I didn't mean to single anyone out, as all heated arguments, ESPECIALLY mine, are not needed, let alone make anyone happy. Just because you (you as in me, or anyone) make a stupid mistake, and learn from your faults to try and stop it happening to others, does this make me a hypocrite? (even if it was just minutes after?) Possibly so. That doesn't make me loose all credibility, does it? But, also notice my quick retraction and appology, even though it was brought upon by your diplomacy. I thank you for this. I wish everyone, including myself, had someone ready to hit you (you as in not YOU personally, but everyone) over the head with the reality stick. surely my post could have been more peaceful, but, I really thought that the Charlton Heston/Homer Simpson quote at the end really emphasized my point! I am sorry if things are getting too hot around here, partially to my incitements. So, in order to salvage possible future PBEM opponents I am shutting up now on all contraversal arguments. My opinion is definitely not needed.

  18. Not to trivialize a tragic and horrid event but... "Can't we all just get along?"

    I mean REALLY! Absolutely NOTHING is going to get solved here. NOT ONE DAMN THING! Each 'side' in this PATHETIC argument will not listen nor make concessions to the other. They ALL add, this isn't personal, and then say something like you started it, GROW UP! EVERYONE! I liked this board because it used to be civil! There were discussions, not arguments!

    I am on some other boards, filled with constant harassment, name calling, and whatnot. Even though this argument is indeed much more civil (nobody's mother has yet been insulted) it is ruining this board and causes friction! Friction is bad, usually causes heat, resulting in nearby explosives going off No matter how much evidence you all post for your sides nobody is suddenly going to have a revelation that OH! I WAS WRONG! The only thing that could be worse than listening to more pointless argument is if they send us to that horible Planet of the Apes... wait a minute... Statue of Liberty... THAT WAS OUR PLANET! DAMN YOU!! THEY BLEW IT UP!! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!! sob...

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