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Major Tom

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Posts posted by Major Tom

  1. Let me guess Colin, Western is the koolest school in existence? Over hear in Guelph (if anyone from London can read a map :) just kidding!) we gotz ourselves loads of snow. Of course, it all melted before the sun came up!! Actually, it is snowing right now...

    Here's an average day over in Guelph...

    Get up at 12:30 to get to my 1:00 class, get home, watch TV, go to bar, drink some beer, come home, play CM PBEM (no wonder I suck!), go to sleep, wake up for class...

    I love having 9 hours of school per week!

    Major Tom

    Guelph, Ontario, Canada


    You know of the Western/Guelph, or rather Western/Any-other-university rivalry? Ever hear this slogan?

    I'd rather step in sh*t at Guelph than to sleep with it at Western. Made me laugh until I stopped!

    Hey, don't worry, I have relatives who live in London, and Friends who go to Western. At least you don't live in Hamilton! (Or did I dig myself into a bigger hole!)

    [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-13-2000).]

  2. Just hit me where I saw it. Sorry, but, it isn't quite as detailed as the first one I found. It only contains the structure down to the number of squads and heavy weapons. I cannot, for the life of me, remember where I saw the site that had the squads pinned down to the individual man.

    Here's the British one


    Here's where I got it from...


    This is all known for the guys at BTS, let alone any other person who stumbled upon TGN's Scenario OOB's. I will try to find the more detailed one, I seem to remember it had German and French Companies also...

  3. Squads contain anywhere from 8-12 men (possibly larger or smaller, but, rarely so). Usually 10 men. They have a Sergeant as the Squad commander, usually 6 or so Privates armed with Rifles, 1 man armed with a SMG, and another with a LMG. However, there are many different types of squads. Some SMG squads just have ALL troops armed with SMG's. Heavy SMG squads have 6 SMG's and 2 LMG's. We haven't seen all types of squads so far, but, there are many!

    Between 4-2 Squads makes up a Platoon. Platoons are commanded by a Platoon HQ, of a Lieutenant along with his attendants (possibly 3-5 other troops). Other units such as a HMG, or an infantry AT unit can be attached.

    You cannot detacth just the LMG, and or the SMG to provide cover. It will always be dividing in half, or having the best equality possible per section.

    You can divide up a squad by 1/2. A ten man squad can be divided into 2 5 man sections. They are less powerful seeing as their firepower is halved, but, they can cover more ground. You cannot determine which squad has what weapon (which has the LMG and SMG), but, the computer tries to create 2 equal halves (having about the same firepower). So, you could divide up a squad having the half with the LMG to provide long range cover and have the othe half do the attack, however, you will end up having a half squad attack a full enemy squad. If you can get the LMG section to pin down the enemy your chances are better for success. Abstractly, in CM this tactic could work.

    [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-12-2000).]

  4. Spook, I am not certain I spelled McClellan correct either. However, he, like Polk, was very beloved by his troops. Why else would he have been called back after being dismissed? Of coure, Lincoln didn't have too many other choices!

    I would rank Montgomery to be about as good a commander as Patton. There were much better generals on all sides of the war, and there were many more worse ones. It just happens that these two were in the right place at the right time.

    Actually, General Aukinlek (I have NO idea how to spell his name) was the mastermind behind the winning army of El Alemain. He was only removed from command because he refused to be bullied by Churchill to prematurely launch his offensive. He was replaced with Monty, who, followed Aukinlek's plan to the tee. Monty also refused to attack early, but, wasn't sacked by his protest. Auk commanded the Army in the desert since Crusader, and has only suffered defeat where any other British commander would have. He is probably the equal to Montogomery. Many sacked Generals were as good, if not better commanders than those famous ones who replaced them.

  5. The McClelland/Montgomery comparison only goes so far. They both liked overwealming numbers, but, Monty knew when enough was enough and was willing to commit them in order to win. McClelland always retreated back home after the slightest defeat. Even if his force still severely outnumbered his enemy he would always withdraw. He always believed the false reports of enemy strength, whined to Washington DC for reinforements and allowed his enemy to build up their foreces and prepare for the attack, or to attack themselves. Monty, however, was a better strategist as well as a good creater of a powerful army.

    If McClelland was at El Alemain he would have retreated to Alexandrea after the first battle. British casualties were high, it looked as if the position might be breeched, but, the German position wasn't too good either.

  6. Zigster, indeed, the Canadians had to beg in WWII for engagement, but, wherever they were egaged they really made something of themselves. There were multiple feats of heroism in Italy, but, we weren't included in all of the big disasters like Cassino and Anzio. The Canadian I Corps in Italy was on the East coast of Italy, far away from the mountains of the centre and the main attention of historians.

    Dieppe, long considered a dark point on Canadian Military history is wrongly interpreted as so. It was a British plan that went awry, and like the ANZAC at Gallipoli the Canadian's at Dieppe took too much responsibility for the defeat. Not a single Canadian unit cracked and broke, even with the horrendous casualties and small chance of getting back to England. They achieved as many goals as they could under the circumstances. This was the 2nd Divisions first combat, and did much better than most veteran allid formations would have.

    It took the SHAEF way too long to issue Canadian's with any good combat duties after the Normandy era. We were given the duties in clearing out enemy held ports (Someone had to do it!) until the time came to clear out the Scheldt and liberate Holland.

    In WWI Canadians were recognized as the Shock Troops, in WWII they still had the same ability but neither the British nor Americans were willing to admit so until 1945.

    Plus, to say that all Canadian commanders are incompetent is wrong too (even though I previously stated this point!). General Crear, commander of the Canadian Expeditionary Army in 1939-42, Commander of the I Canadian Corps in Italy 43-44 and Commander of the 1st Canadian Army in Europe 1944-45 was an outstanding leader and military commander even with his advanced age.

    There was a labour shortage in the Canadian army as well as in the British army. I blame this mostly on the focus of both Armies on having a large strategic Airforce. 50% of all British and Canadian KIA was of as a result from air operations from 1939-45. Most of these casualties took place in the relatively inefficient bombing of German cities. The Allies built up too big of a Strategic Airforce that was not doing its job. Freeing up men for the more important role of the Army, or that of the Tactical Airforce could have probably sped up the victory of the war, along with less casualties on all sides.

    [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-12-2000).]

  7. I am not sure if the trinity concept is by rule for every formation... Many British/Canadian forces used the trinity idea up to the point of Company's. Company's are usually labled after letters. A Company of the Black Watch Battalion for example... However, through much of my reading, there exists a D Company as well as an A, B, and C. Otherwize, most formations were based on the rule of 3. I did have a link showing the layout of a typical British Infantry Battalion down to the individual man level, but, I seem to have lost it...

  8. Well, in CM2 one definitely has to model the Polish Home army. Equipped with all sorts of small arms it was probably the most militaristic, yet, unsuccessful 'partisan' unit in the war. They should have waited until the Russians had already entered the city to start their uprising.

  9. Never put AFV's on Hide, at least not on the demo. I had a StuG on hide, thinking that they will just tone down the engine or crew noise. However, to my dismay they do everything they can to avoid enemy contact. 1 Sherman came over the hill, my tank fired smoke and turned in a semi-circle leaving it's left side in the open to the enemy which promptly blew the StuG up.

  10. StuGs can be deadly, if you know how to use them. Much like the 88, StuG's are only really effective at long ranges, and where they are already set up in their line of fire. I am in 2 PBEM games right now, they are both in Chance Encounter and my StuGs are fairing differently in each game. One game has my StuG's picking off Sherman's at long range and providing good infantry cover (lost 1 StuG vs. 2 Shermans). However, my other PBEM where the Sherman's closed the range and can use their turrets to full advantage I am trying desparatley to survive (lost 2 StuG vs. 1 Sherman!). Get your StuGs into positions where they can get to the Shermans long range, and, place them where they cannot be attacked at by multiple angles.

  11. Just like fighter engagements during WWII. Nobody held down the trigger. 300 Rounds of MG fire could be used in 14 seconds. They, like the MG's on land were taught to fire in bursts to conserve ammo. Plus, there were only a few rare occurences where a single Machine Gunner had the same number of targets as D-Day right infront of their gun. Plus, ammo in CM runs out fast enough, I wouldn't want it to go even faster!

  12. What I dislike in Risenburg with the 88's is that you cannot position them to complement eachother. I have occasionally managed to set up positons where they both can see through to the road (where the AI usually comes down to), but, the fact that each of these guns has to usually engage all on it's own results in it being destroyed. I perfer tanks and Assault tanks to AT guns purely on their mobility. Although they are easy to hide, once they are found out they are usually toast!

  13. Only saw a commercial for ST, but, it was on something called the Cartoon Channel. It only shows garbage toons, so, I just assumed it was, well garbage (I know, I know, if you assume anything you make an ASS out of U and ME)

    I was really pissed of at how they ended Space: Above and Beyond. I mean, they get whats-her-head back from the 'Chigs' (Pardon the use of a racist term), one of them gets blown up, and two more are slated as MIA. Then the show just ends. Kind of like how Tour of Duty ended, with no conclusion whatsoever. That show just started to get realistic, actually showing bullit ricoches by the last season!

    PS. does ST the toon have the same nudity as in ST the movie? it might explain its weird hours, and the fact that Madmatt loves it so!


  14. Operation Veritable, 1945

    The British/Canadian forces fired suppression artillery and smoke as if they were making an advance. The Germans opened up with just about everything they had against this attack. However, not a single Allied soldier was in position to advance or were in the fire of the Germans. This was all a feint in order to flesh out the majority of the German artillery which was destroyed or forced to move/withdrawl. When the real attack was made resistence was much less. Recon by fire can be used either to fool the TacAI or a PBEM player.

  15. Actually, I don't follow Hockey too much, but, still know who Don Cherry is. However, I did watch the Winter Olympics, the Canadian Hockey team was accurately quoted by one of my friends as being "Kings of Garbage".

    I have always thought about seting up a Bar at Nigra or Windsor, all of those un-drunken 19-20 year old Americans would make me a billionare to rival Bill Gates!

    Mike O, Put together a bunch of French Canadians and just about anyone and you will have a brawl on your hands. Had a friend who went to University of Ottawa, right on the boarder of Ontarion and Quebec. He had multiple stories of bar fights with French Canadians for just being English Canadians. However, I am sure that every nation has its dark military records. Whoever started it will never be known. I tend not to like reading books of autrocities as no matter who writes them or which side they are talking about they always exaggerate one side over the other. As I understand it, atrocities took place either through a misunderstanding of orders, or, through the actions of individual soldiers.

    Actually, there was a Conscription Crisis in Canada. Conscription was only used to fill up the defence of Canada rather than supply manpower for the front lines. There were 5 Infantry and Armoured Divisions, along with many independent Brigades, Corps and Army HQ Units. Also, there were 3 full divisions of volunteers and conscripts (Called Zombies) guarding the East and West Coast. I think that almost 1 million men and women were in the Canadian armed forces. This is a really large figure especially for the population at the time (around 11 Million?). I Think England mobilized around 4.6 Million people. 42,000 KIA during the 6 years that we were at war.

  16. Tossing small Asian trees at the Germans usually worked fine, but, in this case I think that they were ready for it. :)

    Actually, as I was writing it, I was thinking wether or nit o wiz taping ut rit? Damn Microsoft Spellchecker!

    Bonsai, Bonzai, Bonanza? They are all the same, eh?

    [This message has been edited by Major Tom (edited 01-08-2000).]

  17. Sorry if this has already been pointed out, but, the flag used in CM is the German National flag for that era. They didn't use the old Black, White and Red, or the later Black, Yellow and Red. Air recognition for many German Army tanks was a spread out Swastika. Indeed, the sign is only after the fall of Hitler seen to be an evil device. It is still used by some Budists (I think). It is a religious sign, a national sign. The same argument can be used for putting on the Hammer and Sicle for the Rrussians in CM2. Maybe Russia won't allow it and demand the Red Blue and White Flag? However, my loose following of Russian politics shows that the Communist Party still has much support.

    Actually, Americans do and or did, have laws on things that they can and cannot purchase, see, listen to, or do in the privacy of their own homes. You cannot purchase anything from Cuba (Cuban Cigars) and some books and musical styles were illegal. Any hint of someone forming a Union was met by organized violence in the name of Anti-Communism. Some American towns cancelled free concerts by a female lesbian group, even though the response by teens was overwealmingly for it. American's think that us in Canada are practically Communists because of our mixed Capitalist/Socialist Government and Economy.

    Possibly laws restricting things people can by are good things? The Swastika may have not been an evil device 60 years ago, but, because of the Nazi's it now is, no matter what it's original purpose was. The Japanese are now working on getting back the Rising Sun for their national flag. This was a flag representative of the domination of the Pacific and Southeast Asia. Possibly the equivalent to the German Swastika in the eyes of their victims.

    Some censorship is needed. Just look at what is on TV. There are just so many shows about real life criminals in action, buildings and disasters, even people's deaths. "THE BEST PART WAS WHEN THE BUILDINGS FELL DOWN! Yeah, maybe someone got hurt? YEAH!" A&E used to be my favorite TV channel, but, now it is just like FOX TV. I went to see a movie a couple weeks ago, "Duce Biggalo, Male Giggalo". It was basically washroom humour, indeed, much of it took place in a washroom, but, I was surprised at the violence and sexual content, and the average age of the kids in the theatre. It must have been 80% of unacompanied youths below the age of 16. I am flipping through TV during the daytime and am finding channels showing movies with full frontal nudity! WHERE WAS THIS WHEN I WAS YOUNG!!!! DAMN IT!!!

    I fully support Fionn and him allowing people to have a choice on this matter. The Nazi flag in CM isn't a big deal. People won't buy CM to play the Nazi's fighting against the 'impure horde'! We have to separate history from politics. If something happened in history we cannot just ignore it, we have to learn from it. Also, everyone who stated that they wanted to play the Germans stated this as so because of their kool equipment, not because of the Nazi philosophy.

    Compared to most of the world, America, Germany, Canada, , Australia, New Zealand, France, England, indeed all of Western, Southern and Northern Europe are very free societies. We are arguing about technicalities here, Africa, Asia, South/Central America, Russia, Eastern Europe and the Middle East are all in such horrible states of freedom. The most we have to worry about is fines and imprisonment. In these nations you can lose your and your family and friend's life for having the difference of opinion. Let us all be thankful.

  18. The worst thing you can do to a Canadian is to insult Hockey or Canadian beer.

    I recommend for people trying to understand Canadians and America's relation with Canada to watch the movie "Canadian Bacon". Funny, but true.

    Well, maybe not Molson. It claims to be the Canadian beer, seeing as they have a beer called the "Canadian". But, you find an awful lot of Canadian breweries here. Here in Guelph we have the Sleeman Brewery. Regularly go there for tours of the facilities, where they give you unlimited taste tests for beer.

    Well, Road Hockey in the summmer, when we lose half of our snow, does not require the use of mega amounts of protection. Except however, for the poor goaly.

    All that furosity is most probably the expendature of anger developed from visiting Americans. Imagine how fanatical the SS would be if they would have Americans living next door to them! Just kidding, we would never want to upset our nuclear armed friends from the south...

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