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M Hofbauer

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Everything posted by M Hofbauer

  1. CM BO is not Russia. It is not Winter 1942. now, as regards the topic, I heard something about "map edge bugging is fantastical"? how does that work, buggering on the map edge?
  2. I made a scenario with only unarmed jeeps / Kübelwagen. So as long as you stick to unarmed vehicles no prob. Now if you want to take the big cats for a stroll, then just make sure the other side is trapped somewhere without LOS. there. ------------------ "Please fix!!! or do somefink" (CPT S.)
  3. if there wasn't this stale aftertaste of your pic then your "GEeeeeeeeeeeez.....Its your fault anyway... my kid brther posted that pic...." would provoke me to LOL
  4. you don't need to put this in an open leter, because only one persobn is responsible for the problems you describe...one person alone...and if there is a god he is banned already
  5. GEEEEEEEEZUS if ya dont like it....Dont look at it... which becomes increasingly difficult to accomplish as the board is flooded with an influx of PEIPER SS-SPAM There are those in here that do... oh yes? who? .... (wind howling...in the far distance, a dog can be heard) not give a flying ****... interesting concept...how exactly does THAT work? care to post images about it? I am sure they'ld carry more public interest than your current SS fetish shtick
  6. I know a picture says a thousand words, but the keyboard might be more effective. Mikeydz, not with JOCHEN not ------------------ "Please fix!!! or do somefink" (CPT S.)
  7. It is good to know a little about what the guy your fighting as in CM looks like... hmm he does look rather queer...I mean all the black leather stuff uniform and all...looks like a classic case of homoerotic S/M to me
  8. hey JOCHEN PEIPER, I always wanted to know, maybe you can help: do stupid people have sex? I mean, how do they reproduce? Or is it that normal babies have their brains stolen right after birth?
  9. Joe, in QB or scenario design when you buy the units, in the lower left corner of the screen there are some rough data given on the item of purchase. among them is armor. for the concrete bunkers, IIRC it says up to 500mm or something.... hey WAIT A MINUTE ataru! it doesn't say 500mm of concrete! it says 500mm of ARMOR! that means, they have translated the 200cm of steel-reinforced concrete into the equivalent of 50cm armor! now, 50cm armor, that indeed is "nothing" as in "nothing can withstand a 14inch hit". case solved. ------------------ "Please fix!!! or do somefink" (CPT S.)
  10. Andreas...please stop it...ich kann nicht mehr....as if swamp, uncommented all by himself, wasn't enough to make a man die from oxygen deprivation due to laughing, now you come along with the revealed conspiracy...LOL...ROTFL....ow ow hey, swamp, watch out, the world government is watching you closely...yes, and they have black-clad FBI agents in black helicopters just waiting to take over...you are being observed all the time...the monitor in front of you actually works as a camera.....LOL ------------------ "Please fix!!! or do somefink" (CPT S.)
  11. Pvt. Ryan, many moons ago there was a thread about all this. It might prove interesting to this thread here, because it covers this same topic here in great detail, I had back then started that thread because I felt similarly about crews needing weapons etc., and that thread has several very comprehensive and interesting posts by BTS on the subject, why the crews are modeled the way it is now: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/001223.html ------------------ "Please fix!!! or do somefink" (CPT S.)
  12. I also happen to know that beta testers are not aware of the situation. In fact, I have just informed one. ROTFLMAOPMP....whhhoooo....whoo...(tears in eyes)...gasp gasp (needs air)... swamp, you are....so...umm.....cute. ------------------ "Please fix!!! or do somefink" (CPT S.)
  13. David you sharpwit and wordtwister, "nothing" yes that is a very philosophic question. everything is nothing, eventually. Would nothing exist without something? Could anything exist if everything was something and there wouldn't be nothing to define it against?... on a more practical note, atari is right, if the concrete bunkers in CM are max. 50cm of concrete, then they should not do too well under close 14" scrutiny. and this even has a remote relation to my beloved signature! ------------------ "Please fix!!! or do somefink" (CPT S.)
  14. Interesting. So the actual amount of material the round would have to penetrate, given the results from tests I did with CM would be snip) basically yes but please keep in mind that this is only the increase of matter alone due to geometric logic. There are additional factors of deflection, structure etc. that slope benefits from, much too compliacted for someone like me. nice to see that at least someone got my point re. the plain logic of increase in armor due to geometric angle alone (hey this is a jab at you, Waters *g*) a summary table at the end of the pages listing the various specs (tube size, weight, etc) for each weapon would be real handy. yes that sounds like a good idea indeed! yours sincerely, M.Hofbauer ------------------ "Please fix!!! or do somefink" (CPT S.)
  15. first of all, as I have stated repeatedly in the past, StuGs should not have ANY smoke ammo as part of their regular loadout. They were only issued when the upcoming mission asked for it, and then of course they would have more than what they are currently modeled with. believe it or not, I _regularly_ run out of StuG III ammo. Of course it depends on what you kind of battles you play. If you do many points many armor small map QB's of course it's a short but bloody tankfest. I prefer larger games, preferrably operations, with maps of several kilometers in distances, where engagements can take place at many hundreds of meters, and they keep banging away for quite a bit sometimes. or a second machine gun? (with plenty of extra bullets) and this, my asterisk friend, is where you are wrong. They both have 24 units of ammo for the machineguns. Id est, the IIIG (late) dioes not have one measly little Mauser 7.92mm round more for it's second machine gun. And since they are so short on MG ammo anyhow - those 24 MG units are used up faster than you can say tomato - it doesn't really matter if you have one or two useless because empty machine guns. ------------------ "Please fix!!! or do somefink" (CPT S.)
  16. hmm I think the eye of isis looks a bit different, that's why I thought he is just your ordinary off-the-hook asterisk-snake fetishist, but if he's an egyptian deity / pharaoh - cool - he's a prime candidate for THE THREAD. hmmm....lots of interesting people you can meet on the CM forum..it never ceases to amaze me... [not edited. not not not] [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 09-03-2000).]
  17. Has anyone else had a vehicle decide to target through a nearby building, fire, and destroy itself when the round impacts on the building? well I had a german Nashorn do something that IMO borders very close to ritual sebukku...I had a regular Nashorn kill itself while it was hunting for infantry. The infantry was just a few meters away, and the Nashorn fired a HE shell at them with maximum barrel depression. Needless to say the Nashorn killed itself (no other cause possible), and got it's suicide shown in it's kill statistic. ------------------ "Please fix!!! or do somefink" (CPT S.)
  18. dear asterisk-snake lover, just for you I personally took a look at the StuG III and IV. I admit they are very similar, as you stated. However, the point value isn't so much different, 92 or 97 resp. to 99 on regular. I can only attribute the slightly higher cost for the IV to the fact that it has a larger ammo loadaout, a maximum of 63 rounds as compared to the III's 54 rounds. The value of this additional ammo should not be underestimated, because in prolonged engagements my StuG IIs often run out of ammo, so that almost 10 more rounds really does make a practical difference. just my two (old) Zloty yours sincerely, M.Hofbauer btw: ok I give up you beat me in smilies.
  19. Bunkers are still immune to artillery... or very close to it anyway. that's fine. Now - where's the problem? I've found that they are once again too resilient. ahh, now I get it. you want bunkers to blow up in spontaneous self-combustion if a 75mm FO sneezes at them from 1.5km afar? as regards concrete bunkers to be too immune to artillery, I've got one word for you: CONCRETE. yes. why do you think concrete bunkers were not built with an open top? yep, that's correct, so they wouldn't have to look at the birds flying overhead. as a basic design principle a regular german 08/15 concrete bunker (actually, the type 630, 677 or 685 gun emplacement bunkers) had a standard wall (includes ceiling) thickness of 2 meters. for you nonmetric angloamericans, that's roughly 2 yards or 6 feet or something similarly weird. that's like 200cm or 2000mm of steel reinforced concrete. standard bunkers were made of 2m concrete slabs/walls. now I am not sure which type of bunker exactly the one in CM is supposed to represent, but considering that it carries a 75mm or 88m AT gun it is probably a type somewhere in the range we are talking about here. there have been threads on the type of bunkers. you might want to try a search Why do StuG IVs cost more than StuG III Gs? I believe the StuG IV has slightly better ground pressure, but it is slower, has worse armor and one less machine gun! (no other differences if I remember correctly, excluding weight and perhaps silhouette) you are free to buy the StuG III Ausf. G if you think it's a better bargain. Now, I'd appreciate it if noone tells me I've phrased my post rudely or some such and demands apologies. Ataru, you've phrased your post rudely or some such and I demand some weird sort of apology. AND...you're a hamster. Wax that. Lierally. yours, M.Hofbauer btw: clarification: that last line was a joke, smilie and all. notice: no animals, whatever small, were hurt in the process of creating this post.
  20. Markus thats the crux of it (...) So as tou your point based on the material I have I would then have to say I stand by the articles content. ok I will take that as a "yes I firmly stand by pic 1" then I don't, I did notice the possibility that you are wrong wasnt included above . dammit. I thought I could pull it off. Or their is another posibility in that SC technology has changed so much since the 40s that my material is to advanced. naw, don't think so. nice attempt though at making a compromise with which we could both save our faces Ok I'll accept that, the warheads external shape of the cone was causing the problems, is interesting as the HE cylnnder's delayed detonation after impact caused penetration, if it was mishapen that would effect the jets initial formation I'd reckon?. hmm maybe not sure...I really don't know any details, I always figured maybe it would simply kinda deflect off... Now as of 1976 copper lined SC warheads could penetrate armor to a depth of 5 1/2 times the diameter of their cones, I have no idea what that WW2 SC rounds depth was. Anyone got any real good data on WW2 SC warheads cone diamaters? & liner compositions?. as I stated before IIRC the PzF-30 type warhead did definitely not have a liner. the germans were experimenting with it for the new PzF150 however... Now one could say that you can't trust the printed material etc, or use it to dismiss their findings out right if one doesnt agree with them. But one cannot outright dismiss them when its all you have to use to form an opionon on with no contrary evidence tou use as a basis for dismisal. of course I feel uneasy dismissing these. my only explanation would be that meaybe they are not talking about what we are talking. Maybe they say something like "obliquity does not play a role" and they mean in regard to deflections etc, but theyx don't mean the effective increase of the mater to be penetrated due to simple geometry. Otherwise I am at a loss to explain the perceived discrepancies to the autor's you quote. My only counter evidence is common sense / logic, as I tried to illustrate with the images above. I disagree the liner has everything to do with the SC warheads penetration performance that's not what I meant. of course it is very important to the AP of HC ammunitions. But -I repeat myself here - it was not present in the early HC systems, hence the fact that the liner contributes (emphasis is on contributes since the HC effect works without the liner, too) to the effect of the HC is of no relevence to our discussion of the PzF-30 type HC warhead. so we kinda cross-talked (rather -typed). yours sincerely, Markus Hofbauer ------------------ "Please fix!!! or do somefink" (CPT S.)
  21. now now "PP" isn't very specific, it's almost like saying "SMG" - do you mean the PPD-40 or the PPSh-41 or the PPS-42 / PPS-43? Sorry about the spelling errors or lack of basic punctuation I was typing this really fast why? besides, the time it took you to type this disclaimer would have sufficed for an at least cursory rereading and correction of any typos. ?? ------------------ "Please fix!!! or do somefink" (CPT S.)
  22. beg pardon? you want to cut in half the size of the inf squad? now come on that's silly - people don't die instantly just because they run out of ammunition (directly-eventually it might inded prove a reason for the early demise of a squad). I think the current way of having them fire only sporadically when they ran out of ammo is ok. It's as good as it can get with all the FP and squad abstraction. Once we get the full cc-like representation of every man and his weapon incl. ammo as promised by BTS for CM2 *G* then this won't be an issue anymore... Hofbauer has written.. ------------------ "Please fix!!! or do somefink" (CPT S.)
  23. yep. I concur, couldn't have said it better. maybe I could add that CM is really sensitive for such people to give it a bad name if unchecked, as Dr Brian has shown us there are a lot of people who will readily throw CM and the rest of us into one trashcan with such people. [This message has not been edited. The script for this page, and the server, are lying.] [This message has been edited by M Hofbauer (edited 09-03-2000).]
  24. if only because I don't see why Fionn gets banned but someone who does criminally actionable (at least in germany) statements of a most tactless kind gets to stay here, for Commissar and all the others here's the link to the final thread: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/009321.html sorry but I am not a politician nor a criminal so covering-up isn't my style - to the contrary it's my job to help the truth to be uncovered btw: madmatt, since your CMHQ still lists you and Fionn as the hosts - is Fionn stillactive "behind the scenes"? or is his name kept there due to courtesy because of his former involvement? I am just interested to know, really. ------------------ "Please fix!!! or do somefink" (CPT S.)
  25. Rommel22, please read again closely what peiper said in this thread: http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/009915.html if you are a german, then this should be especially appalling to you, and I don't uinderstand how it wouldn't unless you are an east german baldhead youth. I think you should seriously reconsider putting up for Peiper. mit freundlichen Grüßen, M.Hofbauer
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