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Posts posted by PeterNZer

  1. The german tanks have Hamster mechanics strapped to the barrells, so there is no problem.

    You are correct, however, in that the Allies mgs should probably jam.




    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote:

    PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  2. Hamsters, since their escape from the bunker in '45 have been perfecting the dark cultish activities of the SS and other fanatical Nazis.

    There's a little known hamster demon cult which has practiced and honed the art of mind control to such a degree that people who even look at a representation of a WW2 german vehicle or soldier find their lives and lusts inexorably drawn towards the hamster.

    This site:


    Is infact the secret coded web-headquarters of this hamster cult. Their leaders are displayed in all their terrible glory. I beg you not to spend too long there, lest your mind be turned to jello, they can see you watching them you know!

    Avoid all contact with this secret society and resist the urges to put a bucket on your head, curl up into a ball and go 'eek eeek'. Their scurrying minions will soon be at your side if you do.

    The evidence of the conspiracy to control our minds is clear. Taking the hyperlinks from this page


    and aranging them in the order you appear you get the insidious subliminal suggestion:

    breeder sex breeder cages and equipment fluffy bedding

    You can not deny it any more! The evidence is clear!



    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote:

    PeterNZ: He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 10-06-2000).]

  3. pong



    <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hamsters Wrote:

    PeterNZ: PeterNZer: Hamas, the guard who dies at Helm’s Deep. He hasn’t proven to be particularly valiant but I think he’d make a good doorman<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  4. I think the others are wrong =)

    I've never ever had any sucess backing trooops out of a firefight, they always get their asses shot off and end up breaking.

    As i see it you have one split platoon of brits forward that has met one, (or more) gerry platoon. My tactic here is to use the superior numbers of allied soldiers and try and surround the enemy.

    Cutting into them from two directions at once, even with split squads is VERY painful and i've done very well with a split platoon of allies vs' full platoon of axis.

    If I were you I'd let them hold there and do two things

    1) the half squads which aren't being shot at move to the enemy platoons flanks or rear and then shoot up the squads.

    2) use the info you've gained "ah, he's got stuff over there". Now make sure you have good LOS to the avenues of advance in that area, call in arty if need be, move any reserves to create an ambush there.

    Now, if you're facing SMG squads or anything, you're fooked smile.gif I wouldn't bother trying to rescue them, they'll just get cut down and die anyway, and won't be of any use to you later on. Rather, let them die fighting and take some jerries with them.


  5. Anything that adds a bit more authenticity is great smile.gif

    BTS might have good reasons for CM being like it is now. For them, they may have spent all their time in positions like that, but organicy type mortars may have found themselves needing to be more mobile?

    For defensive battles makes a lot of sense tho


  6. hehe, smilie in the topic should keep the sewage out! biggrin.gif


    I'm one of those people who doesn't know all the armor and stuff, but hear the nicknames. However, when it comes to buying the stuff in game, I can't remember which matches which nickname. Any chance of providing the nicknames in the purchasing menu? I may be missing something, (ie. I have a mind like a sieve, they could already be in there), but I would find this really handy BTS! thoughts? smile.gif


  7. I also disagree with David.

    If you made a game with a CM engine, (or modified version) targeted at a wide fan base I think the publishers would be fighting over getting the rights.

    Take the 40k universe, which is suited perfectly to CM in my mind. If you mde a full-on 40k game, did the whole turnbased thing etc etc, I'm sure it would get attention, that game has A LOT of fans.


  8. ... and air support is the ONE thing we can't rely on as Allies! You know, i've played CM and never ever seen it arrive, although I've bought it a couple of times frown.gif

    Well anyway. I've had a good run with German tanks recently. A PBEM i'm in at the moment has two panther IVj's (? I forget) on a hill, totally dominating the battlefield. Already took out two british tanks with one shot from each Germy tank and now they are racking up the infantry kills.

    However, I haven't seen the reported nigh-invulnerability mentioned in the fascinating stuff published above.

    Just a quick question, i'm at work so can't check cm, what are they refering to when they are talking about IV and VI and the M4e8 which they like.. which is that? Which is the 24 that's so popular too?

    Someone fill us in on the different tanks listed there.. I forget.

    I mean, i'm inclined to use the IV and VI just because they are nicely historical.

    Very interesting, thanks


  9. I think the Allies and the Germans are about even. And I'm pleased to see the allies have the advantage clos up as Steve pointed out. Those semi automatics can just pour out mor fire than the bolt action rifles. And I know if I was facing semis and I had a bolt action I'd be feeling mighty nervous.

    One thing people might want to try is using half squads on the assault.. Sounds weird but it works really well. (well did when i tried it back in gold demo hehe). The times I've used it I've had a platoon scouting forward, come across some germans and then move to envelop them. In the end you have two good sized groups of men firring at one group of Germans, and the best thing is you can get them from two directions at once. This seems to really cut into them much more than a full sized squad from one direction. (they don't like it up 'em Capt. Manering!)

    Not sure on this really. I mean, they have a worse time with morale if they start loosing and all.. hmm. But the numbers advantage is usefull here! Tried scouting with halfsquads of germans? They run like girls as soon as someone looks at them funny, 4-5 men per squad, ouch.

    PeterNZ - rambling as usual

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