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Posts posted by PeterNZer

  1. quote:


    Loving Mark IVs very good performance as Custer at the Alamo


    Gawd I just love it when Grogs show up and give all this history ... and stuff.

    I stuck that trick question in just to catch the likes of Joe Shaw, who like a little buzzy fly get attracted to the black sticky strip of historical inacuracy and, doomed, cling to it in some vein, smug belief they are actually doing well and have reached the goldmine.

    Well sonny Jim, or Joe, we don't like that kinda thing around here. I think it's about time we battle.

    I call a Blood Hamster on Joe Shaw! A battle over control of each others sig file! Will you accept!?

    I expect he wont, he'll crawl off minus a few limbs from my sticky flypaper of historical innacuracy and ask Croda to lick his wounds and bits. But that is the kind of people we seem to get around here these days..



    "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

    "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

  2. As i understand it the flags on an Assault map are much much closer to the back of the map. There are point differences (more favourable for the assaulter), but I am not sure what they are.

    I think those are the only differences..



    "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

    "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

  3. two 14inch shells fix all! biggrin.gif

    In all seriousness there is no formula, and even the experienced people don't follow it. Generally it's 80% luck, 20% skill.

    I've watched shells fall all over the bad guys and not do diddly, and i've watched a barrage fall tightly and enemy squads break in less than a round.

    all i can suggest is play and you'll get the gist. For killing stuff 105mm up are great shells, particularly 120mm up. For supressing, 105mm and down are good. Tanks firring on a squad for a turn will seriously nail it. 2 turns and it's likely to route.

    Buildings? Well two tanks on a light building of any size should flatten it in a turn, on the heavy buildings it might take 2 or 3 turns.

    I'd suggest jsut getting stuck in to as many games as you can and give it a go.



    "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

    "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

  4. Croda, your sig is boring me, can i change it again?

    O, yeah, Pillar and Scout, I also think I/we should make it clear that any battle wouldn't be a 'whose philosophy is superior' kind of thing, rather it would be a great way to see stuff in action. And some bangs and booms too!

    hehe.. mmm bangs..



    "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

    "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

  5. fantastic idea Croda. Hard to believe it could come from you really!

    Pillar and Scout, I think it's fair to say we all value -both- your contributions and would love to see your different approaches in practice. Hell, both of you defend and both of you attack and write up some AARs, would be fun to see how things work out



    "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

    "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

  6. TSS, you're such a laugh! You and rexford should battle it out and one of you crowned uber-grog smile.gif

    I think 20x20 is ok for now, but what i would like to see is clusters of things on a 20x20.

    How about two small houses, or three or four big houses with a street, ala a town, stuff like that, get more clutter on those tiles smile.gif



    "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

    "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

  7. I am annoyed.

    1) because I don't have time to read all the spam you lot vomit forth from your chortling minds and mouths

    2) because I do'nt have the time to tear you all appart as you so deserve.

    to be brief:

    -Glad to be a fully Kinigit. I can play with the squires now can't i?

    -Glad to be tearing my dalem appart like a happy plush doll under the tracks of a Panther. Which, conincidently, are tearing him appart right now.

    -Enjoying Croda's dying gasps

    -Loving Mark IVs very good performance as Custer at the Alamo

    -Annoyed the Nijis beat me. I think it was just a period of my brain purging itself of incompetence, and glad it was on such an unimportant whelp.

    In other news.. Lawyer, you're damn scary looking, go away. And is it my imagination, or is mace Starsky.. or is it Hutch? I forget.

    Die a lot now.


    Knigit looking for lov.. Squire.


    "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

    "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

  8. ... Professor Doctor Hamster X! The Professor Doctor was well known for his effective back hand technique and his famous speech he recited at every geek convention he could attend. "Everyone knows that HE shells can skip, why isn't this modeled? And what about MGs? You can run with them easy! Why, I ran with three just last Sunday! And that brings me too...

  9. Quick Note:

    Real War is nothing to measure CM by since it uses pre-rendered scenes ala Fallout, Diablo, etc etc

    Flashpoint seems to use the clever technique of low detail far off, high detail up close. With CMs birds-eye view this could look rather funny. Without this technique they couldn't possibly display the high detail they do.



    "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

    "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

  10. Fair points.

    I thought at first you had the building on fire from shelling buy a tank or something. When at work i tend to read posts a little less closely than I should wink.gif

    I agree it would be nice for them to have a little 'think' before moving. I believe at present CM doesn't really model how 'much' fire and stuff is going on. The building is either brand new or the towering inferno. I'm happy with that abstraction but I am interested to know how troop movement from the buildings has been implemented in game.

    It's something I think would be interesting to try and test, and probably the direction they run tends to be entirely random.

    I agree it could be argued that they should, 7 or 8 or 9 times out of 10 run towards your own lines, and perhaps, if paniced, run in any random direction, I guess it comes down to whether it's worth implementing at this late point. I'd be interested as to what BTS think about all this smile.gif


    You're missing the trees for the wood, so to speak. While true that buildings in cities provide excellent cover and so on, it's not true if the enemy can stand 200m+ off and shell you.

    If you are in a city, as you mention, then you wouldn't have the problem of finding somewhere to sit your men. If you're out of a city and relying on the cover of just one house when you're advancing then I'd suggest you'd be better off advancing over different ground!

    I think for many players scattered houses in enemy territory are prime targets for a bit of pummeling and I'll often buy, as Allies, a HMC to do just that job while tanks go off and play (damn i love that HMC, cheap and effective).


    [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 01-29-2001).]

  11. I don't know about anyone else.. but I find Duck to be just too gamey for me.. or perhaps too Greesy. Venison and other stuff is ok, but not Duck.




    "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

    "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

  12. I'm really against giving players MORE control over their troops. After reading a lot of accounts recently I can conclude we already, arguably, have more control than we should.

    Accept that the FOO made a mistake (get that all the time in real life and in CM, damn broken squads running backwards across open fields etc..) and move on. You did well to start opening up on a house suspected of holding a FOO, that happened all the time in WW2.

    I don't believe it's an issue of axis or allied stuff. I can't even recall which side this dying FOO is on.

    The example of shellshock is just to show that yeah, crazy stuff happens and it's not an unrealistic event.

    In the end my position comes down to this.

    1) If nearly 100% of the time units leaving a building run towards the enemy then I have a problem with it, since it's clearly a bit funny.

    2) If around 50% of the time units run forward, and 50% backwards, then I have no problem at all since it covers shelling and fire blocking exits.

    It doesn't matter whether the enemy unit is firring directly at the unit or not, large shells exploding against and inside buildings are generally unhealthy if you're inside them, worse if they are set on fire.

    The key question is then.

    - Are units running towards closest cover all the time, whether or not that cover is infront or behind? (ie. will they go for the bushes 10m infront rather than the woods 15m behind)

    - If the answer is yes, BTS might want to make it a bit more random or throw in some direction decision before they run for cover. If no, then don't change it.


    O, Horncastle, yes you can only fit so many units in a building. Generally a squad an no more than ta platoon HQ or team in small ones and a couple of squads per floor in big ones (and a HQ or other team)


    "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

    "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

  13. Not at all

    With COs demanding 'shoot your bloody guns' (Frequent complaint of Coy. Commanders was the platoons not actually firring their guns enough since they thought they'd get shot at if they stuck their heads up) and the confusion of location in a night battle it's very easy to misidentify another group in the dark, and it's just as likely that the officer will missidentify as joe soldier!

    Night battles are tricky to carry out which is why most armed forces didn't bother with it and those that did and got it working well were feared by their enemies.

    I've read AARs of US units conducting night battles in Italy. They were VERY careful, had favourable conditions and still were lucky to pull the battle off. They generally lined up and advanced in column and only deployed to attack at the very last minute, thus the forces remained very close together through the advance to contact period.

    I imagine friendly fire could be worse on the defence. Standard practice was 'see anything move, shoot it'. It was very dangerous to wander around outside of your foxhole at night.

    I guess just remember that from our perspective we can tell exactly where all our units are, but for those guys on the ground, they hear some rustle in the bushes and perhaps a helmet that they're SURE is a heinnie tin-pot (or tommy) and start blazing away, their squad joining in..



    "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

    "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

  14. I've read one person give two accounts of such action in ww2. In one case a shell-shocked soldier, literally, cried 'maama' and jumped up out of a foxhole and ran towards the machineguns..

    In another, some new people to a platoon thought during some exchange of fire overnight that they were cut off and surrounded and so jumped out of their foxholes and ran off into a grain field. They were all (9 or so of them) found dead the next day (probably friendly fire). Platoon didn't even get to know their names.

    Shell shock, or 'battle fatigue' can hit really quickly. This FOO reccounts survivors of Totalize (?) who were bombed by the RAF and went a bit potty for a couple of days being set off by one of his shells hitting trees in the area they were attacking, some half-dozen men in a company had to be re-evacuated to recover.



    "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

    "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

  15. Jeez Gunny, you sure are stupid. I'm honestly not sure when I've met someone quite as thick as you before!

    I mean, it's not like you're obnoxious like Benny Man. or abusive like previous people, you're just. plain. thick.

    It is quite clear you:

    1) aren't listening to anyone else

    2) don't know jack about programming

    3) are unaware of how games are developed

    4) know nothing of business or marketing

    Even if you are a kid you can avoid a couple of those problems, try listening to other people who KNOW MORE THAN YOU. Then, consider learning a bit more about polygons and effects and so on. It's not that hard. I'd suggest www.tomshardware.com for a first run on graphics cards and their capabilities.

    now LISTEN:

    -PCs these days can ONLY handle so many POLYGONS (they're a 3d shape, like the barrel of a gun, or part of a turret).

    -FPSs require less polygons than a game like CM since the view from the camera is not across the entire map but just across the room. Maps for FPS require TONS of jiggery-pokery to make sure you CAN'T see into the next rooms too easily. Otherwise the system slows to a slide show.

    -Special effects like T&L are not that easy to add, best to wait for a total engine rewrite. I expect we'll see that with CM3. While it is possible they could spend a few months adding it now, why would they? Who's going to pay their wages? If you are, please, contact them and pay them.

    -Special effect add to the weight the card and processor have to handle and cause more slowdowns.

    Please. Think.

    or just go away.


    (fed up)


    "Patriotism is the virtue of the viscious" - Oscar Wilde

    "Don't F*CK with Johnny Cash!" - Chupacabra

    [This message has been edited by PeterNZer (edited 01-28-2001).]

  16. Lawyer, your taunts bore me. The challenge raised just enough level of interest for me to bother replying so you can learn exactly what your ass will feel like after i've laid into it with my boot, but your most recent post is so riddled with taunt cliches I am, frankly, yawning at it.

    Please try harder next time.

    And send me my file.


    Mark IV continues to feel some hot brit loving thrusting into him from behind, the side, the front, above.. well just about everywhere.

    Chrisl and I play 'lets who can find who first in the fog'. A cheery game for one and all.

    Marlow is learning that what goes around comes around, and my tanks are finally learning that, yeah, hitting things makes their boss happy.

    The rest are kinda boring. So i won't mention them. Much like Meeks.


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