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Everything posted by HijackGMH

  1. Thanks Steve, that's the answer I was looking for!
  2. Hi guys, I realize ALT-G will surrender but I thought the AI would end the game as well. What I want to know is whether there is a bug in the sensing of end game conditions?
  3. I have a game that should have ended three turns ago. My PBEM opponent has killed off most of my men and I have evacuated the rest of them from the battlefield. I have noone, left on the field, yet the CPU won't end the game. Has anyone else seen this problem?
  4. I am headed to a new job that will require much travel. I will have to get a new laptop and it has to be able to run CM, without giving up any of the 3D effects. I am having a hard time locating suitable video cards in laptops. Anyone have suggestions of laptops to look at?
  5. I am the op and all my side shows is the two abandoned 88s, but no personnel? I actually selected the secret ceasefire about 9 turns ago, but I don't think the US had any reason or need to select it then.
  6. Fionn, I just looked at the HQ website and was reading your treatise on anti-tank guns. I saw several .JPG pictures that reminded me of a question I had. While playing a PBEM game, I saw several columns of smoke where there was no apparent burning vehicle, forrest, or house. These same columns appear in picture 1.JPG, in your article. From the verbiage I now understand that to be screening smoke. Does and infantry unit's smoke look the same as a tanks? Is there a technique for laying a smoke screen, ie. more than just a point source? Thanks!
  7. Fionn, being the lazy cuss I am, I had hoped it could be mechanized as part of the game engine. I suppose the alternative is a screen capture, for transmission to the tourney moderator. However, as you well know, these captures tend to be large files. We'll find a way to deal with it!
  8. This game is, hands down, the best I've ever played! I read the thread about tournaments and I can't wait! One thing that would be helpful ist to build into the game the ability to save the endgame screen and map. That way, when the game ends, both sides and the moderator could see the final, official results. What do you think? Thanks again for a superb game. I plan to buy several copies and pass them to my friends!
  9. Thanks to all, problem solved. It was a server problem!
  10. This is the greatest wargame yet, and I really liked Computer Ambush (Apple IIe, 1983) and Steel Panthers II! I'd like to play some PBEM games while I await my pre-ordered copy of this gem.
  11. Got the following when trying to download: FTP Error FTP Transfer failed: No such user present on the system Proxy server at cits-pr-1. on port 8080
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