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Everything posted by HijackGMH

  1. Has anyone got recommendations on where to get the best (for CM) drivers to use with my new GF 2 MX card? Are there multiple driver producers or is there one best source? Thanks!
  2. Robert Olsen's question: "HijackGMH, how do you run CM at a larger resolution than the one you ordinarily use? I would like to try CM at 1280x1024." I was pointed to a great shareware program called QRes, which changes your screen resolution when you start up CM and when you shut it down. I apologize to the friend on this list who pointed it out, but I am at work and unable to look at my old e-mail. When I go home tonight, I'll try to post the URL but you can probably find it with a web search.
  3. 1) Desktop = 800x600 CM = 1200x1040 2) Already have 3 different BMP folders and 2 WAV folders 3) Using 56K modem I'm very much looking forward to seeing your efforts. At present, managing all these mods and getting a good look at them is most cumbersome! Need a beta tester?
  4. Thanks to all for your replies. I am only interested in improving the performance of Combat Mission and I don't intend to use this card to enhance any other games or a future system. My system memory is 384Meg already, so I figured the card was my best route for improvement. Given this scenario, would you recommend the original GeForce card? Thanks again for your expertise!
  5. FYI, Free Drive has a download limit, which has been exceeded for NCrawler's account. Guess there is still no free lunch!
  6. I'm posting on the main board to reach a wider audience. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am currently using the following: 16MB Diamond Viper NVIDIA TNT AGP card 450 MHZ PIII w/512 cache I would like to upgrade my system to enhance Combat Mission. I figure my video card is the limiting factor. Would you experts give me a recommendation of what video card to upgrade to? Thanks!
  7. I am currently using the following: 16MB Diamond Viper NVIDIA TNT AGP card 450 MHZ PIII w/512 cache I would like to upgrade my system to enhance Combat Mission. Would you experts give me a recommendation of what video card to upgrade to? Thanks!
  8. I'll be a company cc, for either side. Hijack hijackgmh@prodigy.net
  9. A suggestion for allowing full use of the plethora of BMP mods available. Perhaps BTS could incorporate a way to allow specification of which directory to look at for BMP files. That way, a player could have multiple directories with different combinations of mods, without haveing to reload or re-shuffle files between selections.
  10. My search only turned up pre-1.05 posts. I am having dificulty locating the damage indicators mentioned in my 1.05 patch-readme file. With "Shift G" and "Shift L" enabled, I don't see the "*" or "**" on either the lower panel or on the main screen. Can anyone help me with this?
  11. In playing a recent scenario, I had several turns where allied air pounded the axis and a few stray allied troops who were in close contact. After about a 7 or 8 turn hiatus, some axis air showed up and did attack runs on my tank column. My only reason for assuming both sides had air was that the initial round of attacks concentrated on the axis lines and the second round specifically targeted my allied tanks in the open. I wonder if the aircraft shadow is generic or an indicator of the type of plane? The axis shape looked awfully similar to an FW-190.
  12. Charles, mine is a full install. I'll take a look at the disk drive as it is a fairly old one. One thing I did notice is that the time delay between slecting "Play Game" and getting the menu of scenarios has increased ask I have loaded more and more scenarios. Is that to be expected, or might that be a symptom of my problem? Thanks for your attention!
  13. When I select "Play Game" from the main screen the music stutters for 30-60 seconds and it seems to take an inordinately long time for the screen to shift to the scenario page. I can hear the sound of the hard disk during this period. Can someone tell me if this is A=normal, B=symptomatic of a slow system, C=bad load, D=bug, E=_______??? All other aspects of the game appear to operate normally. Thanks
  14. I managed to get some men into Plomville, on the south side of the main road intersection. A German infantry unit and an MG42 squad were in the middle building on the north side of the main intersection, hosing my guys coming across that deep valley to the northwest of town. I had my flamethrower squirt across the street, into the building. All the Germans came hot-footing it out the north side of the structure, minus a few casualties. Mighty handy way to empty the house!
  15. BTS, I'm still hoping for clarification. Is the situation I described in my previous post an individual system problem or the mechanization of the game?
  16. Ted, for some reason I am getting a different result. When I reset my desktop to 800x600 (after setting up CM in 1024x768)the next time I launch CM I get the resolution initialization screen asking whether I want 800x600. If I reject 800x600, the only options I am offerred are lower resolutions.
  17. I found that I couldn't get CM to display in any other resolution than what my desktop was set for. BTS is there any way to get the game to display at 1024x768, yet leave my desktop at 800x600?
  18. I, for one, began my computer wargaming carreer on Computer Ambush and moved to Perfect General. Two great games! Have subsisted on Steel Panthers until the advent of Combat Mission. Now don't expect to play anything else but CM!
  19. I sure enjoyed that. Like Fionn, I would like to read the rest. Where can I find Blackhawk's work?
  20. Is there any way to view the POTDs without joining Yahoo?
  21. I sure enjoyed Monday's POTD. I brought to mind a question that I was unable to answer using search. Does the snow fall (actual motion)during playback? I have only seen the still shots so I couldn't tell. Also, when the flamethrower fires at a snowbound target, will it melt the snow and leave a bare patch of ground? (I would imagine not as it seems a similar coding problem as the dead body issue). Hijack
  22. I use MemTurbo from memturbo.com to monitor and free up memory. Works in the background. Maybe it would help.
  23. As a casual student of WW2 I have to say the new historical vignettes provided by Madmatt were really enjoyable. Thanks!
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