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Posts posted by Gromit

  1. Originally posted by Andreas:

    Steve said! CMx2 is going to be a Greek-Persian Phalanx simulation!

    Originally posted by J Ruddy:

    I thought it was going to be the War of the Roses? I hope it is, because I'm really Stoked about it...

    :rolleyes: You two are lucky that Steve doesn't have access to a disintegrator pistol right about now... :D
  2. Tom, a request...

    Could you please make use of the '' function within the forum so that your posts are a bit easier to wade though? While I am very happy that you take the time to gather posts and stray articles, lately your posts are becoming a real chore to sift through to determine what starts where and who is "talking", you, the original poster or somebody else?

    It would be much appreciated!

    Thanks again for all your input Bud...


  3. Originally posted by Ron:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Tree density is the same as CMx1. This is necessary because we still need to have straight forward terrain types to work with. "more trees than that place over there" doesn't work well for the game or the player "Heavy Forest" vs. "Sparse Forest" (or something like that) is muuuuuch better for everybody

    This is something I don't understand. Are we going to have more variability, when reason dictates, in each terrain type where finding uniformity is the exception not the rule? For example, a "Heavy Forest", or "Sparse Forest" for that matter, could have a 'range' of values for sighting, cover, and movement but still be a "Heavy Forest" visually and for ease of use.

    Ron </font>

  4. The player simply does not have the time to be obesssing over the minutia of individual soldiers. There is a battle to be fought! Plus, all that crap takes up a crudload of screenspace to display attributes because of the compounding nature of it. For example, 5 attributes for a 12 man Squad means having display space for 60 bits of text or icons. Egads!

    Currently the only displayed attributes for an indvidual soldier are weapon, specialty, and physical condition (tracks wounds). All the rest of the attributes are displayed in unit fashion. We tried to squeeze names in there too, but for several reasons (mostly UI space) we dropped them. Only the Leader of the unit has a name.

    Makes good sense to me Steve- anyway, everything I have ever read or seen points to the realization that men rarely knew anyone outside their own company (or platoon sometimes) by name alone... they just didn't spend enough time together. For example:

    Winters: "Guarnere, you and Hall up front".

    Guarnere: "Who the hell is Hall?!"


    Winters: "I lost a man today... Hall."

    Nixon: "I never knew him."

    Winters: "Yeah you did; radio op, 506th basketball team, Able Company."

    Nixon "..."

    Now, the Company/Platoon Commanders like Winters were expected to know all of their men and I fully expect Leaders in CMx2 to have as many if not more "attributes" than they had in CM1. It makes a lot of sense to have a certain amount of detail in CMx2 with regard to your Leaders, after all, that is the level that you as a player are dealing with more times than not (as noted by others above). It really doesn't matter who your individual squad members are unless they are a leader of some kind (mortar, mg, squad, a/t, etc.).

    It would be a waste of CPU cycles and I think a case of "information overload" even if you could do it.

  5. The player simply does not have the time to be obesssing over the minutia of individual soldiers. There is a battle to be fought! Plus, all that crap takes up a crudload of screenspace to display attributes because of the compounding nature of it. For example, 5 attributes for a 12 man Squad means having display space for 60 bits of text or icons. Egads!

    Currently the only displayed attributes for an indvidual soldier are weapon, specialty, and physical condition (tracks wounds). All the rest of the attributes are displayed in unit fashion. We tried to squeeze names in there too, but for several reasons (mostly UI space) we dropped them. Only the Leader of the unit has a name.

    Makes good sense to me Steve- anyway, everything I have ever read or seen points to the realization that men rarely knew anyone outside their own company (or platoon sometimes) by name alone... they just didn't spend enough time together. For example:

    Winters: "Guarnere, you and Hall up front".

    Guarnere: "Who the hell is Hall?!"


    Winters: "I lost a man today... Hall."

    Nixon: "I never knew him."

    Winters: "Yeah you did; radio op, 506th basketball team, Able Company."

    Nixon "..."

    Now, the Company/Platoon Commanders like Winters were expected to know all of their men and I fully expect Leaders in CMx2 to have as many if not more "attributes" than they had in CM1. It makes a lot of sense to have a certain amount of detail in CMx2 with regard to your Leaders, after all, that is the level that you as a player are dealing with more times than not (as noted by others above). It really doesn't matter who your individual squad members are unless they are a leader of some kind (mortar, mg, squad, a/t, etc.).

    It would be a waste of CPU cycles and I think a case of "information overload" even if you could do it.

  6. Of course you must remember Dorosh has been smoking his CMx2 East Front crack for a while now... and there is no end in sight! One can always hope he will extricate himself from the huge brown cloud of crack smoke and see the light of day. :D

    The short answer is:

    Steve and Co. have given no indication that things are anything other than "on schedule" - THEIR schedule of course, which could change and we would never know it. The last target from last winter ('04 to '05) was winter of '05/06, per BF.

  7. Well, it is hard to compare the PIAT to the Bazooka and Panzerschrek evenly because the PIAT wasn't rocket-powered like the latter two weapons.

    IIRC, the PIAT was a "spigot" weapon that actually threw the projectile at the target. It was a REAL bear to load- not unlike medieval heavy crossbows- that spring mechanism had to be pretty heavy duty.

    Also, in battle conditions, PIAT men were trained to wait until the very last moment to fire- under 50 yards was considered best "effective" range, although it was claimed to be good out to around 75 or 100 yards, I don't remember off the top of my head.

    If you're curious, there is a great account of PIATs used with great effect on D-Day at Pegasus Bridge.


  8. While it might be fun to debate the virtues of WIA/KIA representation in CMx2, it seems to me you guys are missing the most important point.

    Will representing all these WIA/KIA clutter up the battlefield "screen" to the extent that it inhibits gameplay? Also, will representing the fallen invite a sizeable performance hit to the game- after all, it has to render all of these poor "useless" chaps, right?

    You may disagree with me on this one, but I think there are more important considerations for BF than suspension of disbelief concerning WIA/KIA (as much as I might like to have it too).


  9. Thanks for the compilation Tom, I was getting rather squinty-eyed trying to find all the "bones" hidden amongst the Peng-like rabble (or is it rubble?).

    Gotta say, I feel a bit like a bear that just awoke from a 5 year hibernation... whew! I haven't exactly been on the ball (forum-wise) from CMBB to CMAK, although I do own a copy of BB. But like any savvy bear, when Steve, Moon and Co. start throwing more tasty CMx2 bones, you just have to take notice and starting sniffing the air.

    So far things sound just fine to me. I am behind the narrower but deeper idea and figure these New England bums have probably learned a few things in the last 6 years plus. ;)

    Hey Steve, I think we need to spice things up by having an official "CMx - Night of the Refresh Monkeys" sequel this fall!! Waddya say? tongue.gif Just for old times sake, ya know?

    *Now, now, now Steve... put the gun down, it was just a joke- ha, ha funny?* (Gulp!)

    Hell, I might just open up another "Scotch - the water of life" thread to reel in Charles and make him say "BOO!" once in a while. There are a lot of great drams out there to be enjoyed over an exciting, shiny new CM demo... :D

    Waiting to catch the next bone... (Moon's last one hit me right on the noggin!) :eek:

    ...obviously it didn't knock any sense into me...


  10. Thanks for the compilation Tom, I was getting rather squinty-eyed trying to find all the "bones" hidden amongst the Peng-like rabble (or is it rubble?).

    Gotta say, I feel a bit like a bear that just awoke from a 5 year hibernation... whew! I haven't exactly been on the ball (forum-wise) from CMBB to CMAK, although I do own a copy of BB. But like any savvy bear, when Steve, Moon and Co. start throwing more tasty CMx2 bones, you just have to take notice and starting sniffing the air.

    So far things sound just fine to me. I am behind the narrower but deeper idea and figure these New England bums have probably learned a few things in the last 6 years plus. ;)

    Hey Steve, I think we need to spice things up by having an official "CMx - Night of the Refresh Monkeys" sequel this fall!! Waddya say? tongue.gif Just for old times sake, ya know?

    *Now, now, now Steve... put the gun down, it was just a joke- ha, ha funny?* (Gulp!)

    Hell, I might just open up another "Scotch - the water of life" thread to reel in Charles and make him say "BOO!" once in a while. There are a lot of great drams out there to be enjoyed over an exciting, shiny new CM demo... :D

    Waiting to catch the next bone... (Moon's last one hit me right on the noggin!) :eek:

    ...obviously it didn't knock any sense into me...


  11. :D For old times sake, I thought it would be a good idea to revive the "pre-product release Scotch Whisky" discussion. I think Charles will tell you we all got him hooked last time!

    Here are some sites to start your love affair with the greatest drink known to mankind:


    A UK-only (for purchases) site, it still has excellent guides on distilleries and almost anything you can think of having to do with Scotch. Highly recommended. They even have wave files for proper pronunciations (it does come in handy tongue.gif ).


    The site I started with. Almost as good informationally, you can actually purchase from this site if the one you are looking for isn't available locally.


    Another site I discovered at the same time as malt.com.

    My current personal shelf consists of:

    The Macallan 12 yr - nice and smooth

    Dalwhinnie 15 yr - good all around scotch

    Glen Garioch 10 yr - a little too flowery IMO

    I'm looking forward to drinking some Highland Park, but it can be hard to find in the states.

    Some guys find the coastal "peaty" scotches more to their liking. Classics like Laphroig, Lagavulin and Talisker are strong... some say too medicinal, but it's all up to the individual.

    Have fun and before we know it, CMBB will be out.

    Let us know what you like and dislike as well as new sites.

    Until later, CHEERS!!

    ;) Paul

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