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Posts posted by Dschugaschwili

  1. I don't know what you expect, but "routed" is the highest possible panic level in CM. Troops that reach this state will try to run to the rear (usually the nearest friendly map edge). And they will usually not start running for their lives before they are "routed".

    Of course, the volume of fire, the cover they have and the presence of HQs will determine your troops' morale, so units in cover will usually panic later than units on open ground.

    I can't find anything seriously unrealistic in this behaviour.


  2. Could somebody with the English CDV version tell me the registry keys it uses? I want to try to patch my German version to English, and one step on the way would be to fool the 1.01 patch into thinking that I have the English version.

    The location should be HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/CDV something. Please tell me everything below this point. (Don't worry, it's not all that much)

    And before anybody mentiones that replacing the executable won't be enough, I know this already. But I can extract most language specific bitmaps from the English demo, and the rest should mostly be editor stuff that I will try to take care of later.


  3. This topic was brought up before. Madmatt answered once that the display of infantry rarity would not be included in version 1.01, and he didn't know if it would be added for 1.02. I haven't heard anything new since then.

    Here's the link.


    [edited to include reference to a previous thread]

    [ November 28, 2002, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: Dschugaschwili ]

  4. Originally posted by redwolf:

    Even single bursts gotten off the defenders towards your HMGs (which the defenders will get off no matter how hard you supress them) will take your HMGs out of the game for an inappropriately long amount of time.

    Ok, now I'm at a loss of words. Just a few posts ago you asked how to move MGs forward, and you got a few answers, including one by me.

    Now you're again complaining that you can't do it, but what you have written now suggests that you haven't even tried those tips. Are you even interested in trying a different approach for once?


  5. Moving HMGs:

    In version 1.01 you can use move to contact with cover arcs to prevent them from stopping at the sight of an enemy unit 800m away. Hopefully they will still stop when they are fired upon (haven't installed 1.01 yet). If you want to be sure that they don't do anything on their own, issue a hide order at the end so they will hide themselves when they come under fire.

    Also always have them in control of a HQ (preferably with extra moral bonus) while moving to get them from pinned to OK as fast as possible when they come under fire so sneak times are minimized if you don't use move to contact.

    At least this seems to work for me.


  6. A couple of answers:

    First, the fountain mod must overwrite another terrain tile type. Taking a look at the file you replaced with the fountain may give you an idea what it was.

    You have to go into preview mode in the map editor to see the terrain and all units you included. Here you can also place them where ever you want.

    Bridges can be destroyed by explosives, including demo charges by engineers/pioneers, but stone bridges need lots of them to go down.

    Hope this helps.


  7. Originally posted by Offwhite:

    Are you seeing this wherever there is an elevation change, or only when it's steep enough to actually display as "Slope" terrain? And have you got any screenshots? I haven't noticed the issue, so I'd like to know what to look for.

    It has to be steep enough to be "slope", as in "trees on slope". It's quite noticable in the converted "Valley of Trouble" scenario. The front side of the hill on the attacker's side of the map is sloped enough and covered with tall pines. You can easily find open ground spots in this area using the LOS tool, probably even by placing units during setup (I don't know if the setup zone reaches far enough forward). When I played this scenario, one of my MGs that I was moving into position was spotted and fired upon when it entered a hole in this area, and of course it was quickly routed because of lack of cover.


  8. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:


    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> Currently infantry always seems to sneak towards some kind of cover when their self-preservation instincts kick in.

    Actually, its first instinct is to get out of LOS. If it can achieve this without moving dramatically it will attempt it. However, with EFOW on the TacAI/Human often doesn't even know where the fire is coming from. I just had that happen to me in the game I played last night. Got peppered for a couple of turns before I spotted the source of the fire. Therefore, in such cases all the TacAI can do is move to better terrain and hope for the best.


  9. Originally posted by Pascal DI FOLCO:


    The "get out of LOS" order already exists : it's called "Run" or "Withdraw" tongue.gif

    LOS is not an absolute thing, and the player is much better at figuring WHERE is "out of LOS" than the AI !

    Just in case you didn't notice, I was talking about the possibility of the TacAI considering those options.

    That I can give a withdraw order is not new to me. But if my men have already started sneaking towards some distant cover, getting them out in one piece becomes increasingly difficult, especially if the cover is in the opposite direction.


  10. I noticed that woods, tall pines, scattered trees and similar "overlay" terrain types have holes if they are on sloped ground.

    What I mean with holes is that there are open ground spots in those tiles that can be found with the LOS tool or movement commands.

    It also seems that units in those holes do not get the cover/concealment bonus of the surrounding terrain.

    Is this issue already known?


  11. Is there any chance to include a "get out of LOS" behaviour for infantry? Currently infantry always seems to sneak towards some kind of cover when their self-preservation instincts kick in. Sometimes it would be much faster/better to just get out of LOS (behind a wall/house/the ridge they have just climbed.

    Vehicles already seem to be able to do this, so why not give infantry units the same option?


  12. Schoerner:

    I have played the Bridgehead scenario (only once from the Soviet side) and won. Actually the Germans surrendered shortly before the game ended. I don't know how I did it because it was one of my first CMBB games ever, but I remember having used "move to contact" for the majority of my troops on turn 1. Those troops did not auto-sneak, but rather stop and shoot it out, which was probably the best thing they could do.

    I don't really understand why you complain about your troops starting to sneak forward. I mean, the only available cover is forward. And sneaking troops are certainly less vulnerable than moving or advancing troops. Of course, if you try to have all your troops advancing without leaving any behind to provide cover fire, your sneaking troops won't put out any firepower. But what did you expect? I'd rather have my men move with minimum exposure (sneak) until the enemy is supressed. And I can always change the waypoints back to advance once I feel confident that the enemy is sufficiently suppressed.


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