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Boris Balaban

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Posts posted by Boris Balaban

  1. Just uploaded my new rules set. It is jeep v6 rules.

    AI seems to do fine when using the AI units set. This changes games play a lot.

    I just downloaded your rule set.

    It seems that my DD will not take oil from enemy? :(

  2. I too have not build subs for it seems the AI builds 100 times as many subs as I and I spend the next 100 turns waiting till I get nukes and air transports. The only way to get around the subs.

    Has the AI build any nukes? If so has he launched them? I have never seen any.

  3. Suggestion?

    A rule that you set a unit to return to nearest repair base and it it fights on the way it still returns to be repaired?

    Also while repairing if it comes out to fight it returns to base for repair.

    When repairs are done this rule goes away.

  4. I wonder if that's a new bug introduced recently. I'll see if I can reproduce it. I think there might still be a bug in the system where, if you tell an aircraft to move out near it's maximum range, it moves slightly too far and can't return home. I thought I fixed that, but maybe not quite.

    That is what I see.

    No rush.

  5. I have EDEE and played it for over 5 years.

    I liked it for you can turn cities off to run up the production for that city.

    The AI I never found it to send ships or planes after my transports in my back area.

    The AI was too head srtong for it is like army ants in it just keeps moving forward then left or right at an edge.

    If you got behind the AI you won. The AI rearly turnd back to protect itself.

  6. How does the AI target my units in the city for it seems to me I only target the cities improvments or some unit that seems to be stacked on top of other units?:(

    It seems to me he targets transports first but his is never on top?:confused:

  7. I noticed that too. I've got to think that for an American target audience at least, that the Pacific theater might possibly rank higher than even the eastern front. Of course, I'm not basing that on anything other than my gut feeling. :)

    May be down the road a Guadalcanal game? The Americans hold the air field and the Japanese try to take it back.

  8. Wargaming popularity has been, and probably will always be, in this order:

    Western Front (1944-45)

    Eastern Front

    North Africa (and Italy)

    Western Front (1940)

    It might also be that North Africa is more popular than something like Barbarossa East Front, but overall the above is a pretty accurate reflection of the WW2 wargaming community's interests.

    If I had to hazard the relative size:

    Western Front (1944-45) 50%

    Eastern Front 30%

    North Africa (and Italy) 15%

    Western Front (1940) 5%

    The rest, like Poland, would be negligible in terms of interest.

    For most of you reading this you probably have interest, perhaps even strong interest, in more than one area. But when you add up things sell I think the above is pretty accurate.


    P.S. Merry Christmas from someone who is unfortunately used to working 16 hours a day and can't simply go to bed early for just one night. Bah.

    In the past Battlefront put it to rest but any thoughts about the War in the Pacific? :o

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