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Bil Hardenberger

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Everything posted by Bil Hardenberger

  1. Scott, regarding the Elefant. I would handle it by avoidance and then wait for my opponent to get frustrated and careless with it. A couple of Priets would be interesting for sure. The mortars would be effective on the armor as well for obscuration. Actually that's one thing I really like about the Sherman's by the way, their smoke load.
  2. ha! So I did.. yeah probably. Michael.. yes, I dropped one tank from each to be able to buy the support assets. Bil
  3. Here is what I would purchase (or something similar) if I was defending on this map: Total to spend: 3326 --x1 string of 10 anti-tank mines --x2 sets of TRPs @5 each (total 10 TRP) --x2 Medium tank Platoons (M4) @ 4 tanks each --Engineer Company (-) ----@ 2 Platoons (every squad with a bazooka) --x7 Scout teams --x7 Medium Mortars (on map) I feel confident I could defend fairly well with this purchase, it is combined arms, is flexible, can carry a punch to break up enemy infantry concentrations, can neutralize enemy armor (if engaged on my terms). So I fail to buy that the point differential is the reason that the game is turning out as badly as it is for GaJ. Bil
  4. Thought I would share one more image.. this is the Pioneer Platoon advancing on Hill 153. Note how they are hugging the edge of the slope, an enemy would have to be right on top of them to see them.. I have no doubt GaJ can probably hear them, but does he know where they are going? The lead squad can be seen clearly moving on to Hill 172. The scout high up the hill has yet to see or be seen (as far as I can tell) by any enemy units.
  5. I was amazed he saw him... but remember the Jpz-IV also saw this M10 moving last turn. It is at 748 meters, so actually pretty close as far as anti-tank action goes.
  6. The Forty Seventh Minute Tame This turn starts with what looks like an HMG team repositioning along the backside of Tame. But this is why I have my panzers in an overwatch position. GaJ is definitely planning something.. in addition to firing smoke in front of my panzer section he is moving his SPAA and (now confirmed) M10 into postions. Unfortunately for him I had units that watched their movement practically the entire way. Also I knew those two vehicles were on that side of Tame, which is why I have been very careful to use the buildings as a mask. GaJ's mortar is still alive it seems and is now setup. This is the unit that placed smoke in front of my panzers. That's okay I was planning on moving them next turn anyway. Right Flank Well, it appears that I misread the intention that GaJ had for that M10 in the center... it is not facing my right, instead is oriented towards perhaps a potential 1st platoon crossing of the road. My Jpz-IV picks him up right at the end of the turn... I have a feeling GaJ is not going to be very happy next turn if I can hit him. Note that the M10 is buttoned. My Pioneer's are still driving for their assault position... this drive is taking them a very long time. The lead squad has passed Hill 153 and is on its way towards Hill 172. I am worried about 1st platoon.. this platoon has taken most of the infantry casualties and is down to around one squad of effectives left on the ground.
  7. Meet the Team Battalion command for the force that is currently in the area of operations is lead by Wittmann of course and his 7 Tigers. he also has an FO attached. Also in the battalion is the 2d Jpz company, composed of a Marder (Company HQ) and three Jpz-IVs. The 3rd Platoon - Pz-IV is also attached. Finally is the Aufklarung Platoon... this unit will spearhead my movement and will be very important for the first part of this battle. 2nd Section moves out...
  8. Hey George we will have to compare casualty figures seeing as your approach was similar. Freyberg, yeah I should do one of those. Next time!
  9. BRIEFING KG Waldmuller Enemy armor has been very active and Intelligence believes they are preparing to continue their attacks. Our task is to take the attack to them and interrupt their plans, buying some precious time for the German formations in the area. The size and OB of the enemy force is unknown, but we expect strong enemy armor, Canadian and British armor has been active in the area. We expect to be outnumbered in this desperate gamble. The mission orders say to attack in parallel on each side of the road, however after reviewing the maps, objectives for this mission and our force we will instead initially concentrate our force on the left side of the road. From our Start position (SP) we will attack and seize Objective 1 (Gaumesnil), then we will proceed onto Objective 2, and finally to Objective 3. Note that we have no objectives on the right side of the road other than Objective 3 so we will be avoiding that terrain. This may change as our reinforcements begin to enter the battle area. Objective 1 is Gaumesnil. This walled compound could be a very tough nut to crack and it MUST be seized and cleared of enemy forces as soon as possible before the enemy can counter-attack into our flank. Objective 2 lies along the North edge of the map and is a touch objective. Objective 3, also along the back edge of the map I believe is a touch objective as well.. but I don't remember. For my approach to Objective 1 I have put iinto action the following reconnaissance plan. --Ausf. Section 2 (with a Marder in support) will scout the far left approach. --Ausf. Section 1 (with a Jpz-IV in support) will scout the center road leading to the objective. --A Tiger Section of 2 tanks will scout the main road leading to the Objective, also keeping an eye on any enemy in the avoidance zones on the right side of the map. The terrain, though interspersed with hederows has plenty of room for maneuver, the hedgerows are rarely so thick that a vehicle wouldn't be able to find a way through somewhere. Lateral movement should be good. A note on my approach for this game. As many of you know I normally favor a flexible Recon Pull style of play in most cases. However for this particular battle I am using Command Push. Basically I have set objectives and routes of advance in mind and my recon assets will be tasked with providing me with the appropriate intelligence along these fixed routes so I can react effectively and timely to any enemy contacts. Q - How do you eat an elephant? A - One bite at a time. This is exactly how I intend to play this scenario, I have to be careful not to get ahead of myself. I have 1 hour 50 minutes to accomplish my objectives, so will take my time and attempt to keep casualties low... ...how this actually develops we shall see.
  10. Well the defender had over 3000 points.. mines and TRPs are relatively cheap.. so yeah. there'd be a tad bit left over.
  11. Coming soon... This game was played against my old foe The_Capt (Warren Miron) and has turned out to be such an amazing feast of tank destruction I just have to share it. I hope you don't mind another AAR from me. This one is very far along so I will try to talk Warren into jumping in and adding some comments along the way. Feel free to comment as much as you like as this battle is, as I said, winding down. We are still playing, but I doubt I will catch up to where we currently are before we finish the game. The scenario: George MC's amazing Wittman's Demise Download it and follow along if you like. If you still hope to play this scenario then I recommend you don't read this AAR until you have. Bil
  12. Two days now without a file from GaJ. I also haven't seen him posting on the forum. I hope he's alright. Re: the obstacles, or the lack of them. I'm not sure I would have bought many either on this large map. Maybe a couple strings of AT mines scattered in the most likely avenues of approach etc. but not much more than that other than a buttload of TRPs and artillery to break up concentrations. Bil
  13. Perry, yes of course I have seen that, excellent description of the action. Not enough detail on the German OB though sadly. If you would like to share those photos with me then I would of course be interested. I do plan on completing this map and the scenario (or scenarios) after this AAR. Do you have Dropbox? interesting notes on the vegetation.. perhaps I will use you as a resource as I edit the map for the actual battle. Interested? Please PM me and we'll set something up. Bil
  14. Too funny Vark. Well I did re-watch the last turn this morning (I had to watch something before I came in to work ) and I thought my scouts going around the edge of Hill 128 had taken out the last survivor of the ATG crew.. but in fact that guy ran around the base of the hill and disappeared.. what they took out was an HQ guy running back towards the Hill 126 back slope area.. why would GaJ do that? That area is in the process of being swept clean (to cover my rear as I advance through Tame and on to S. Maria Infante) and anything pushing back into that area is doomed to get caught in the bag. Also.. remember the bunker on the outskirts of S. Maria Infante that was spotted very early in the game? Well I just noticed I got another spot on a different bunker.. on the same side of the town as the first, but further back.. oriented towards the Ridge Road. I really need to change that bunker icon to something more visible. One last note.. when I gave my orders last turn I ordered my lead Pioneer squad in their halftrack to bypass Hill 153 and proceed on around to the back of Hill 172.. this will give me something at the very back door of S. Maria Infante (if they make it) and also something with which to spot that other ATG (the one that killed my two halftracks)... until that is taken out I won't feel comfortable swinging 1st Platoon and their supporting tank section over the Ridge Road to engage the M10 and whatever else he has in the valley between The Spur, Hill 153, and the slopes leading to the town. This squad should also be able to approach the bunkers from the rear and destroy them. I am thinking that GaJ might have some significant combat power in S. Maria Infante and I mean to find out. By the way, 3rd Platoon has moved all the way through the Spur objective which is clear of enemy troops. They will push over the top and onto the rear slope as soon as the Pioneer Platoon is in position. GaJ only holds two of the eight objectives outright: Hill 153 and S. Maria Infante... Tame and the Ridge Road are contested, I securely hold the following objectives: Left Tit, Right Tit, S-Ridge (Hills 109 and 126), and the Spur. I hope that will hold you until I can get you a real turn report.
  15. I feel your pain. I really look forward to the morning turn and writing the turn report before going to work. Not sure what takes GaJ so long to return these files. I can download the turn, watch it, create the snapshots, edit them in PS, upload them and write the turn report, then do my next turn orders all in about an hour. Unless there is a major decision point or major event, then that takes longer of course. Regardless I always try to not leave my opponent hanging for too long.
  16. Damn, no turn this morning and now I have to go to work. So no turn report I'm afraid.
  17. Dan thanks. I happily stand corrected. Bil.
  18. Mikey they aren't meant to stop an incoming tank fired AP round... they are designed to force HEAT rounds like from a PF or bazooka or even a tank fired HEAT round to prematurely detonate thus ruining the destructive effect of their focused explosion. I doubt they had much effect against tank fired HEAT rounds though (too much kinetic energy for that small bit of metal to make much difference) but I'm certainly no expert.
  19. The Forty Sixth Minute Tame It took about 10 seconds to knock out the gun and set the crew to flight. It took a little longer for my infantry to sweep through and finish the crew. 2nd Platoon arrives in Tame while my lead teams advance through the village.. no enemy noted in any of the buildings yet. The mortar on the hill was fired on and I think if not taken out was hurting badly. The SPAA was noticed all packed up and fleeing from Tame. It is still in the area but I think must be pulling back perhaps to S. Maria Infante.. but maybe he just plans on keyholing it somewhere and waiting for me to drive into its field of fire. 1st Platoon in the center 1st Platoon's HQ comes into contact with two enemy teams this turn.. a bazooka and an enemy HQ team (probably the Ranger Platoon HQ). A few seconds after this top image my Platoon leader and one of his soldiers lie mortally wounded on the field. Only the radio operator survived this contact. Several seconds later GaJ loses both the bazooka and his HQ team (bottom image). A good trade I think. I will miss ole Hausseman though, Weil takes over command of 1st Platoon. Hill 153 On the slope leading up to Hill 153 my scout from the kubelwagen has yet to spot any enemy units. This little scouting mission will tell me how high up the hill I can drive before I am forced to dismount. It took two turns for the kubelwagen to make the travel from the Assembly Area (AA) to the base of Hill 153.. it looks like it is going to take at least three for the halftracks to make that same drive. My Brummbar and Jpz IV spotted this M10 moving back towards the Spur area.. this is the partner of the M10 that was destroyed on the Ridge road a few turns back. I actually expected this to show up near S. Maria Infante to defend against my approach with 2nd Platoon (Tame) but I believe he has spotted my halftrack movement and probably thinks I am going to be taking a left and attacking the Spur rear slope area directly.. instead I am travelling all the way to Hill 153 (and perhaps beyond) with my attackers. The final contact location was near this building (bottom image). From here he can clearly cover the approach to the Spur rear area. If I was actually coming that way it would be a good position.
  20. All mortars are firing direct now. I am starting to move faster and faster and don't have time to wait for an indirect mission. The 120mm mortar section firing on the Spur rear slope was called in by a support platoon HQ on Hill 130. As for the villages, yep I have always expected that GaJ had something significant defending Tame and S Maria Infante.
  21. FYI, I will be putting together a current SITMAP this evening when I get home from work, in case anybody is interested.
  22. They never saw my team, at least not until they started to fire on them... then they hit the dirt. They did lose one crew member to the infantry fire and were hugging the ground at turn end. The gun never started to rotate.
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