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Bil Hardenberger

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Everything posted by Bil Hardenberger

  1. AlexUK, thanks! Stay tuned its sure to get very hot. Guess I should have mentioned that... nope. For air support you do not need LOS to the targeted area.
  2. Air Support Plan While we are waiting for Scott to get his new computer online I thought I'd share my Air Support Plan. Basically I neglected to plan my air support during setup.. what that oversight did to me was keep me from plotting all of my air support at the same time. So a few turns ago I called in my SU-25s. In this game only an Air Controller can call in air support (other than UAVs which can be called in by any HQ unit), but what you can now do is link your support assets. This works the same for artillery and air support... by shift clicking you can select more than one support asset (in this case two SU-25s) and plot them on to the same target. As can be seen I plotted the aircraft to an area right in front of 2nd MRC.. I plotted this a few turns ago so didn't really have much good intelligence on where the enemy units were located, or where the reinforcements will come in.. so I plotted this area in the middle of where his setup zone was and crossed my fingers. They will come in on turn 15 or 16. Obviously, and as can be seen I cannot plot my helo support until this support is finished. That sucks, but it's also realistic... going to make it VERY tough to use them effectively. UAVs Any HQ unit can plot a UAV.. again I wish I had done this during setup, but I didn't so am stuck with these outrageous delivery times: This one was stupid, I think I'll adjust this one:
  3. Good question... it all depends on how much time I have until those forces arrive in the AO. Also, I have more than just 1st MRC.. sure 1st MRC is indeed attacking into what I hope is the flank of the Ukrainian MRC, but 2nd MRC will go over into preparation mode and get in to the best positions possible to meet the US force... I do not know where these forces will appear.. other than along the back edge of the map somewhere but I want to control the key ground and make him fight me through the close terrain... I do not want to get in to a slugging match in the open... I think I would come off poorly in that kind of fight.
  4. I don't have an exact count, but I saw a lot of UI icons wink out last turn on the left flank of center hill and a few more on the right. I suspect I have totally routed two complete platoons, and killed a good portion of those. The third platoon is more of a question mark... the BMPs for it were in the treeline between my two MRCs, but that doesn't mean that's where its infantry were. I'll find out shortly though. I'll get a better battle damage assessment on his infantry casualties as I walk through the engagement area.
  5. The M1A2 SEP is as close to an uber tank as we are going to see in this game. I have not taken T-90AMs against an M1A2 SEP yet so this will be interesting... the T-90AM does have active and passive protection against ATGM threats, plus ERA so should be able to handle fire from Bradleys just fine, but the Abrams will be a different matter. My goal will be to provide too many threats from too many directions for him to cope with... whether that will be possible in this terrain remains to be seen. The BMP-3s in my hands will not be going after M1s unless I can get some rear aspect shots... rather I will focus them on any IFV threats I can identify. BMP-3M (Arena) should be on fairly equal terms with the Bradley... but this will be the first time I have fought this force against a US force... I am confident, but also realistic. I know the US force is going to be a bitch to deal with... which is why I am trying to kill the Ukrainian MRC and the US Recon elements as quickly as possible.. to: 1. Remove that threat from the board 2. Give me freedom of maneuver for setting up to deal with the US reinforcements coming on line shortly 3. To hopefully effect Scott's psyche and make him second guess his decisions, maybe make him rash and impulsive 4. To keep Scott in a reactive posture and maintain the initiative Regardless of how this develops I am satisfied with my performance to this point and I have high confidence moving forward into the next stage of the battle. Saying that, I am supposed to be on the defensive in this battle.. I know it doesn't look like it at this point, but I suspect Scott will be bringing at least equal or perhaps superior numbers of US forces to the fight and that will require me to use far different tactics. Regarding the Tunguska, I have four tanks moving on that piece of equipment in two tank sections on two separate avenues of approach... I'm sure he will see/hear them coming and will at least be forced to keep that thing off the line to keep it alive.
  6. Heh, not that I can do anything about it anyway.. other than kill every FO and Air Controller I can find.. and they are already high value targets.
  7. Dan, I suspected this (as I have yet to see any support fire from Scott) but I did not know it for certain. I know that was an inadvertent slip, just be careful of any cross pollination from Scott's thread.
  8. We have played seven minutes of I think an hour and a half battle. I seriously doubt it'll go that long. Hmm.. think about this, Scott has practically lost his entire initial Relief Force in seven minutes (really in the last three minutes), a few more turns and I should have them all in the bag (I hope I have time to finish them off before his main US force arrives. One email from him a turn ago or so simply said: "You are so dead when my Abrams show up."
  9. Update: Sorry guys, Scott decided to get a new computer and has been busy setting it up.. I don't know when I'll see the next turn, hopefully tonight, but it could be a day or two longer even. I also wanted to mention a few things... while I've been waiting I rewatched the last few turns, and I now don't think Scott has three BMP 2s left in his Relief Force MRC, instead he only has two... I misidentified a UI icon from a destroyed BMP 2 as another vehicle. Also, it looks like he finally might have moved his Tunguska away from the ridge it had been sitting on. Must have run out of targets. Anyway, I know he has reinforcements coming.. however I don't know when. I expect it'll be at either the 10, 15, or 20 minute marks... the first of those is three minutes away so I need to hurry up and kill this Relief Force and get ready for his A-team to arrive. I hope they aren't coming in until minute 20 or later.
  10. Yeah.. obviously more interesting than the battle has been so far, eh?
  11. Right you are!! Time for the return of the infamous BLOOD BOARD (first introduced in my Wittmann's Demise AAR). This will maintain a running count of vehicle kills. Here it is up through turn 7:
  12. The Seventh Minute 2nd MRC - 2nd MRC kept up the pressure and continued the pursuit... the Ukrainian infantry platoons on the slopes of center hill are routed and many enemy teams fall to my concentrated fire this turn. I think its safe to say that Scott's Relief Force is no longer a viable combat force. On my left flank another BMP 2 falls to 2nd MRC 30mm... On my right flank I can now confirm that the second BMP2 in that platoon was eliminated last turn (leaving one still alive). On the left flank one of my T90s advanced, spotted the enemy Scout Team and eliminated the two survivors. I also now know that there were two of these teams on the hill (at least) as there is another body from a different team nearby. When watching this gif, note the independant firing of the different weapon systems on this vehicle. At the end of the turn I now have the following information: - There are a total of three surviving BMP2s from the Ukrainian MRC (I now do not think it was a team containing tanks), their locations are shown by the blue boxes. - All of the Ukrainian infantry is either dead or routing. - I now have a good picture of the US elements in the relief force. It looks like a Scout Platoon containing three HMMWVs (at least) and perhaps an FO vehicle. I suspect this last is an observer or Scott would have it in the fight. One of the HMMWVs came under fire at the end of the turn taking a penetrating shot from a 1st MRC BMP 3... still looks to be alive however. 1st MRC - The base of fire containing the three T90s and more and more BMP 3s (as they came on line) destroyed Scott's infantry on the left flank of center hill (blue outlined area). Next turn the BMPs will pick up the pace and drive into Scott's remnants in the treeline between the two MRCs.
  13. Sorry I can't show the MTLB yet.. it is still waiting for its paint job. I'll show it as soon as it's ready, like I did with the infantry.
  14. Heh, until the M1A2 SEPs show up. When that happens I'm sure I'll be advancing in the other direction.
  15. The Sixth Minute First off, the Tunguska killed one of the GL Platoon BMP 3s.. I really need to do something about that thing. 1st MRC - The T-90s took up their SBF positions, spotted two BMP 2s on the center hill and knocked them out. One of 2nd MRC's BMPs took out the third enemy BMP 2 on this side of the hill. Devastating Scott's right flank climbing center hill. 1st MRC is now positioned to drive into the flank of Scott's Ukrainian Company Team. By the way, I have now spotted elements of three platoons plus a few extra BMP 2s which must be the command element. There is one platoon on each flank of center hill, another in the trees opposite the GL platoon between my two MRCs. A total of 5 BMP 2s have been killed in these two enemy platoons with what looks to be 3 surviving (2 of which are probably the Company HQ element), and I know where those are located. 2nd MRC - Pushing over the crest and down the other side 2nd MRC killed at least two BMP 2s (the one mentioned above) and one of the BMP 2s on the right flank of center hill. The second BMP 2 that was fired on and penetrated last turn was fired on again this turn, then disappeared from view without being able to discern its fate. I identified a third BMP 2 towards the end of the turn in this area, and watched as it killed an MTLB (sniper platoon HQ). Note the US Scout team and HMMWV towards the rear of this Ukrainian MR Platoon. While the Ukrainians run back down the hill, the US Scout was advancing towards the hill.. perhaps towards the HMMWV?
  16. Hey, I can finally show off the Russian infantry, these guys are from 2nd MRC on the center hill:
  17. FYI, Scott was at Ft. Benning this week doing some Army stuff, or so he says so the next turn has been delayed. Should get back on track in the next day or so.
  18. Here are the links to videos for the major events that happened in turn 5. Hopefully this will satisfy Ken's bloodlust.
  19. Guys please be careful when discussing the AAR outside of the threads... there is some intelligence that could be valuable to Scott in the above. I don't think there will be much harm done, but just be careful in the future.
  20. I'm going to try to get some videos together of the action last turn for you guys sometime today. I finally sent the next turn to Scott, it took a bit longer as I am picking up the pace quite a bit and I do not want to do it recklessly. Most of the vehicles of 1st MRC are starting to assemble for an assault down the flank of Scott's line. The infantry and around one platoon of BMP3Ms will continue to scout the area to their front to confirm whether it is indeed clear of enemy forces. 2nd MRC is moving over the crest to start their pursuit of Scott's fleeing Ukrainians and to get out of the line of fire of that damned Tunguska. I am sending my four reserve T90AMs after the Tunguska.. it'll take a few turns before those are close enough to start hunting it.. and I have to be careful not to run into a hidden ATGM team. 3rd MRC (dismounted) is starting to scout the area around the Power Plant objective as well to support this mission and to prepare for their assault.
  21. The Fifth Minute - Part 2 EVENT 7 - Climbing the hill towards 2nd MRC was at least 4 Ukrainian infantry teams supported by at least two BMP 2s. No US troops were identified as part of this grouping. One of the teams was an HQ team, possibly a Platoon HQ. These troops quickly turned tail and ran after the BMP 3M 100mm airburst and 30mm cannon fire ripped into them.. there were several casualties, and they must be in a bad way. EVENT 8 - One of the two BMP 2s supporting this infantry assault up hill came under attack from BMP 3M fire suffering several penetrations, though no confirmation of a kill quite yet. EVENT 9 - On the flank of this Ukrainian assault was at least one US HMMWV which traded ineffectual fire with a BTR-80 with 2nd MRC.. though the HMMWV backed off in the end. EVENT 10 and 11 - BMP 2 fires an ATGM at the BMP 3M at Event 11 location. This missile is intercepted and destroyed by Arena. I will be creating a video of this event from this turn at least in the next day or two so you can see Arena in action. Overall an important turn for me. I now suspect that Scott has massed the entire Ukrainian Company team against 2nd MRC.. though I have not seen any Ukrainian tanks and I was told to expect them in my briefing. I am in a good position to really hurt this formation now and will be advancing more quickly in pursuit. I do not know what he has left but I have identified elements of three different MR Platoons, plus its US support.. which so far is comprised of up to three vehicles, I suspect two HMMWvs and it looks like perhaps an IFV (I got a UI contact that looks like it might be an IFV or maybe another SPAA.. hard to tell, I really hate these floating icons). I will add some analysis later.. maybe tomorrow night, or Monday morning.
  22. The Fifth Minute - Part 1 This turn will, I think, not make Scott happy. He is most definitely trying to take the hill that 2nd MRC is climbing with at least parts of his Ukrainian Company Team supported by some US assets. There is so much action that I think I will have to break this turn up in to at least two posts.. we'll see how it develops. 2nd MRC I am lumping the GL Platoon (-) action in with the 2nd MRC as it is all related. Refer to this Event Guide during the turn discussion: EVENT 1 - Ukrainian BMP 2 fires an ATGM at the GL Platoon BMP 3M (at EVENT 2 location). This missiles falls well short of its intended target. EVENT 2 - BMP 3M (Arena) fires an ATGM a few seconds later, which hits and penetrates the BMP 2... the BMP 2 is then finished off with a volley of 30mm. EVENT 3 and 4 - The second GL Platoon BMP 3M fired an ATGm at another BMP 2, destroying it. EVENT 5 - This was almost an unimportant event during this turn even though it did cost me another BMP 3M. Scott's Tunguska got a direct hit on this vehicle which exploded leaving a large crater... it also caused a few more casualties in the units further up the hill. I will be sending some units to deal with this pain in the ass vehicle starting next turn. EVENT 6 - My first confirmation of a US casualty in the battle.. and I now know what the team was with all the radios.. it was a sniper team, as shown by the sniper rifle being toted by what I hope is the last survivor. Part 2 coming right up...
  23. I wouldn't call it a mission kill.. though I would not be comfortable taking this tank up against an Abrams. I had meant to post an image of the airburst that killed the last member of the ATGM team, here it is:
  24. The Fourth Minute War in the modern environment is simply brutal. For example in the fourth minute the 2nd MRC has come under fire from Scott's Tunguska, this time it did indeed have an effect. The rear most T90AM was its first victim... The fire caused a lot of damage as can be seen by the following image. It can still drive and more importantly fire, though I will keep this tank as a reserve as it is seriously degraded. The T90 was able to get a few area fire rounds off and the Tunguska backed off... at first I thought this movement was in answer to this tank fire, but shortly afterwards it opened fire again this time hitting my dismounts on the hill top... I suffered about four casualties across three teams, it could have been much worse. Unfortunately, I have nothing in a position to return fire on this vehicle. Note: I apologize, but I cannot get too close to my infantry yet, still waiting on textures. The following images show the situation in front of 1st and 2nd MRCs... 1st MRC seems unopposed right now, though I do indeed expect that Scott has something in front of them. While the infantry continues to scout the front some of 1st MRC's vehicles will be taking up a Support by Fire (SBF) position enfilade on the spotted enemy units facing 2nd MRC. They are emplacing behind a smoke screen, when that clears, they hopefully should be able to really cause some hurt on the enemy Ukrainian Platoon (+) so far spotted. As can be seen, it appears there may be as many four BMP-2s now in the area. A new, probably US unknown vehicle (truck?) has also appeared. It looks like Scott is focused mainly on the 2nd MRC. The Pocket A bit of news in the pocket this turn, the first ATGM team was eliminated by BMP-3 air burst and the second (the one that killed one of my BMP 3s last turn) pulled out of position into one of the buildings on the edge of town, chased by recon team fire the whole way. A new BMP2 was spotted moving and was last seen (by a BMP3) turning towards my recon screen (the BMP2 and BMP3 are both highlighted in this image). The following image shows the situation, and all of the identified enemy units labeled. Note the arrows that show how I plan on assaulting the Power Station in a few turns.
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