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Posts posted by Apocal

  1. Hi !


    The TacAI is still unable to use some kind of Area target as far as i know.

    That would be a really important feature, and it should be possible to script the TacAI in a way so it uses area fire on suspected enemy positions from time to time.


    What do you think ?


    I think it would be good if the scenario designer could control such behavior. Even better if the AI was adaptive, i.e. after a unit's initial contact with the enemy, they are more prone to area fire, but as ammo goes below 50% they limit themselves.

  2. So I bought this new $10 game for my PC called Viet Nam '65. I'm not here to plug the game or spam it.  Only to say its small scale and limited complexity would be absolutely ideal if the troop combat took place in the CM2 universe. You basically chopper a handful of platoons, around a limited map, patrol and keep them supplied using said hueys, while earning political points. These points can buy a battery, mechanized infantry platoon, M48's, Arvn yada yada. You get, and can buy more engineer coys to build forward operating bases for your SF units which you move around as a unit as well. Search and destroy NVA units, there's too much to go into. But the entire game only takes about 2 or 3 hours to play on a random generated map. The the scale of the game world would be the perfect grand strategy level for a CM campaign.


    I've been playing it for a few days now and it really wouldn't work too well as a CM op-layer because if you can reliably faceroll even NVA infantry on a routine basis, the guerrilla side has almost nothing to counter with. Don't get me wrong, it is a great game on its own; it has the knack (increasingly rare in wargaming) of being obviously simplified but still presenting a fair representation of the challenges of counter-insurgency. Managing the resource scarity of various sorts -- supplies, transport, firepower, specialized units -- atop of juggling between direct counter-guerrilla sweeps or presence among the population is rather nice and it illustrates rather well the tradeoffs involved. It is especially great that there are various strategies and even better that occasionally the circumstances will call for one rather than the others.


    That and the damage/attrition modeling is incredibly simple: units that are hit are hurt. Units hit while hurt die.

  3. Just out of curiosity: why does it take so (relativly) long between lasing a target and firing on it?


    I know nothing about the process so all is guessing: first you acquire the target, turn the turret and finally lase the itto get corrections for bearing (wind) and elevation (distance). But these corrections should be rather small so why is there is enough time for the target to create a smoke screen?


    You have to place the sight over a moving target for one second (at least) to calculate and apply the correct lead. I imagine they are abstracting the little bumps and dips that characterize AFV movement over off-road terrain, so it can take a bit longer.

  4. I liked the ones that went off by themselves, and early though.  Those were the best by far.  Sometimes the remote detonator would be whispered to just right by another remote device, sometimes circuits would be completed, other times, home made explosives just couldn't hold it in any more.  It was pretty much the ultimate in schadenfreude.  


    You're welcome.

  5. Still came with a whole truckbomb attached.  Those can be rather bothersome. 


    I was thinking about the barrel bombs in that case, but yeah, I'd seriously prefer they replace any weight with chlorine rather than pack on more HE. Or build/install one of those nasty fragmentation kits.


    Yep… if there were some leftovers…they probably more hazardous to the user than anyone else. 

    Should not be but am sometimes dumfounded by the media hype that jumps on anything as ‘proof’ that the world is about to end … again ;)


    Good description of how Iraq is reported to be managing Chlorine IEDs. Believe ist was a BBC report claimed one Iraqi combatant was killed by a Chlorine IED from ISIS early on. Since then precautions for Iraq’s press on ISIS accounted for these chlorine laced ‘terror’ surprises. 

    Syrian civilians getting whacked by chlorine barrel bombs don’t have as many tactical options.



    Given the alternative payloads, I'd take chlorine.

  7. So my question still stands.  Why is it called WP in game when it is not?  If it is suppose to be WP than why does it only smoke?  If you cannot make WP work the way it is suppose to than why have it at allWhy not just have smoke rounds.  It doesn't really matter.  I was just curious why it was called something when it is in fact not.


    I don't believe there are base-discharging smoke rounds for 60 or 81/82 mortars. I can't imagine they'd be all that effective, given the size of the rounds.

  8. Of course my bias is I play more armor centric games so its possible there's just fewer infantry engagements for me to get a feel for the anti infantry RPGs.


    Yeah, it is a bit more effective and noticeable than your post implies. When it actually hits, that is. The last time one managed to nail one of my squads (actually two teams in a medium-sized building) it wounded two guys sharing the window it smacked and a fragment DRT'd their squad leader one or two action spots away. That pretty much sent the immediate firefight's momentum over to the Russian side and I had to risk a Stryker to get the ball back in my court.

  9. Would any of you recommend Red Thunder, over Fortress Italy? Also, which game would be the easiest for a newbie to get into. The game seems like it has a massive learning curve, so what game would ease me into the series.


    I'd personally recommend Red Thunder over Fortress Italy but it is largely personal preference of theaters and time periods.

  10. Thank you for that article.  Very informative.  I was on liveleak.com  and found an American tank in the swamp of Mariupol, Ukraine.  It too comes with an article discussing how to handle the current situation.  At least, there is proof of one American tank, just a picture I know.  How authentic do you think is?




    I wasn't aware they used Hangul in the Ukraine.

  11. Playing against the US it can be safely assumed that drones are in the air. And their presence is often mentioned in scenario briefings. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't see this tactic working against any non-comatose human opponent.


    Well sure, in theory. But in theory, dudes shouldn't be getting nailed by non-TRP artillery either...

  12. As anyone tried precision strikes in MP? Any success? It seems like a human wouldn't likely leave a valuable AFV asset sitting around stationary for minutes on end with drones circling overhead..


    You can't see the enemies' drones, unless I've missed something, somewhere. Anyway, I had modest success in one case, disabling a pair of BMPs with a total of six Grans, but that was playing real-time. I suppose over PBEM dudes might shift their tracks 15-20 meters every turn as a hard counter to American PGMs and a soft counter to RUS/UKR equivalents.

  13. Question from this experience and lots of what I have seen in other AARs: is it advisable to always use doublettes with PGM?


    I use 1 at a time with Excals but 2 or 3 at a time with the PGMM. I haven't yet had a chance to use the Russian/Ukrainian equivalents.

  14. But it does not hurt friendly or enemy infantry nor does a Mortar smoke mission if im correct.


    Mortar WP did cause a few casualties back in CMSF/CMBN, but (realistically) way less than straight HE. And since the point of "shake-and-bake" (WP, then HE) fire missions was to set protective structures on fire and force occupants to abandon them so HE could have maximum effect, but we don't have fire or structures protected against artillery fire in CMx2, there really isn't any point firing WP in-game except for purposes of obscuring something.

  15. I also always wondered how and if WP is modeled ingame...


    Have your tank pop smoke, notice it blooms fast. That's WP in-game. I think it should bloom faster and pillar in short order, but it is at least functional.

  16. Yeah. BTW have you noticed how troops in CMBS seem to be much more resistant against artillery than in normandy and CMSF? I ve seen men in CMBS walk away from shells airbursting over their heads walk away from it, something that almost never happened in in the other games. Must be the body armor that keeps them safe from the shrapnel.


    I think they toned down the killing power of fragmentation in across the board in CMBS; even Ukrainians wearing crap body armor have staying power under mortars.


    Is there a way to have my OOB battle visually shown in one place, like a tree or something? Or have the unit names shown above them? How about selecting all subordinated units to a given HQ? 


    1. No way to show the full OOB.

    2. No way to show unit names above their icon either.

    3. Double click on the HQ unit; that will select every subordinate unit and their subordinates as well. If you want to select just one element in a platoon, double click any unit in that platoon. And if you only want to select the command element (CO, XO, special teams, command vehicles, etc.), but not the full unit, double click on any unit in the command element that isn't the HQ.

  18. USAF is now converting some of its AGM-65F IIR guided models to AGM-65E2, so this isn't something peculiar just to the Marines.


    Dude, you gotta read your links more closely:

    All funds are committed immediately, using FY 2014 US Navy weapon budgets. In early November, the Marine Aviation Plan 2015 explains:


    “To address the operational need for a TACAIR forward-firing missile, 500 legacy AGM-65F Infrared (IR) Mavericks will be purchased from the USAF and converted into modernized AGM-65E2 Laser Mavericks. These conversions will nearly double the current inventory of Laser Mavericks. The AGM-65E2 seeker provides F/A-18F and AV-8B with increased self-designation capability, greater chance of laser spot re-acquisition if lost due to obscurants, and a more accurate laser spot scan than the AGM-65E seeker.”


    Its the Navy/Marine Corps buying part of the USAF's stock and converting for Navy/Marine Corps use.

  19. There has been a purge of military leadership based on political support for obama. I do not know if that is what she ran afoul of, or if there was a real problem. Morale is terrible, across the services, because of "national leadership" issues.


    That plummeting morale has led to some deficits in command. Shortcuts, etc. Some of the firings are well-deserved. Others are just part of a political shaping of the US military which is unprecedented.


    Literally nothing in this post is true. I think the one firing that was politically related was McChrystal... but that was for blatant disrespect. We're not the sort of military where you can say the president is a ****ing idiot publicly and get away with it. President Bush had Admiral Fallon fired for less than that.

  20. My new (and first) scenario is now available from the Repository.  You can get it here.


    The scenario is built on a new 800 x 800m map and features a US Bradley platoon (+) attempting to destroy a small Russian rearguard. 


    I'd love to hear how anyone who gives it a try does, and any feedback would be appreciated. 


    Good scenario, there is definitely room for tactical decision-making, management of scarce resources (viable lines-of-sight, mortar rounds initially, Javelins initially) and an element of luck to the whole thing, which makes it a pretty good scenario in my book.


    I decided to run up the left-side of the map, across the yellow crops. That pretty much killed the possibility for long range engagement of the hill top assets although the UAV was a star at this point, spotting a BMP, a Tigr and a team of infantry on the hill as I advanced. I attempted to KO the hill BMP with the majority of mortar PGMs, which was met with a notable lack of success, while using perhaps two or three precision rounds to suppress/destroy infantry I'd spotted with Javelins/UAV on the hill and using a HEVT fire mission to try to clear the rooftops of the apartment block along with some of the surrounding buildings. At some point my troops were spotted by infantry in the walled-off compound next to the warehouse, starting a firefight that lasted several minutes and consumed most of one squad's ammo, while the BMP displaced around the hill, chewing up the men on my far left flank to the tune of eight casualties -- seven in a single rifle squad and one of the attached snipers -- which forced a halt until the Paladin platoon arrived.


    Once that happened, an Excal made short work of the BMP, then I assaulted and cleared the compound, placing both sniper teams and a single Javelin on the rooftop. That saved my bacon something fierce because the Javelin team spotted a previously unknown ATGM and knocked it out, minutes before the Bradleys arrived. I began sliding my troops forward cautiously up the hill, only to find them suppressed by a sniper team in the apartment block building's upper floor rather than rooftop. At the same time, I shifted my UAV from the hill to OBJ CHICAGO, spotting and knocking out several more vehicles, including a second BMP, with Excals. However the UAV-directed artillery/mortars were ineffective and unable to get fires onto target other than precision rounds, which I was out of for my mortars and conserving for my Paladins.


    Instead, I waited a few minutes for the Bradleys to arrive, immediately popping smoke and moving off the road, following the same path the infantry had taken at fast speed before sheltering behind the walled compound. I was being overly-cautious and shifted the BFVs around singly, bringing a small amount of 25mm onto the apartment block sniper, then keeping him suppressed with coax. As that happened, I pushed the squad that was just about amber on ammo up the hill slowly in split teams. They killed about four or five remaining holdouts before being suppressed right before cresting. That was when I realized BFVs couldn't get up the hill all and settled for sending one on a sweep around the back, killing the cowering remnants of one squad and two Tigrs. I still couldn't see onto the hill with my BFV and finally just area fired in front of my squad while leapfrogging, which seemed to work as they mopped up and secured the objective.


    By now I was down to 25 minutes to actually assault and clear OBJ Chicago. Fortunately, I remembered BFVs carry ammo, topped up the two squads still capable of fighting with 5.56 and Javelins, then set out, with one each sniper team and Javelin team to accompany them, into the first set of buildings. That was when an RPG team in the warehouse made their presence felt by immobilizing a BFV as it passed by. Didn't matter much, they were killed, I still had three more and there wasn't much left in the town other than a machine gun, one or two RPG teams and an Igla-armed soldier all by his lonesome.


    As time expired, the last Russian inside the objective area was panicking, so the final result was a total victory, with only fifty points awarded for preserving OBJ Chicago, on account of 25mm use.

  21. Copy it to <mydocumentsfolder>\Battlefront\Combat Mission\Black Sea\User Data\Mods and start the game.





    Bil's Floating Icons BETA 3


    This version has an all new color palette for blue forces.. much better clarity in either rendering mode... I also re-sized the blue force vehicle icon size to be better balanced with the red force icons.


    I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this, but the US HQ and Forward Observer icons highlight to a lighter shade of blue rather than tan like all the other US icons in the mod. Intentional?


    edit: Same thing with sniper teams, when selected they become a lighter shade of blue rather than tan.

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