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Posts posted by dhucul

  1. The editor is the full one. You can do anything you like.

    I plan on converting my new Expanded HONCH Fall Weiss to the PTO engine when I am done. The new carrier model is very cool.

    My PDE version of the MOD is still in production.

    As a side note, PTO operation Z is a blast. Everyone will enjoy it.

  2. The map is done and quite good. If I post it to cmmods will some of you guys download it and give your comments?

    I have tried "Road to Victory WW2" and I like the look although its too sparse. Therefore, I have decided that I am also going to make some changes to the graphics in my MOD to give it more of a classic boardgame look. I was wondering if anyone has graphics that they could post for:

    Cities: White dot inside a white circle

    Capitals: White star inside a white circle

    Towns: Smaller, solid white dot.

    Port: Blue anchor on a white background inside a blue circle.

    I won't change the terrain graphics at this point.

    Mines will become industrial/resource area. Does anyone have a good graphic of a factory?

    Special Forces will become divisions. I will change the unit graphic accordingly.

    I have started work on the unit layer (starting OOB). Following that will be the adjustments to the production, reasearch and combat values. THen I tackle the event scripts.

  3. Scandinavia finished.

    Will keep arty as they are but will chnage the action points for all countries except the majors to zero so that minor country arty will represent fixed gun positions such as Norweigian coastal guns etc.

    Will keep corps as is and will make special forces "divisions" to represent smaller infantry formations.

  4. The only remaining areas of the map to update are Scandinavia, Russia and North America. I will then complete the addition of East and West Africa.

    I have decided to change Corps to Garrison/Militia and change Special Forces to Corps. In this was I can have low level infantry like I have always wanted. In addition, Corps will be permitted to transport from coastal tiles, this will simulate evacuations that occured quite frequently in the early years of the war.

    Once everything is done including the event scripts for PvP is there anyone who would be interested (and able) to update the AI scripts? Its a big job that I don't necessarily have alot of time to do. I would provide all of the AI scripts that are to be included and they would need to be updated to the new map positions etc.

    I was also considering changing artillery to fixed gun positions. Unable to move but able to fire at naval vessels. Thoughts?

  5. Update number 2 on the new expanded HONCH MOD:

    1. All map changes have been applied to Greece (I just have to reposition Crete), Germany, Poland, Denmark and the Baltic States.

    2. I have recombined the Baltic States into one nation. There is no reason to keep them separate. Having them separate makes it necessary to have Kaunus and Tallin as full capital cities which they really shouldn't be in the context of this MOD.

    3. There were quite a few roads and railways that were not properly connected to ports and resources etc. These problems are adding to the time needed to adjust the map.

    4. Germany seems to be slightly stretched on the East-West axis. I have moved a couple of cities and rivers but it will have to be lived with.

    5. Expect to have the map completely done by the weekend and will then start on the historical starting OOB.

  6. I am going to give regular updates as to my progress in transferring my MOD to the corps level map as well as any new additions. Its alot of work as the map, while excellent work in its own right, is not 100% to my liking.

    1. Made all desired map adjustments to UK, Ireland, France, Belgium and Netherlands including all of their territories. Many of my map changes are directly from WIF final edition maps.

    2. Made Malta an "oversized" island that will allow a land unit AND an air unit.

    3. Expanded the map to allow for East and West Africa (Central Africa will be non-passable for the most part) and the remainder of the Arabian peninsula.

    4. I plan on adding Vichy West Africa (Dakar) and Free France as separate nations now.

    5. I will be removing all unit "names" from land and air units in place of generic units. It is too difficult to ensure that all these unit names are correct. HQ and naval units will retain their names.

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