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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by dhucul

  1. In response to Nupremal:

    Special Forces currently have the ability to transport from any coastal tile (albeit amphibious). I changed these to "infantry division".

    Yes, cities and ports provide defense but only if they are bombarded by naval units, otherwise, you can put a naval unit right next to a port and just sit there while you invade a country. You can also currently amphibiously invade an empty city without an attack on the amphibs as they approach. Shore gun emplacements should be able to fire at these amphibs and naval units that come within range. The Blucher was destroyed by Norwegian shore guns. There were significant shore gun emplacements at Halden/Oslo, Leningrad, Scapa Flow, Narvik, Taranto, Oran and other military ports such as Karskrona etc. You can also attack shore guns with naval bombardment, air attacks or land attacks and destroy them.

    Anti-tank would only be an upgrade on infantry units and tac air. The garrison units would be cheap, but have only one action point and unable to attack. They would also be "locked" into the home country or annexed territory.

  2. I believe that artillery "units" should be changed to "fixed" shore gun emplacements such as those seen near many ports and strongpoints in WW2. Artillery should be an upgrade to land units only.

    Anti-tank units should be removed as well in favour of garrison units. I plan on doing this in my MOD.

    I would also argue that special forces have no place in ETO at this scale. In PTO they work as "marine" divisions. In my mod, I made special forces into infantry "divisions", able to transport from any coastal tile as, at this scale, 99% of coastal tiles would have small ports that could embark smaller units. Embarkation and evacuation of division sized units from small ports was a common occurance in WW2. Dunkirk, Dieppe, Greece, Crete, etc.

    Rocket attacks are easy to script and rockets should not be a separate unit. They caused such little damage in WW2 that they are an afterthought. Their only effect was morale drops.

    To summarize:

    Artillery -> Fixed Shore Guns

    Anti-Tank -> Garrison/Militia

    Special Forces -> to Division (whether Marine or otherwise)

    Rockets -> "Area Weapon" unit (atomic bomb, chemical weapons etc.)

  3. Tactical Commanders:

    Also imagine this:

    You add Student as an upgrade to the German FSJ. Their attack value goes up.

    You add Guderian to a tank unit and their attack and movement values go up.

    You add Paulus to any infantry unit and they can ignore low supply for a few turns.

    I would argue that Patton and Rommel are also tactical commanders.

    HQ (strategic commanders) would still be used.

  4. Abomb:

    The abomb unit would require level 5 atomic reasearch which would have costly research chits. Once acheived you could build as many abombs as you want but each would have a 3-6 month production delay. So, in reality, only the USA would be able to reach that mark by 1945 or so unless Germany, USSR or UK drastically damage their war effort trying for it. I would say France and Italy have little to zero chance. I would even set build limits to allow 2 or 3 bombs for USA, 1 for Germany, UK and USSR and none for everyone else. Other post-war mods could use the abomb unit for hydrogen bombs, chemical weapons etc.

    The unit would have the same range as that of the nations bombers and would be used up on use. Any resource (city, fort, port etc.) plus any rail in the tile would be permanently removed from the map. Any units in the tile or next to the tile would take large losses. Any units moving into or through the tile would take smaller losses. (Radiation) Morale hit on a nation would be huge.

    Surface raiders:

    I would suggest that battleships, cruisers and bombers would have only small and infrequent impact on convoy routes, still making subs worth the investment.

    Amphib attack:

    Maybe have failed amphibs take a heavy hit but not full destruction. This would force them back to a friendly port.


    This upgrade would add to the attack and defense values just as IW and AT but would not give the two tile strike that there is right now.


    CEAW has a great oil feature. You start out with an oil counter for beginning inventory. Every turn the counter increases a fixed amount for every oil resource you control (or have a convoy with) and reduces slightly every time you move a tank, mech infantry, plane or ship. When the counter gets low you know that you need to capture more oil or start to leave units static. I would suggest that 3-4 oil wells under your control should provide sufficient oil to maintain a large mechanized armed forces. Germany would need to capture one of the Caucasus or Middle East by 1943.

  5. SC2: Advanced Tactics, the newest expansion for the Strategic Command 2 series from award winning designer Hubert Cater takes all of the new features from the successful SC2: Weapons and Warfare and SC2: Patton Drives East to the next level:

    Features incude:

    1. The ability of battleships, crusisers and bombers in range of convoy routes to interdict those routes as subs currently do.

    2. Overland convoy routes from capital to capital, for example, Romania to Germany and Germany to Italy.

    3. Varying degrees of neutrality. A nation with 50% or more activation towards one side will allow ships of that side to use their ports for supply and land and air units to draw supply from their cities using their rail networks. A nation with 75% or more activation to one side allows land and air units of that side to operate or land transit through their territory. Attacks are not permiited from their territory until 100% activation.

    4. More than one convoy per major. Each major can have more than one convoy route active at once. For example, the USA can convoy to the UK AND USSR at the same time.

    5. Tactical commanders are available to purchase and add to each land, air or naval unit as an upgrade. Each tactical commander comes with a special ability that is available to that unit. Some commanders included are Paulus, Student, Guderian etc.

    6. The artillery unit has been removed and is now available as an upgrade on most land units.

    7. A new "atomic research" category has been added.

    8. A new "atomic bomb" unit has been added. Nations would require level 5 in atomic research to build a bomb. When the bomb is used, the unit is destroyed, every resource and rail in a tile that the unit is used on is permanently removed from the map. Units in the tile are heavily damaged and units entering that tile will receive some damage.

    9. A new "garrison" unit has been added. This low level infantry unit has one action point, cannot leave the home country or annexed territories and has no ability to attack. It provides only defense.

    10. Amphibious attacks can now occur against occupied coastal tiles. If the defending unit is not destroyed, the attacking amphibious unit is.

    11. Oil inventory. Each major accumulates oil inventory from its oil resources each turn. These oil inventories are depleted as mechanized and naval units move and attack. When the inventories run out, these units cannot attack and their movement is limited to one action point.

    12. New scenarios: Fall Weiss and Storm of Steel Expanded (The European Theatre on a much smaller scale).

    13. And much more.....................

    OK, I just woke up. I wanted to spice up the forum as its been a little quiet.

  6. It looks as though CMMODS is still down. I will post the most recent version as soon as it is available.

    Newest changes:

    1. Changed Rocket tech to Shore Guns for ALL nations. German V1 and V2 rocket attacks on London are now scripted supply events.

    2. Added scripts for "Crete Effect" similar to "Malta Effect" but hitting Axis supply in Egypt and Rhodes.

    3. Increased the movement cost of some terrain and weather slightly.

    4. Added a US to USSR convoy through Persia.

    5. Added a few more events such as arrival of commonwealth pilots in UK, South African unit to Kenya, Indian and Gideon Force units to Sudan.

    6. Adjusted El Alemein and Mannerheim Lines.

    That should be it for the PvP version. The AI should be another week.

  7. I am still working on the AI but some other updates so far:

    1. Increased the starting OOB for most nations.

    2. Changed the MPP production to 14 day normalization.

    3. Slightly lowered the cost of fighters and non-sub naval units for the UK, subs and tanks for Germany, Divisions, Corps and Armies for USSR.

    4. Made shore guns available to all nations except for Germany. They have rockets.

    5. Lowered the starting activation of USSR to 0% Allied but increased activation triggers. Also changed all Axis victory scripts to include Moscow. No Axis victory is available without capturing Moscow.

    6. Added a Romania to Germany convoy.

    7. Lowered the Venezuela and Iraq convoy percentages.

    8. Added a decision script for UK support of Greece.

    THis will be on cmmods on MOnday.

  8. Its on cmmods.

    I understand that Bern is the capital of Switzerland but in the scale of the game, Zurich is the only "city". The same thing with Vichy. Marseilles becomes the capital as Vichy is not represented at this scale.

    I added a shore gun emplacement to Oran, added a couple of divisions to Spain, reduced the size of the Polish navy and some of its Eastern garrisons, and reduced the strength of the British African divisions.

    The rail line from Kiel to Copenhagen seems to be OK.

  9. Yep, forgot to change that. I will ASAP. I may adjust the action points given that I have changed it to weeks for all except winter.

    Have done some minor changes and adjustments and will start on the AI scripts this week.

    Atomic Bombs are now decision events so you can say no if you don't want to use them.

    Stay tuned!

  10. 1. Expanded the French Metropolitan rail network.

    2. Finished the sea weather layer.

    3. Added scripts for Benelux, Ostland, French and Norwegian Waffen SS.

    4. Added Vlassov defection script.

    5. Added a tank to USSR starting OOB.

    6. Added a tank to French force pool.

    7. Increased number of German armies in force pool to 6. I want to keep Germany dependent on minor nation manpower though, especially after Barbarossa. They will receive several free divisions via script.

    8. Atomic Bombs are scripted but I am considering making them a unit again to provide more flexibility.

    9. Changed the hard attack of fighters to zero.

  11. Good comments.

    I will place those shore guns.

    The majors will not be able to build shore guns as I used the rockets slot for minor nation shore guns. However, the majors can build fortifications that have good naval defense.

    I will adjust the force pools as suggested.

    Not sure about changing the German naval units yet.

    All ports and towns will be named to match the on screen text. I just haven't done it yet.

    I have started on the event scripts. It should only take a few days to get those done and then the game will be ready for PvP. The AI will take some time.

  12. OK, I exported all of the data from the VISTA campaign file and exported it into a new file on my XP machine. It all seems to work now. Whew!!!!!

    I WILL NOT attempt to use the editor on my VISTA laptop ANYMORE!

    Its on cmmods now. It should have 100% of the map completed except for the weather layer.

    It also includes 100% of the OOB and country/campaign data.

    Only the scripting needs to be updated to the new map.

    In addition, I moved Trondheim and added the rail line as suggested.

    Oslo and Stockholm harbours also have shore gun emplacements. Does anyone know of any other ports that had particularly heavy shore defenses?

  13. Something strange is happening. I ran the editor in non-admin mode on my VISTA laptop and added the rest of the map etc. Its all there as long as I run the editor like this.

    If I transfer the CGN file to my XP machine or if I try to run the editor in admin mode in VISTA it shows, just as you have said, half the map etc.

    Hubert is checking into this.

    In VISTA admin mode and in XP it shows only the file up until the point that I started making changes in non-admin mode in VISTA.

    Anyone have any ideas?

  14. Now all we need is land convoys!


    Ability of air and surface raiders to interdict all convoys.

    Ability to land and air transit nations that are 75% or more on your side.

    Ability to use a nations ports and cities for supply if they are 50% or more on your side.

    Ability to amphibiously attack occupied tiles.

    Ability to add artillery, anti-air, anti-tank and tactical commanders to units as special upgrades.

    Ability to limit movement of units based on oil supplies. Nations would accumulate oil each turn based on convoys and number of oil resources.

    Atomic bomb unit that permanently destroys a resource and damages all units within 2 tiles.

    Ability of a major power to send more than one convoy, eg. USA to UK AND USA to USSR etc.

  15. The map is twice as large East-West and about 1.5 times North-South. I am currently almost done adding in Venezuela, the French and British Guyanas and some of Colombia and Brazil etc. Africa is extended south to Libreville (capital of Free France) on the West and Kenya on the East.

    The historical OOB is 99% done.

    I have made a couple of other changes:

    1. "Infantry Weapons" changed to "Infantry Weapons and Tactics". Germany, USA and UK start with level one although USA and UK units need upgrading. France starts with one chit and Russia and Italy with no chits.

    2. "Special Forces" are now "Division". This allows for smaller units in various areas as the map is alot larger. Also allows for Waffen SS militias. It also allows for "evacuations" of divisions from coastal tiles if necessary. Evacuations occured quite frequently in the early part of the war.

    3. Norway now has a secondary capital of Bergen. This means that Germany needs to capture this city as well to make Norway surrender.

    4. Free France and Venezuela are new countries. Venezuela has a convoy route to USA.

    5. Have added a decision script for the UK reinforcement of Greece if Axis invade. YES means a UK unit will be organzied in Greece but Egyptian supply will take a one time hit. NO means status quo.

    6. Poland will now have partisans.

    7. Only Germany can build rockets.

    8. Changed "Mines" to "Industrial/Resource". One of the mine bitmaps has been changed to factories. Factories have been added to tiles for heavily industrialized areas that don't warrant cities such as Coventry, Skoda works next to Prague, Dortmund next to Essen, Detroit automobile industries next to Detroit and Russian industrial areas in the Urals.

    9. Malta and Rhodes are now fortified two tile islands allowing infantry AND air units.

    10. Some German and Polish pre-war fortified lines have been added.

    11. Belgian fort of Ebyn Emal has been added.

    I will upload my current map to cmmods. No events or AI scripts are included yet so its just for comments!

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