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Posts posted by dhucul

  1. This has been discussed before and it is a good idea. Maybe SC3.

    Naval units could have a leader attached to them who has specific abilities, just like a unit improvement. If this is done then tactical commanders on land and air units should also be added. In this way, each land unit can have a specific "leader" attached to it like a unit improvement that has special abilities. (Yes....very similar to CEAW) In this way we can add Guderian, Paulus, Student etc. I would also argue that Patton is a "tactical" commander, not an HQ.

  2. Just not possible with current engine. There needs to be a significant change to improve speeds on bigger maps. I tried my Global Fall Weiss MOD without AI scripts and just the engine AI and it took FOREVER.

    Anyway, I am not interested in the Pacific War. My Global Engine MOD is strictly Western Hemispehere although Japan can occupy Madagascar and use it for a sub base if the Allies don't intervene there before hand!

  3. Hi guys:

    No worries, my Division/Corps level Expanded Fall Weiss MOD is being adapted to the Global Engine. It includes an even bigger map with the coastline of South America and more of Africa. New countries include the Czech nation, Abyssinia, Albania and Libya as conquered nations; Brazil, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, India and all of the "Free" governments of Europe that operated from London after their home nations were conquered. It will continue to be Fall Weiss based but has an enormous number of additions and changes since the old MOD.

    There are also overland convoys between USSR and Germany, Vichy France and Germany, Romania and Germany and Italy and Germany and expanded "what-if" events.

    With the scale and size of the MOD though, an AI is really not feasible until the engine better handles larger MODs.

    Human to Human play should be alot of fund though.

  4. My HONCH Expanded division/corps scale MOD of Fall Weiss is complete except for the AI. It will be released with the next SC2 expansion.

    It includes the following:

    1. Half the scale of the original Fall Weiss.

    2. Expanded map to include more of Africa and South America.

    3. Many more cities, towns, ports, resources and points of interest. (eg. Kasserine Pass, Dodacenese Islands, Montevideo and the River Plate etc.)

    4. Many more nations including Brazil, Venezuela, Netherlands, Abyssinia.

    5. Emulation of Free French, Dutch, Norwegian, Polish, Greek and Belgian governments and units.

    6. Expanded scripts to explore the what-ifs of the Iraqi Coup, British military aid to Greece, British Chemical Weapon plans and SAS attacks, German attempts to bring Spain into the War, Axis Surface and Air Raiders, Japanese Sub Bases in Madagascar, defection of General Vlassov, Arab and Zionist partisan attacks, Overland convoys from Germany to Italy, Romania to Germany, Persia to USSR, V1 and v2 attacks and more.

    7. Expanded OOB including divisions, garrison troops, coastal and rail guns, Waffen SS and Ost Battalions, US Atomic Bombs and more.

    Stay tuned.

  5. Its getting worked on now for upcoming projects.

    The best solution seems to be to replace rockets with special weapons. We are currently determining how to best represent this so as to make it easy for Hubert to make the changes to include it. Nations will not be able to "purchase" special weapons units. Their arrival will be scripted.

    USA: Abomb

    UK: Chemical weapons or special operations units (SAS)

    Germany: Strategic Rockets (v1,v2)

    Japan: Kamikazes

  6. 1. There was and should be NO chance of peace between Germany and UK or Japan and UK, none. Even a successful sealion and UK fights from its colonies.

    2. Once US is in the war there is no chance of US peace with Germany or Japan, however, if sealion is successful BEFORE US enters then maybe US should move AWAY from war instead of towards war? If Sealion is followed up by Axis attack on Ireland, Canada or Iceland then US would move towards war again.

    3. There WAS and should be a chance of USSR peace with Germany. If Germany takes Leningrad, Moscow and Stalingrad there should be a decision event to offer peace to Germany. Germany gets all territory from Archangel to Astrakhan. USSR moves capital to Urals and goes Neutral again. (Although possibly still pro-Allied and moving closer to war again after awhile) Currently the remaining territories of the USSR would need to be transferred to a minor, something like the SSSR, Siberian Soviet Socialist republic. Its workable but not perfect.

    4. There should be a decision event for Japan and China to have peace if Chungking falls. Again, China goes Neutral albeit very pro-Allied and re-activates if and when certain territories fall to the other Allies.

    What is needed is a new activation system whereas each major can be in different states of activation towards the others as well as being able to force majors to non-activation etc.

    A little bird tells me that Hubert is working on something along these lines.

    Stay tuned.

  7. The final version of my PvP Honch Expanded Fall Weiss for PDE is in the Battlefront repository. It has alot of changes including map adjustements, new starting OOB adjustments and balance changes.

    The next version will be released with the next SC2 project.

    At that time I will also undertake to MOD the AI as well.

  8. I see no problem with using the acronym Jap. WW2 was over 60 years ago. Are we going to start getting upset when we use the term Brits, Russkies, Yanks, Aussies, Swedes, Danes or Finns? C'mon.

    If the term has not become entrenched in our language as a an insult such as "ch$nks" or "n$ps" then we need to get away from this politically correct bullsh$t.

  9. Blashy and I have started a discussion in the Beta Testing forum and whether Germany or Japan could have won. I agreed that Japan had no hope but Germany did.

    If you were leader of either nation, how would you have won the war?


    Crush the BEF at Dunkirk. This causes a vote of no-confidence and ouster of Churchill. Eden takes over.

    Australian, Indian, Polish, Free French and New Zealand reinforcements for the Middle East are rushed to the UK under threat of Sealion.

    Rommel is sent to Libya and seizes Tobruk.

    In May 1941, after signing the "Four Power Pact" with Japan, Italy and the USSR, Manstein and the "Arabia Korps" are sent to Syria.

    German troops support a Spanish conquest of Gibralter, stopping planning for operation "Torch" in North Africa.

    Rommel seizes the Suez and meets Manstein in Palestine.

    Together they seize Iraq and the oilfields as USSR invades Persia, as per agreement.

    In May 1942 Germany invades the USSR through Europe. Rommel enters the Caucasus along with Turkish troops and cuts off the Russian divisions in Persia. By Summer 1943 the Russians are pushed into the Urals and Stalin signs an armistice.

    The Luftwaffe and U-Boats turn to the UK and hammer them. At end of 1942, with no oil, Eden sues for peace.

    The last enemy, the USA threatens atomic attack in 1945 after the defeat of Japan.

    Germany threatens chemical weapon attacks on the US East Coast via u-boat, Amerika Bomber and A-10 ballistic missile as well as chemcial weapon attacks on UK.

    USA signs an armistice.

    Victory and very possible.

  10. A few more improvements:

    1. Fixed the minor HQ flags.

    2. Fixed the Cape Horn route so that ships can now go all of the way around. (They had been blocked by the South African port)

    3. Adjusted garrison unit costs to 75 for every nation.

    4. Adjusted the Gdynia and Hel Peninsula tile to include a fortification.

    5. Added German Landwehr (garrison) units to the German-Belgian border.

    6. Adjusted the entry values of Portugal and Turkey to 0% Neutral.

    7. Added a partial strength Norwegian cruiser to Narvik.

    8. Added Narvik to the list of Norwegian capitals.

    9. Added a few US National Guard units to Boston, Miami and Philadelphia.

    10. Removed MacArthur from the US production queue in 1946.

    11. Added country, region and water area names to the map.

    12. Added the German Hitler Youth, Reserve Army and Volkstrum (Home Guard) to activate upon certain conditions.

    13. Adjusted downwards the convoy levels from British Africa, Australia and India to the UK.

    14. Added a script to hit Finnish resources due to Allied blockades if they enter Leningrad or Murmansk.

    15. Removed Italian HQ Prince Umberto from map and added him to activate as Viceroy of Ethiopia upon war.

    16. Changed the UK Habbaniyah division to an entrenched air unit

    17. Added script to activate UK Wellington bomber unit at Shaiba upon war with Iraq.

    18. Reduced the strength of the Iraqi division in Baghdad.

    19. Removed the Turkish armour unit from the map.

    20. Added an Italian division to activate at Kismayu upon war.

  11. Unfortunatley I have had to make a decision to postpone any more work on the AI for my MOD. Two reasons:

    1. It is way more time consuming that I intially planned. I have all of the event script embedded AI scripts completed and do have a couple of the AI scripts files doen for the Axis but I am too busy to give any more time to this.

    2. The AI takes up to 15 minutes to complete its turn with the rudimentary AI scripts that I have included. I beleive that this is due to the fact that my map is so large and there are so many more resources and units.

    I have made some good progress on making the PvP MOD even more balanced and detailed.

    I have done the following:

    1. Changed anti-tank units to "garrison". These are infantry units very limited in attack and movement. They can be upgraded with motorization and anti-tank weapons but are only useful for protecting resources from partisans etc.

    2. I have removed anti-air as a separate unit. Even at my corps level scale they are not realistic.

    3. I have radically changed the French Surrender scripts. If Germany says yes to Vichy then Syria, West and North Africa go neutral and Free France is born in Libreville. If they say no, then North Africa goes allied under Admiral Darlan. The French fleet goes to the UK. Free France under De Gaulle is born in Libreville but also includes Syria and West Africa. If the Axis conquer North Africa, Franco will come to the Axis asking for Morocco and Oran. If Germany says yes, these territories go to Spain and Spain joins the Axis. If they say no then North Afirca simply surrenders to the Axis.

    4. The UK colonies of Australia/New Zealand, India and British Africa are fully respresented by off map tiles at the bottom of the map.

    5. Italian East Africa is a separate nation under Italy that activates upon war with the allies.

    6. I have added the Arab Nationalist army to appear in Palestine if the Axis liberate it from the UK.

    I should have it on cmmods soon.

  12. Unfortunately, I have had NO time to continue work on the AI. Between my full time job as a financial planner dealing with the economic problems out there for my clients and beta testing PTO I really jumped ahead of myself in expecting a quick conversion of the AI from my previous MOD. Not to mention 2 little girls in karate, girl guides and dancing. I hope to make time soon and promise that I will keep plugging at it. My hat definately comes off to Hubert and Bill for being able to sit and hammer out these scripts without going crazy. The garrison scripts are done but I thought I was going to give up after several hours.

    I am very pleased with the PvP version though and have added some more tweaks. The bottom edge of the map is now similar to an old SPI board game. It includes off map sections for South Africa, Madagascar, Tanganyika, Australia, New Zealand and India as well as some other items to put as much historical realism into the game as possible.

    Unfortunately again there is no option to convert the MOD to PTO as I would have liked to take advantage of the new carrier model, air operation restrictions, supply versus industrial centres etc. It will have to wait for a new game engine. Stay tuned though! ;)

    The new version will be on cmmods and the Battlefront site by Friday.

    Thanks for being patient.

  13. I haven't had alot of time to continue with the AI yet and its ALOT more work than originally thought. For that reason I have stopped work on the Axis AI and will endeavour to get the Allied AI done first. Soon.

    Anyway, tonight I am uploading the latest PvP version including a new decision script for the UK to mine Norwegian waters if they choose. The consequence of a YES is that Norway will move significantly to the Axis but the Narvik to Germany convoy will be crippled.

    Also, I have added off map convoy tiles to better simulate the US to USSR via Persia and Rumania to Germany convoys.

    Lastly, Germany now has a decision script to use poison gas or not if the Allies use the atomic bomb. If they do the Allies will take damage to their cities, ports and units but some of the other Axis nations that may still be at war, notably Italy and Rumania may surrender to get out of the war.

  14. While I am still slowly banging away at the AI and mulling over changing the MOD to a Storm of Steel variant, I have made some changes and will upload a new version of the PvP tonight:

    1. Added more towns and villages to East Africa including Galabat, Kassala, Kismayu etc.

    2. Changed Egypt and the UK territories in East Africa to Anglo Egypt-Sudan and put a secondary capital as Khartoum if Cairo falls. Kenya, Aden and British Arabia remain UK territories. Added a Sudanese militia unit to Sudan.

    3. Added a decision script for the Axis player to assist Iraq when they have their coup. If yes, then an Italian air unit will land at Mosul. If no, Iraqi entry to Axis will fall by 25%.

    4. Made Kuwait a UK territory instead of Iraqi, added the port of Basra and changed the convoy route to come from the port of Basra. Upon Iraqi coup, a decision script will still ask the UK player if they want to land an Indian brigade in Basra. This will trigger war with Iraq.

    5. Changed the "Persian and Iraqi early surrender scripts" to trigger only if there are no German or Italian units within range of their capitals when the British and/or USSR invade.

    6. Added the UK airbase of Al Habbaniya outside of Bagdhad with a single UK Brigade there.

    7. If Iraq goes Axis then the UK Hab Force will appear in Jordan.

    8. Changed the "UK to Assist Greece" scripts so that a yes will land Wilson HQ, a division and an air squadron in Athens but reduces supply in Alexandria and reduces UK unit Strengths in Egypt slightly to represent transfer of equipment.

    9. Increased the number of UK Home Guard units.

    10. Added a German AA unit to Hamburg on initial OOB.

    11. Added a Free French unit to arrive in Egypt if Alexandria is threatened.

    12. Added Equatorial Africa to Libya loops for the UK and France so that Allies have an option of dispatching Free French troops through Africa to Libya as occurred in the war.

  15. Since my MOD is all about variability and the ability to do what-ifs, I was thinking of changing the starting date to immediately prior Czech annexation by Germany. The starting OOBs, research levels and activation levels would all be similar to "Storm of Steel" except that the German player would have the following choices in 1939:

    1. Proceed with USSR pact and then proceed with the war against Poland and the West or maybe or;

    2. Try to get Poland and Czechoslovakia to join in an anti-Communist crusade along with Spain, Finland, Italy and Romania as Hitler initially hoped in 1938, or;

    3. Sign a more extensive treaty with the USSR and start an anti-Western crusade to break up the British and French Empires between themselves. There is no doubt that Stalin would have initially agreed to this in 1939. In this case I would forsee a US entry much earlier.


    PS: The AI scripting is almost done! I have also added in alot of the 1940 and 1941 Sealion events to the MOD.

  16. While still working on the AI I am posting a new PvP with some changes:

    1. Added South Africa, Australia/New Zealand and India as UK off-map colonies. They have their own units that need to be upgraded, reinforced and transported to the European Theatre.

    2. Added Soviet Far East as an off-map city. In late 1945 the Soviets will get units to transfer to Europe if necessary and the capital will go from Sverdlosk to the Far East making a USSR surrender impossible.

    3. Spiced up the scripting for the politics and events surrounding the Iraqi coup and Persia's initial refusal to allow overland supply to USSR. They work really well.

    4. Added an atomic bomb script to hit Berlin after bombs dropped on the Ruhr Valley.

    5. Added some scripts so that Turkey and Yugoslavia have a negative response if the UK does not support Greece when attacked.

    6. Changed Palestine to a separate nation, 100% occupied by UK. This allows Zionist and Arab rebels to attack supply.

    7. Added alot more towns to the map to fill in the vast areas of empty space and add a little more life. These towns are graphics only. They do not provide any benefit to units in that tile.

    8. Removed an oil resource from Basra and added one to Abadan in Persia.

    9. Reduced the impact of oil shortages on Germany.

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