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Posts posted by benpark

  1. It was tried in testing. It works fairly well (with the mix of flak placed) offensively- if the guns survive. Didn't cut it in the looks department, and it doesn't hold up to the inevitable artillery in the defense like the chunk of rebar and concrete above. The remaining insides of the Humboldthain tower make the defensive qualities clear- there was a lot of reinforcement in those things.

    BFC aren't generally prone to add things that are one-use adds to maps. If a model gets added, it should be useful for as many things as possible for the time sink to make and code it.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Almac said:

    Does that mean that by the time the game is released, the beta tester have played through it like 5 or 6 times? 

    More than 5 or 6 times, in many cases- by multiple people to get a read on as much as possible. Most of us that make stuff test things I make that many times before it gets to that stage, as well. That isn't to say the process isn't open to some human factors.

    4 minutes ago, Almac said:

    What is the difference in regions in the quick battles section?

    "Germany" has been added, with a Hungarian Mod Tag and included things like commercial building signage.

    There is also a Mod Tag (city or urban, can't remember) that has an entirely new set of textures for the city stuff. As well as other Mod Tags like [berlin] for things like the invasion stripes, etc.

    That's along with Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union from the base RT, of course.

  3. Any code changes up until now would be included, some of which already came about through this module's work (and showing up in other modules prior to the release of this one). So fundamentals that are in the overall CMx2 for everything are in this one.

    The module-specific changes are things like the rubbled walls, which are a bit more specific to the setting, and something I wanted to add for Berlin. And the models, and textures, and the TO&E. And the rest of the scenarios and campaigns.

    Each CM game is similar, and unique in that way. But it all has to snap together, and we focus on the stuff that is specific to that module. So no- you probably won't see every fix imagined in this. It would be an engine update.

    The overall engine updates keep that train rolling- otherwise there would be no point in making modules for the older games.

  4. On 3/27/2021 at 6:10 PM, BFCElvis said:

    I forget if Ben or I mentioned the setting for them.......

    Here's the campaign run-down for the ones not described yet. Ithikial has an additional campaign that he has been outlining, so that's another campaign in the mix, additional to the below.

    The German and Soviet main, and more traditional campaigns are each around 9 battles, depending upon track. These each have some limited branching to keep things interesting.

    Each of the below has some degree of variable set-up for each campaign scenario, again-to keep things interesting over more than one play-through.

    3 AI plans are the norm for each, as well. A lot of attention has been given to the AI in both the attack and defense, and I hope it shows when you are hunkered down in the Hegyikastély, or countering attacks outside of Naugard.

    I am a proponent of letting everyone discover the thing "as new" as much as possible, so I'll be posting just the thumbnails for the settings and forces for now, with a brief description of the Berlin campaigns.

    The two central campaigns are somewhat "phased"- The Soviets have 3/3/3 phases- 3 battles in Poland, 3 in Germany, and 3 in Berlin. The Germans are phased by KG assignment, as Regiment "Norge" is the through-line. It is about half KG Darges, half KG Phillip. Some branching may impact that, but the variable AI should keep it interesting between plays.

    Soviet campaign:


    German Campaign:


    Berlin. Two versions, one for the Soviet side (pummel away, but watch those Panzerfausts), and one for the German (enjoy the pummeling).

    The following campaigns (roughly the same, from two different perspectives) cover the fighting for the Lehrter Station and Kroll Oper in the first battle, the Reichstag and to the Staatsoper in the second battle. Forces are retained over the two battles, with some limited replacements/reinforcements. Two battles each.

    The idea for these was to somewhat recreate the feeling of the old CMx1 Operations. One force, during a single battle, linked terrain. There isn't persistent damage, but creative map positioning gives a sense of advancing over the ground fought over.




  5. It's also about finding evidence of use in combat conditions (which is varied research and imperfect science for determination of that).

    That rule was loosened somewhat because of the specific period we are dealing with, but it is a large consideration to get things in that framework.

  6. 1 minute ago, Anonymous_Jonze said:

    Wait so the we got the field caps mixed with the helmets!?

    For Volkssturm, "military" branch.

    It may have been possible, as the formation is "new".

    Almost forgot Partisans, they will have military side-caps and civilian-type hats/caps (different than Middle-European versions). The models are a mix of civilian gear and military soldier models (with breaches, IIRC).

  7. Thank you kindly. I believe I have two scenarios, 4 campaigns (2 are from opposite perspectives), and a mess of big, historically derived maps (nearly 20?) and around 100+ QBs from said maps.

    Lots of great scenarios by others, and I can finally (almost) play 'em myself!

  8. 3 hours ago, Jumpete said:

    Also I hope to have heer troops with a mixture of M43 and M44 uniforms.

    M43 and M44 mix is in. I'm away from my FR churner at the moment, but here's some other bits about uniforms-

    There was a lot of research throughout this, and models were added for the gaps in RT that we had, as well as for the near 100-Years War level of uniform chaos that is 1945. Here are a few of the additions (there may be more, so I'll leave those for discovery).

    There is an M43 cap in, used by the Volkssturm "Military" Appearance. That covers RAD troops, and just about anything auxiliary that saw combat that would have been in some form of uniform. I believe those also have helmets mixed in.

    The other two Appearance options for the Volkssturm are "Standard" and "Greatcoat". Standard is the civilian-type kit, Greatcoat is civilan-type hats and...a greatcoat.

    We have tried to add more targeted visual variety, as there are a lot of different, odd formations active in this time period, each with their own characteristics that I tend to prefer to have some visual representation of. Better than looking at icons to know what the enemy may be, or the UI if it is on-screen.

    I believe random helmets and ushanka mixes are also making it in for winter conditions (headgear is a headache!). Getting the Soviets some additional visual improvements was a goal. There will also be the slung greatcoat (skatka, bedroll) model, which has shown up in the images previously.

    Gebirgsjägers are a bit different. Those uniforms I did (using Mike's base) were a last minute add for CMFB, I believe. Steve had to do some magic to get the uniforms to show, so changing the headgear is another layer of complexity beyond the others. Better than not having the uniform at all, in my book. Possible in the future, but these seemingly small changes are prone to break lots of stuff.

    I have some other things that I'll release as ideas or mods that didn't make it, post-release. This module has the largest accumulation of cutting-room floor in memory, and is already packed. Even with the years of development, there wasn't enough time to test all concepts and scenarios that were deemed nearly there.

  9. 32 minutes ago, kohlenklau said:

    Is this the sign of different 3D guys involved in WW2 versus modern titles?

    It's Cassio doing 3D, and Mike doing 2D stuff these days (since around CMFI). Pete and I kick in 2D/3D things in from time to time if we have a specific plan for incorporation, but the art assets you see on screen are largely made by two people.

  10. I keep lots of links handy in case I forget things-

    via Steve:


    Special note... Flavor Objects provide cover but not concealment. The degree of cover is, of course, dependent on what the object is. A soldier will get a lot more cover lying behind some tires instead of standing up behind a sign post

    From way back here (don't think anything major has changed):


  11. As long as the underlying model is the same, choosing the most pared-down existing texture helps.

    Start with the non-camo versions, or as close as you can get to it- if they exist. Mike's camo example at top would be far easier to see from the standard OD version. That makes it easier to see where things might line up, and where to position any new camo or detail you wish to adapt/add.

    Blending Modes and Hue/Saturation in Photoshop can do a huge amount for variation of any basic recolor of a texture you make for alternates.

  12. This what I have ticked "on" in the Nvidia Control Panel (works best at these settings for the 2080, your mileage may vary):

    Antistropic Filtering: 16x

    Antialiasing Mode: Enhance

    Antialiasing Setting: 8x

    Antialiasing Transparancy: Off (screws up ground textures when "on")

    Low Latency Mode: Ultra

    Max Frame Rate: Off

    MFAA: On

    Open GL rendering GPU: Set as your card.

    Power Management Mode: Prefer Max Performance

    Texture Filtering- Antistropic Sample Optimization: Off

    Texture Filtering- Neg. LoD Bias- Clamp

    Texture Filtering- Quality: High Quality

    Texture Filtering- Trilinear Opt.: On

    Threaded Optimization- Off

    Triple Buffering: On

    Vertical Sync: Adaptive


    I'm mostly catering the settings away from DirectX settings, and trying to keep everything I can OpenGL friendly.

    All settings in CM at maximum.


  13. I've been noticing how off some of the 1980's color reproduction is in some of these old photographs.

    Kodak Gold, lab printed is a true look of the 1980's, but it isn't how people's eyes interpreted it. Something to bear in mind when modding this later- a lot of these colors are shifted from what they looked like in person.

    I've taken a sample of the purple tank (shadows are often purple in 80's lab prints) and quickly color corrected it to illustrate some of how off these older images can be-


  14. 5 minutes ago, SlowMotion said:

    I think a quite simple way of doing this could be if in Scenario Editor you could select an option for some unit that it would be included in a battle only when that side is played by the AI.

    There is an outstanding suggestion I made a year or so ago for the ability to save variable set-ups that would cover things like this (and for not knowing what will be faced against the AI).

    Not sure if it will ever get picked up, but it would be another good tool to have.

  15. Making large maps, then cutting them down is the method I generally use. F&R has a large pool of these. Some are also used in campaigns, QBs, and scenarios, and some exist as a base from which to make your own.

    I tend to start with a historical area that I know is an area of focus for an action that is to be turned into a scenario. I'll look for as much detail as source material as possible first (period maps, GE, GE VR, historical descriptions, and any other references that can be useful). These maps get as much detail as possible, but some extra may be added for resulting, smaller maps. I'll chop the big map down to the relevant area for that particular purpose. Any extra areas could then exist as QB's or...extra.

    It always seems better to me to do more initially (even if not used later), rather than adding well into the process. It also allows for a better historical representation if the source comes from the overlay in the big picture.

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