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Everything posted by Timskorn

  1. Awesome, I'll d/l the new version Sunday night. Much appreciated this program and the time you took to put it together, this kind of program goes a long way to supporting a development community.
  2. I tried scripting them to leave, but the script won't work. Since I can't specify the exact unit to use, the AI will simply transport a unit from the UK and then drop it back off in the UK, instead of transporting the BEF in Brest. It simply looks for a unit to transport to a location and does it, picking any available.
  3. Thanks Lars. Yep, fixed the popup issue. I've been playing as the Axis over and over and over again testing so I decided to do some quick touch-ups on the Axis AI and play as the Allies to better get a sense of how I should script them. I definitely realized a few things, like Russia's inability to form a proper defensive line any farther out than Moscow/Voronezh. I initially tried it from Smolensk to Kiev, but they simply don't have the manpower. I'm hoping a farther back line will not only stretch Axis supply and deny them lots of experience, but give them more time to tech up. Anyway, the initial Axis AI I've touched up works well. They invade Denmark, have more units for Barbarossa and Italy sends more units to Tobruk. I'd like to add possible Sealion script, Norway invasion script and German units to North Africa script...but, Allied AI is still priority. US North Africa invasion I'm probably going to scrap for now, it's just a waste of US men and resources without the ability to directly land at Algiers on the same turn as the DoW.
  4. Need to open a campaign with it before you can do any editing.
  5. Just a quick tip for those using the program. All of the scripts are given a space after #POPUP= so everything that activates during a game will give you a blank pop up (a lot!). Open up ALL of the txt files (Plan, activation, war entry, research, etc) and use the Replace feature under edit. Replace #POPUP= with #POPUP= and then Replace All. Make sure there is no space after the = sign. [ May 13, 2006, 09:58 AM: Message edited by: Timskorn ]
  6. Ah, very nice! That's ok that it doesn't check the scripts for errors anyway, since any changes would require a new save of the campaign and thus an automatic script check. I just finished testing and am about to go back and do some editing, so...will definitely give this a full run through now. One thing so far, I've added a new script and typed in a new name but the new name doesn't show up in the drop down list to the left. It still says, "new Plan Script #114". I'm noticing that any kind of renaming doesn't change the name on the left-hand side. When I save, exit and then re-load the campaign the new names DO show up however. Also, when I made a script I left blank a lot of fields which causes errors when compiling the script. It's not a big deal, but it'd be nice if the scripts contained the default code when you create a new one (Ie, if I don't put anything in for Infantry Research, it'll still have the 0 [0] in the script). As it is now it leaves it blank, which the compile doesn't like too much. I just tested a scenario after using the editor and found I was getting inundated with popups. I compared the 'before' and 'after' scripts, and apparently a single space is being added by your program to the #POPUP= . I also noticed a research tech in there called "Amphibious Warfare", but only when I created a new script...sign of things to come maybe? I have to say that so far this is a must-have program for scripters, especially once some of the current (minor) bugs are ironed out. It makes things much easier to do and saves a ton of time when searching. Great work! This program should be stickied, imo. [ May 13, 2006, 12:29 AM: Message edited by: Timskorn ]
  7. Wow! This is really awesome Ben. I haven't used it much yet but just looking at what you've done is amazing. The popup boxes and drop-down lists make it so much easier to make changes, and the icons are very nice! I'm only a *little* wary about it, in that if there is a bug in the program (say I choose Garrison from the drop-down, but it's Offensive instead) it'll be tougher to figure out what's wrong when I test the scenario. But, barring any "bugs", this program will prove extremely useful. Definitely recommended for scripters, and those new to scripting. Everything is organized and laid out in more "plain english".
  8. What are you using them for? If you want them to be unuseable, couldn't you make them neutrally owned? Or permanently keep their MPP # at 0 until you want them to become useable?
  9. They will come, it's just going to take some time. For my mod I've spent most of my time just tweaking and testing the basic AI, and now I'm slowly adding in scripts to account for player actions. If HC doesn't have at least one other person working with him full time, I can only imagine how much time it takes for him to both be patching the game and correcting/adding scripts AND testing both vigorously for bugs. The scripts themselves are relatively easy to add, it's testing them that takes a long time (basically playing full games or 3/4 of a game each time). Even when you think your scripts are good, it takes multiple testings to see if the AI just happened to get lucky on some rolls. I'd imagine HC is probably working on the code more than the scripts, unless he has the manpower to do both (or time!).
  10. There's no script for the US to invade Britain if it's been taken by the Germans. Good reminder though, I should add a script for that situation. Those US boys want to get in the fight...certainly don't want to stay home and watch the Yankees.
  11. I'm glad you provided it, as that would have been the hardest part for me! Still, it'll be awhile before I'm able to do a game for it. Something like this would take a lot of design work to flesh out properly, and seemingly infinite testing.
  12. Looks like I won't have the next version ready by this weekend. It takes awhile to test all the changes, which has been the biggest time sink. It should definitely be ready next week sometime however. I figured out a good way to set the Russian AI defense to form their lines far back from the Germany border BEFORE war breaks out. One of the current issues is the AI's tendency to place their units so close to the border, even in my mod. After war breaks out they do op-move some of them, but others remain, simply being experience boosting road-bumps for the Germans. A couple big problems I can't overcome though, which must wait for the patch. The fact the AI places HQ's in harms way, and rarely upgrades units puts the AI at a huge disadvantage no matter what scripts are used. I have found though, that the longer units sit idle (and not needed for combat) the more likely they'll get upgraded. Russia can be seen upgrading units before war breaks out, but after war is declared it rarely happens as most of their units are being moved or are near combat areas. I always see the US upgrading their troops however as they sit still for a good 1-2 years. Anyway, an issue best left solved with a patch. It's been fun though, despite some of the limitations, and I can't wait for the patch so I can dive back in and script the AI to totally dominate people.
  13. Awesome! I absolutely love the American Civil War and have been tossing around in my head a strategic-level game for it. There hasn't been a good one in years, that I know of, simply because there isn't a big enough market for it. The last "operational" one I played was Sid Meier's Gettysburg! and Antietam! which were a blast.
  14. Agreed! And definitely an option HC should keep open for a possible SC3.
  15. Again, for the purpose of playing against the AI, this is still a small concession to essentially having the game end for the UK after a Sealion if the range isn't drastically lowered.
  16. Ah, right, Trondheim. Yeah that's a bit further but, as you say Lars by the time you capture Oslo you'd only need to do a transport.
  17. Thanks guys, and I appreciate you playing it and giving what feedback you can about your experience. Each playthrough will be different because of how the game uses a % system, so it's nice to hear as many different perspectives as possible. If all goes well, I should have the next version available by this weekend. I've implemented almost all the changes already, the long part is playtesting it as much as possible and making sure everything works out as intended. I should be able to get up by Friday again.
  18. True, but imo it's a small concession, and one that can be alleviated if you launch from the Denmark area, which would still allow you to hit it in one turn, two max with 4 movement points. For an overall solution HC will have to be the ultimate decider on that issue, as it will have a bigger effect on MP games.
  19. I'm tinkering with dropping German amphib transport points from 10 to 4 and see how that goes. You can only really land on the S/SE of the UK with this, and need 2 turns to reach it from Denmark.
  20. Yeah, it's usually due to the Malta effect if you can't unload there the same turn.
  21. Thanks Chris! Sounds like you've totally dominated the AI! Here are some changes I'm working on and hoping will work for the next version: US ---- - Added the city "Casablanca" next to the port to help the US invasion have sufficient supply. Once the patch comes out I may remove it and go back to the direct-landing at Algiers. - % chance for the NA invasion to happen. For added variability, this event will not happen every game. - D-Day pushed back until April 1944. - Tweaked production/research values UK ---- - Fortifies around Alexandria. Increased chances of reinforcements by 10% (NZ, Australian, etc). - % chance the UK will invade/declare war on Norway. - Dispersed their diplomatic actions between Spain, Yugoslavia and Russia. - Improved garrison for possible Sealion. USSR ---- - Added new garrison scripts for the Caucus's and Urals. - Tweaked production/research. Lowered chances of HQ's being built, increased chances for Army/Tanks. Germany ---- - Lowered Amphibious Transport length from 10 to 4 to reflect the historical difficulty for the Germans to do this. It's also been changed for gameplay reasons, while keeping all other nation's ranges to 10.
  22. What's the chances of getting Recorded Games? Would be great for people to check out classic games and matchups, and to learn strategies.
  23. Of course, but this is a game and it's an option for the Axis player, and a reason why I'm bringing this up. I'd like to toy with the amphib ranges, lowering them a bit and seeing what kind of impact that will have on a Sealion attempt. In the meantime I'm hoping to get some real player feedback as to how they go about it to best test any new ranges.
  24. Question for those who typically perform Sealion against the UK... ...which ports do you set out from and where do you generally land your troops?
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