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Posts posted by Bill101

  1. Lol are you a complete moron or something? It should be obvious for everyone with a sane mind that these screenies were tests and not whats gonna be in the game. Congrats on the most inane post ever.

    I'm glad it was obvious as that is exactly what it is, a very early version. But please keep things friendly and polite on here. :)

  2. Hi Mike

    I understand now, I was amending the Ports' actual AA Combat Target Stats and their Defense Bonuses, I hadn't realised you were giving them AA research upgrades - which is another way to get to the same place.

    It has also crashed for me, in the same manner, when applying research upgrades to ports, so hopefully we'll be able to fix it.


  3. Hi Mike

    I've just had a thought - can you trying amending the Port values in a default campaign and let us know whether that works ok?

    Only this will help identify whether there is a problem in the editors you have, or with the campaign you're using.

    We'll still have to work from there of course, but that will help. :)



  4. Bill,

    The file was emailed to you.

    Also, I want an event that will trigger the construction of fortifications based on a decision. How can I have the result of adding them to the map if the decision is yes?

    I'm afraid that fortifications cannot be added by Decision Events, but the best possible solution I can think of would be to have a Decision Event which fires a unit script, deploying Engineers to build the Fortifications.

  5. Hi

    Thanks for the files, and that's a very nice looking map and campaign!! :)

    I see what the problem is with the deployments, as the units that cannot be deployed belong to countries that, although they exist on the map, aren't connected by land to IndoChina proper, as there needs to be a land connection to either a Capital or Industrial Center of their own country to enable them to be deployed in IndoChina.

    They can however be deployed on the eastern edge of the map where all the capitals are, so one solution would be to add some land and coastal tiles, with lots of ports so that they can be shipped to IndoChina.

    An alternative, or possibly a solution to work in tandem, would be to have the first set of reinforcements arrive directly by script in IndoChina, so that they will be there right from the start, with later reinforcements deploying and being shipped over as per my suggestion above.

    Hopefully one or other of these will work here?


  6. Hi Mike

    I'm just trying to replicate this and I have been amending both the Combat Target Stats for Ports, and also the Edit Defense Bonus Data, but neither have caused the Editor to crash.

    As you are using an amended editor I think that if you switch back to the default .exe file just to make these port changes, then back to the amended editor for everything else, it may be a work around?


  7. It's time to make a move on the city of Nancy, as capturing it will not only be good for our income (and bad for the French) but also it will help improve our supply levels, and secure our position south of Metz.

    To assist in the battle for Nancy, massed infantry divisions have marched south of the city, outflanking its defences and threatening the enemy's rear. How will the French react?

    In Alsace, Neuf-Brisach falls, our Siege Artillery deploys, so now we will march on Belfort!

  8. I created more Industrial sites which did open up a lot of placement options. However it limits me to emplacing three units and will not allow me to add any more. I double checked and all "nations" are NOT set to home build only. They are set to "none" for restrictions.

    That is odd. Can you send me the campaign please, zipped up, to bill.runacre@furysoftware.com and I'll take a look.

    Also, removing Commanders is difficult. I have units that are removed set as withdrawal "nations", but I can't do this with commanders unless they are able to command other forces besides their category. They can command all as the parent nation, but I can't "surrender" the main nation to make the commanders disappear. Any other suggestions with this?

    If the Commander unit is the only unit in existence from that nation, then you could use a Loop script to remove it from the map. The Loop script will have to cover all tiles on the map, with a trigger relevant to when you want it to fire.

    Hopefully that helps?


  9. Hi Hairy Pie

    The style of the scenarios are quite different, as the World at War scenario builds on the original Global Conflict Gold WWII style campaign, but with a new and larger map, more unit types and some extra features.

    Brute Force will retain its own distinctive design approach, so essentially you'll be getting two different WWII grand strategy games for the price of one. Of course, 1939 World at War being an official release it has had the input from a large team than Brute Force, for which Al is the designer.


  10. A Garde Mobile unit is destroyed at Metz, equalizing our unit losses at 19 each, and Fort Queleu is occupied.

    But our main advance is towards Nancy this turn, which comes under bombardment for the first time. Prussian divisions are now massing on the hills just outside the city, awaiting the order to advance to the attack.

    In Alsace, Neuf-Brisach is bombarded and von Werder's forces are massing to storm the fortress. This is the last enemy outpost before Belfort!


  11. Hi Rankorian

    It's now the 30th August 1870 and we're about six weeks into the war.

    Potentially, the campaign can last until the end of January 1871, though it can end earlier if one side's National Morale collapses or Paris falls, or alternatively should we choose to negotiate with the enemy and accept the terms they offer us.

    France has a number of possibilities to negotiate at various stages of the campaign, just as they did in real life, but facing Otto von Bismarck, they weren't likely to get decent terms.

    We might at some point see if Ivanov would make a more generous politician. :)

    In terms of units, the French have so far lost 18 and the Prussians 19.

    Our reports suggest that the French currently have 41 units while we have 47, though we have another 10 due for deployment soon and we are able to better replace our losses due to our higher income.

    In this campaign I've pressed harder in Alsace than the Prussians did in real life, and it's interesting to see just how much harder that has made my campaign around Metz and Nancy.

  12. Hi Mike

    The only way to stop those messages is to have the relevant countries set as Surrendered and also occupied by Japan in the Country Data area.

    What you've done is a work around but it does have, as you've said, the messages at the start which are a bit unnecessary.

    I hope that makes sense?


  13. Hi Gustophus

    I have a few snags and some other questions.

    It seems that I can only emplace about 3 units per turn as reinforcements regardless of what is available on the production queue. I added more production centers and supply centers hoping it would change this, but it didn't. How can I be able to emplace all available units on the game map?

    Adding more Industrial Centers will help expand the range of resources that units can be deployed at - provided they have friendly territory nearby.

    Also, if you're using my idea about having two countries as Viet Minh, experiment with changing the Build Restrictions from Home Builds to be Home/Occupied.

    Hopefully one or both of these will resolve it for you, but if not please let me know.

    How can I add units starting on the map that already have research advancements emplaced, like motorization or infantry level 1? How about units with elite replacement steps?

    You will need to give the relevant country the desired level in that research field.

    Once done, select the units on the map, right click on them and bring up Properties. Here you'll be able to give them upgrades, as well as amending their starting strength and experience.

    Can I make other select units airborne? For example airborne artillery or airborne partisans that are inserted behind enemy lines.

    I'm afraid not, as we only have the one paratroop style slot.

  14. The French fortress of Sélestat on the Rhine falls to us after a stiff resistance. Ouch!

    We'll bring up our artillery first in future, rather than relying solely on our infantry assault.

    Meanwhile the Moselle campaign continues, and our cavalry division rides from St Mihiel at top speed for safety within our lines.

    We make our first move into Metz, seizing Fort St. Julien. Artillery are in close support in case the French try to counterattack. Our Krupps will soon see them off!

  15. There will be some, so it'll be best to hold fire on design work using the map until the patch is released... hopefullly soon.

    For French Indochina, in Country Data change the occupier to Japan. However, if the Editor won't let you, then I think that Japan and France will need to have a Belligerent status.

  16. And one more...

    In the case of victory, it provides for the options of having objectives met. These objectives seem to have to be physical locations on the map to posses. Is there a possible way of making a unit (its destruction) as one of the objectives to be met? I want to have a Ho Chi Minh HQ or unit that the French should try to "capture" (in the game destroy it) as one of their objectives. Is this doable?

    That is a tricky one!

    Victory Conditions are determined by holding locations or reducing your opponent's National Morale value to zero.

    If the HQ cannot be rebuilt, then once destroyed the Viet Minh will struggle to fight well, so ultimately a French victory is probably guaranteed... but that is obviously an indirect solution to that goal.

    An alternative approach is to give the HQ a very high MPP cost value, so that when it takes casualties, including being destroyed, the Viet Minh National Morale will fall considerably, bringing their defeat that much closer.

    Though I've just thought of a totally different approach that should work! :)

    It would require having two countries for the Viet Minh. One is a Major and can only field the HQ unit. The other is a Minor that fields all the combat units, and 99% of resources should belong to this Minor country.

    They can both be called Viet Minh.

    The Major's HQ can be set to command the Minor country's units, which ticks that box, plus you could have a Decision Event controlling a Victory script which fires based on a Condition Position of there being no units belonging to that Major power in the game. Thus if the HQ is destroyed, then the Viet Minh have lost the war.

    By the end of this project you'll be an expert in the scripts too! :)

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