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Posts posted by Kwazydog

  1. "Funnyman", part of our usage agreement states that we do not allow people to sign up under multiple names for the one IP address. We did this in an attmept to save people from the embarrasement of accidently becoming involved in a flame war with themselves.

    Thus, the IP for Outcast has been banned at this point...


  2. Okay Guys, lets start afresh here...

    Ill lock this one up due to some of the comments that have been made. CG has offered his apologies for rubbing some of you the wrong way. The net isnt the best form of communication, and it is possible that CG's comments have been taken in ways they werent suppsoed to be, so lets take that at face value and give him a little space.

    CG, feel free to start another thread and the M4 questions you posted above, I just think it best to lock this one up. No further need for apologies or such, lets just start from scratch...


  3. CombatGeneral, please note that it is nothing personal, but we do like to try and keep our main forum somewhat on topic. Also note that one of your threads was note locked, just moved over to the appropiate forum (Opponent Finder).

    I am going to lock this thread up too, as it has served its purpose. Lets try and keep the CM forum on topic, but if you have general questions/discussions please feel free to post them over in the General Forum!



  4. Heya Guys,

    Just so you know, I dont think we are quite ready for new screen shots yet. Ive was working mainly on models up until a week ago, so there isnt all that much new visually to show you guys yet.

    Im not sure what the big announcement is to be honest, but I wouldnt want people to get their hopes up just yet for new screen shots smile.gif


  5. Hi Guys,

    Linda, we have not yet responded becuase it seems from your posts that you are not interested in getting CM running under XP, and that your main interest here unfortunately seems to be in causing a flame war.

    From what Ive seen you have not returned to your thread in the technical support forum where many generous people are trying to help you solve your problems, and you have not responded to even ONE of the people whom state that they have CM running fine under XP. On to of all of that, you should also note that no where have we ever stated that CM1 should run with XP. CM1 was released almost 2 years before XP, so it is hard for us to cover all of the bases with future operating system and early release video drivers.

    According to many people CM1 will run fine under XP. I suggest that you take a deep breath and see if they may be kind enough to help you in your thread in the tech support forum.


  6. Looking cool Rommel.

    Out of interest, did you base it on a blueprint, or did you make it freehand. In case its of interest, here is a site with some blueprints, althought they vary in quality...


    Hehe, to keep CM framerate at a reasonably level we are having to make our models with about 0.05% of the polygons youve used there...one day that will change I guess, as computers become more powerful smile.gif


    [ 09-20-2001: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

  7. Hehe, guys...guys, I am pretty sure that Matt mentioned that these screen shots were work in progress, and in fact that T-34 turret was changed about 2 months ago, along with almost every other Russian model since. You will note that the rear lower hull of the IS-2 is way off, for instance.

    Hehe, and you guys wonder why we havnt shown you too many screen shots yet smile.gif


    [ 09-19-2001: Message edited by: KwazyDog ]

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