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Elmar Bijlsma

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Posts posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Originally posted by jwxspoon:

    I'm sure there's enough residual hate left. Just in case there isn't, let me mention:

    Proof of Honor

    There, I can feel the hate welling up now.


    You betcha, you turner on of fog! :mad: :mad: :mad:

    btw, can I get that scenario? Love to try my hand again without fog.

  2. Originally posted by dangerousdave:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Kingfish:

    Perhaps the sections with Walpurgis Nacht and Kanonier Reichmann...

    That's cruel and inhumane punishment. tongue.gif

    Actually, I'd rather welcome another lesson from Walpurgis. As for Her Reichmann, would like to play him again, but I'm concerned that CM-X2 would come out before the games are complete, thus making it impossible to focus on finishing. :D </font>

  3. The experience bonus is 'under the hood' so while it says conscript they were performing as regulars. That kinda answers the 2nd question too. Conscripts act like veterans, not veterans looking like conscripts. No bug, feature. I guess they chose this way because they have their scenarios designed with a troops a specific quality. I guess it's easier giving them a bonus then changing their quality.

    Please don't ask what happens if elite troops get a +2 bonus. Is there an uber elite quality?

  4. Woohoo! I'm in.

    Uh-oh. Just received a letter from my ISP, they are upping my data transfer rate. Last time they did that was the start of ROW IV and I got disconnected by mistake for months. They'd better not do so again if they value their office decor. :mad:

  5. Yeah, I was a bit dissapointed too. I think there was a BBC docu over the Indian Army. I think it was called 'The forgotten army'. Not quite what they deserved. Hate to imagine an Indian veteran loading up CMAK. I'm glad the Anto-Podeans made it in and all but if you leave out the Indians you do them a grave injustice and perhaps from a moral standpoint it would have been better to have a generic Commonwealth army.

  6. This seems like a good place to ask a question I always was afraid to ask. Is there a difference spotting wise between a tank with a dead TC and one with a buttoned TC? I'd asume with a cupola there's a marked difference, but without one? Not that I have noticed anyway. Has borg spotting hidden the difference from me?

  7. Originally posted by sand digger:

    Thats it, no more games, at least for a while. The final straw involved the TacAI, surprise surprise, tank commnader ordered to keep buttoned up, TacAI says unbutton, sniper shoots commander. Two tanks out of five stuffed by gamey snipers and the game has hardly begun :mad:

    If you unbutton and re-button them each turn this won't happen. Ever. So I'm thinking you messed up, not your Tac AI tankers.

    That plus the restricted artillery, the over emphasis of infantry survival on terrain type, the bomb proof Matilda tank.....

    On artillery I'm with you, the CMBO model was far less frustrating. In CMBB/CMAK if you can't see it you can't shell it, not really. That sucks, fair point. On infantry survival depending on the tile they are in. Well yes, what would you expect? People in woods are going to last a bit longer then people in the open. Bomb proof Matildas? Sure they can stand up to a lot but they can be destroyed. You think they are too tough? I get the impression the Italians and the DAK shared your view.

    Great effort though, what else comes close, really looking forward to the next generation game smile.gif Which will be out, say again?

    End of this year, early next. Or therabouts. In the mean time, load up GI Combat every time you get tired of CMAK. Works great.
  8. I find them very unwieldy. They can't profit from the array of movement orders other vehicles have, thin armour and you WILL put them back to front (front to back?) sooner or later. Keyhole-ing works OK but try any other usage and it's just too unwieldy to use. Can't hide, can't move well. If you want a mobile 17pdr get the Firefly or Achilles or even seriously consider buying a truck for the 17pdr ATG.

    I keep using them because I WANT to like them but I keep getting them thrashed. Not that I don't thrash every vehicle assigned to me but Archers are way worse.

  9. Make sure you install/copy the patch to the right directory. IIRC the patch wanted to install into a Combat Misser directory instead of the directory I had CMAK installed in. You can manually place the files installed to the right directory. Just overwrite what's already there.


    Hi, welcome and don't let the grogs scare you. smile.gif

  10. 60 seconds is just right. The right amount of time to build up tention of the "oh no, now what are they doing?" quality whilst not long enough to grow frustrated at the amount of time the underlings go without my guiding hand. And not quite so short that I feel the troops need constant hand holding.

    Besides think of the time spend playing a PBEM game if it were 30 seconds. No, I'd rather send out a 60 second turn and be done with it for that afternoon.

  11. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    For those of you who are afraid that we'll kill the fun in CM, don't be. If you read my stuff carefully you'll see that we're taking great care to keep the "magic" of CM intact. Going to a Command Level game would kill it deader than dead, which is why there is no way we are going in that direction.

    I wish I could say that that completely reassured me. You guys have a better idea then us as to what it's going to be like and have proven that you lot know what you are doing. But CM was always like chess on steroids. I didn't mind the thinking two turns ahead but I'm going to hate also having to order the moves two turns before making them. Let alone if the pawns go off on an adventure of their own choosing. Responding to a fluid situation as it develops is half the fun for me.

    So please please please,when in doubt err on the side of caution/fun rather then wizz bang realism. Otherwise I foresee much frustration at my end as I have to wait ages before I can correct a bad situation. Because I get into bad situations... A LOT.

    Then again you guys should probably ignore me. While reading this thread I often had to apply corks in an attempt to keep my brain from leaking out. :(

  12. Originally posted by Folbec:

    Lordy, the time I've spend in CC2 trying to get the squad MG positioned where I wanted it instead of in the akward LOS blocked spot it so frequently was. Please BFC, if you must, by all means give us 1:1 graphical representation if you must but make all the game calculations for a squad from a single spot. I just know I'll get frustated as all my useless riflemen start hogging the good cover and firing positions. We all can guess the default AI deployment of individual troops will suck. Trying to correct the worst faux-pas by manually massaging the AI assigned troops location will be a frustrating chore I could well do without.

    Not sure where that leaves me on how incoming fire should be treated. A thing that bugs me is when a HE shell exploded at the feet of my pixeled troops to no effect. But fixing that would probably mean individual calculations for each trooper, which I wouldn't like as styated above. Aaaahhhh. Wouldn't like to have your job, Steve. ;)

  13. Or this one?

    And then there apparently is the US 105mm Pack Howitzer but it hasn't got a unit picture and is quite rare. So let's ignore that one.

    Anyway, keep them hidden till you really need it or your opponent really bunches his inf. Might take down a decent tank under the right circumstances too. 105mm guns are quite usefull but not quite the 'oomph' of the German 150mm who only needs one good hit to pay for itself.

  14. VT without little doubt. But the small stuff is very good too. It won't kill your men inside the trench. No, that be too easy. It'll break their morale with the sheer amount of shells exploding nearby (if you spend the same points on small stuff as on the big arty) and make them flee their trench with hardly a casualty. And then they die.


    VT is Variable Time fused shells, though that isn't actually accurate. They are basically proximity fuses (similar to Flak) that make the shell explode at a set height above the ground. Very good for dispersing shrapnel in an optimal fashion.

  15. Originally posted by Franko:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Moon:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Franko:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Brent Pollock:

    :rolleyes: Fishfang :confused:

    Sounds like something generated by an internet naming engine.

    What's the bona fide German codename?

    According to the sources, it was Fishfang. Sounds hokey, yeah. </font>
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