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Elmar Bijlsma

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Posts posted by Elmar Bijlsma

  1. Walpurgis Nacht being called hopeless in respect to some of his tactics?




    *I can`t breathe*


    *turns blue*



    Walpurgis is, ofcourse, right. Armour getting close to a PIAT is doing things wrong unless the scenario is set up in such a way that it allows for close in PIAT action. In the typical combat action, PIATS will not come into play.

    Oh, and roqf, check Walpurgis` ROW scores to see what brought about the hilarity. My very first multiplayer game I attempted to start a game against him. He declined saying he wanted a veteran opponent, which I thought very impolite at the time. I now know he saved me from sticking with single player for the rest of my CM playing days. smile.gif

  2. Glad to hear something has been done, it was the reason I stopped playing. With perma-death and frequent disconnects (okay, beta, I realize that) it was hard to care for pilots. They died easily enough when I had my hands on them, with disconnects their flights became doubly hazardous. I understand something has to be done about deliberate disconnect because people are tricksy bastards that way, but for the honest gamer a disconnect is punishment in itself and any disinsentive was just harsh punishment for a non-crime.

    Anyway, good to hear something has been done.

  3. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    No, not a month or two. Not for an announcement and preliminary screenshot at least. But more than that is not possible until we've had time to add more terrain and units. Remeber, the game has quite a ways to go before being complete. And unlike CMx1, the graphics stuff is coming in towards the end of the development cycle, not the beginning.



    So we are going to be treated to Alpha/Beta screenshots? Are you sure you want to be doing that? Because you know what happened last time, evil people kept those early screenies and show them to unsuspecting people every so often. ;)

    Shield your eyes! :D


    (thanks Patboy, the original article was gone so I used your Imageshack one)

  4. It's not like he hasn't got a point.

    It will be infuriating to see units get killed by enemies that have been in LOS for ages but not spotted by that particular unit. Borg spotting might have been as unrealistic as Hades but it did make the game easier to understand and control.

    I know I and several of my opponents in te past had little time for the tankcrews that didn't see the tank hunter running up to them where everyone else did. With borg spotting removed controlling your units will become a lot more unwieldy. This may very well be where realism finally crashes headlong into gameplay, though it all depends on implementation, ofcourse. BFC have a great reputation in having realism not detract from gameplay and though it might seem from the little we know that realism gets priority on this issue, they have always surprised me. In a good way.

  5. Loaded for Bear and Tiger Valley are not even half way yet, the game is going at snails pace. One month to finish them? I don`t see me managing that.

    I suspect many people can fire St.Nazaire back and forth rapidly but feel they really need to sit down for the other two. I know when I check my mail late at night or shortly before leaving for work St.Nazaire tended to be played straight away but I always left the others for later.

  6. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    And you would be drinking way too much Vodka to post as often as you do. So I'm with Sergei... I ain't buying it one bit!

    Then again... you post too frequently to be drinking as much beer and playing as much hockey as a real Canadian does. Hmmm... perhaps Dorosh isn't even Canadian! Hmmm... who has all that time on their hands... cripes, maybe he is Spanish afterall? All those siestas certainly would give him ample opprotunity, and they aren't know for their raging drinking habits...

    The plot thickens!


    French! Must be.

    French unions arrange for him to earn beacoup €€€ with as few hours on the job as possible (in between strikes). And being fed on wine means he hasnt yet noticed the lure of hard drinking. Michel Doreaux!

    You know its true.

  7. Originally posted by vskalex:

    As seen here, if I am correct


    Thanks for that, never saw a photograph of them before.

    If you are looking at the 164 blast value you are looking at the wrong value. Check out the penetration value on the AVRE. 1001! :eek: :eek: :eek: That's going to ruin your day even if you are behind a meter of steel. Or concrete, as the case may be. That's what it was there for, taking out bunkers and pillboxes.

    Though you have to wonder why they didn't field a HE round for it though. Probably the Royal Engineers weren't too keen to be direct fire artillery. I'm also guessing since it's range was exremely limited lobbing a HE shell could be rather hazardous. With a shaped charge directing most of the blast away from the firing tank that may have been a lot saver, particulairly for tank tracks and the infantry support.

  8. Originally posted by Battlefront.com:

    Terrain grid is 1m x 1m, but every 1m a height can be assigned of between 1 and 100mm. This means that you can have a 100m long slope with the high point being 1m.

    1mm-100mm? That doesn't sound right. With that kind of elevation changes you could do a gradual slope 1km long and end up with a 1m high. And a maximum slope of 10cm of height per 1m of length which is hideously low. Or did you mean 1m-100mm in which case a 100m long slope would be a minimum 10m high. :confused:

    I'm still catching a 'chum for the sharks' vibe here. ;)

    ***Yes, I will keep on editing my post until I can put under words what seems off. Sorry***

    [ September 04, 2005, 04:33 PM: Message edited by: Elmar Bijlsma ]

  9. Really brings home the change 1:1 brings, thanks Gpig. Yeah I do believe we'll see tactics change to some extend as a result of it. A squad looks so much more powerful now. And seeing so many men close together will cause you to spread out more. An artillery strike close by won't just be a numbers game anymore.

    It strengthens my worry that you might get 'squad clutter' as squads start overlapping and stuff. Would really like to hear about this.

  10. Originally posted by KG_Cloghaun:

    Originally posted by Canuck

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr /> I'm just guessing but I'd say 20% would be an extremely generous percentage as to how many registered members play PBEM on a regular basis.

    Now shifting focus for a minute onto how many people actually play PBEM vs AI -

    I would say that is quite a low estimate. 20%? I honestly find that hard to believe. My experience with online CM communities points heavily in favor of PBEM. Not including my small war gaming club, off the top of my head I can name StrategyZoneOnline, Rugged Defense Club, FGM, Band of Brothers (sorry if I'm missing a site)- all of which run either ladders or at least tournaments that are focused on playing PBEM. Combined, your talking about hundreds of war gamers. Maybe I'm wrong, but I fail to see any of these sites, which are the most prominent in the online world of CM, focusing on AI play. And while it can be argued that "hundreds" of people represent only a fraction of total sales, these are the "hardcore" fans of the game that have gone so far as to create and/or belong to these communities.

    In fairness to the issue, I'd like to see a poll on these numbers or some evidence to support this "supposed" AI majority.


    KG_Cloghaun </font>

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