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Posts posted by rune

  1. I think part of the problem is the definition of the term popular. What is popular right now will not match what is popular in 3 years. I am baseing my popularity quote on what will see more in the course of a year after release, which is all BFC should be worried about. face it people, if they don't make money, they won't be around, and playing a game 6 years from now may make it more popular in 6 years, but does nothing to the pocketbook.

    So, BigAl and I are both correct in the context of what we speak. I am just more worried about getting new games and modules in the future. Which is how this conversation started what would sell more out of the box, France 1940 or Normandy, I think that has been put to rest.


  2. BigAl,

    Apology if that came off with an attitude, none was meant but when I reread it, I can see someone could read that into it. Just didn't want to change what I wrote to be fair.

    However M1's point brings my point home. The demo of CMBO was so new and different, people played it to death waiting for the game. A Good number said they would NOT buy CMBB because of no Americans, and why play it if both sides are evil? LOL, I remember the lenghty debates on the forum about it.

    Sales AND popularity go to CMBO. lenght of play CMBB hands down.


  3. BigAl,

    Do you even know what you are saying? You talk about CMBO and it being less popular then CMBB. I quote:

    "It seems to me that Sales and Popularity are two very different things... Once CMBO had a good buzz going alot of people bought it on the stength of the buzz but then played it very little, if at all... CMBB didn't sell as many because all those people that found out that CMBO wasn't for them didn't move forward to CMBB... Therefore, I am of the opinion that CMBB was the more Popular even though CMBO had more Sales..."

    Now out of no where you are comparing it to CMSF and I am quoting the company line. Wrong. We were talking about CMBO and CMBB. how can you stand by what you said when you are changing it?

    Ignoring the sudden jump in topic, CMBO the first game was more popular then CMBB the Eastern Front. I stand by what I said, and Steve in a post above backs me on it. I do understand the point you were trying to make, but you have no idea of any of the numbers or how often each is being played. You ignore the fact that CMBO was new and exciting, and a lot of people didn't go to CMBB because it was the same thing but in a different area. If a full third that bought CMBO hated it {exaggerated}and never played it, it was STILL more popular then CMBB.


    [ April 08, 2008, 08:08 AM: Message edited by: rune ]

  4. And I have worked with 12 publishers and on over 45 war games, and never ran into that situation. What does that prove? Nothing, Cory had a different experience is all. His opinion is valid, but so is mine... and you don't see me insulting him for his opinion, try that some time.

    People keep spouting opinions like it is fact. I see you are on the "rune is only a fair scenario designer" kick again. this is opinion, not fact. I can gather scenario designer that say your scenarios sucked...and you know what, it doesn't mean a thing. Maybe for a scenario it did, but it is an opinion, and nothing more. Should I throw out the hundreds of emails saying they loved my work because you have a different opinion? Nope. Especially when you state things like the scenarios I make are all the same, it just shows you don't pay attention. Breaching the berm is nothing like attacking an airfield which is nothing like a cut off tank being attacking which is nothing like the scenario I made based on a very real situation.

    So are my points vaild since I have more exeprience in wargame development then Cory? In my mind, they carry the same weight. I'd be a fool to ignore his comments completely, but also I know it is NOT the norm. Most of the developers I worked with never even posted on a forum, the noise ratio was too high. Grogs were looked at as a nuisance, and too low in numbers to affect sales. Lewis considered himself a grog, need I say more?

    Ken, the problem with your solution is the terrain IS a 1 meter grid. When a unit comes out, it would have to know what is in every direction, not just what is in front. This meter check would have to run consistanly, as the unit moves. Charles is the only one who could tell you how maybe computer cycles would be eaten up per unit and how it could effect gameplay. Remember, you can have hundreds of units on the map at once. Not a bad idea, but computer intensive... not sure if feasible or not.


  5. You are all over the place in your post, so will try to answer. If I don't cover what you need to know, just post here again.

    1. The troop not in Stryker in setup is fixed in 1.08 out soon.

    2. If he cannot host, look at the firewall. If he has a hardware one, he will need to opent he port to allow a connection, usually port 7023.

    3. Anti-virus should not keep him from hosting.

    Hope this covered everything.


  6. Then replace it, because if you look at the first page, over a year ago I answered.

    1. The game is over 7 years old, coding on it has stopped.

    2. The operating system and hardware are under a year old.

    3. Ig you look here http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=8;t=005440 you will see there ARE people having ZERO problems, including me, and I am running Vista Ultimate 64bit. On this page alone bfawlty tells you he has it working.

    4. Since there are people NOT having problems with drivers or framerates, then it has to be a certain combination. They can't even begin to troubleshoot certain combinations.


  7. No, if it works with older drivers, then it means something in the drivers has changed, which is directx 10 in some cases, and different ways to access the video hardware.

    They even sent ATI a post with the problem of the driver, and how to fix it, which ATI has not done yet [newer drivers, not sure]

    Nvidia, it seems to be hit and miss on cards, I have Vista 64 and a 8800gtx and have ZERO issues, others with the same combination have issues. Card settings or drivers could be the difference.


  8. you fecking Aussie koala Noba,

    You have to run five yards and get out of the way. Boo hoo. A REAL referee runs the entire pitch, for 90 minutes or more, and stays by play but not in it. That is 120 meters by 100 meters, while being judge, jury, and executioner in a sport with a lot of physical contact. 70 meter by 50 meters and you have to mark 5 yards, and they aren't even aloowed to tackle. train one of your rats down there to do that. Oh wait....I see, never mind, carry on, carry on..

    Say another word about Soccer referees, and I'll make sure you never get wine from Winecape, he, like me, is a Soccer Referee.


  9. Get the newest nvidia drivers, and slap happy posted this in another thread:

    Have you guys seen this? I found this link on a discussion board about the exact same problem you guys are discussing - or at least C3K anyway.

    The "nvlddmkm" issue....


    Important: These hotfixes only concern Vista users!

    I have tried the hot fix, and so far so good, still testing, but faster frame rates and no stutter.


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