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Posts posted by rune

  1. Actually the Marines still have the older version, there are slightly over 3.3 million rounds still in existance, altho they have been upgraded so the timed fuze so the shell explodes if it was a "dud" after a lenght of time, the dual fuze version.


  2. He isn't even legally alloweed to leave Ohio, I have nothing to fear.


    Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    You're top posting again and no one likes it ... well, at least I don't and everyone knows I set the standard around here.

    Cease and desist sirrah ... don't MAKE me send Boo Radley after you.


  3. Favorite mod right now is the marines. No, we have to use the game as out of box to test. testing the engine as well as correcting errors in the models etc, don't want Dan to get confused with trying to fix a humvee that isn't even his.

    OK, I think we will call it the Marine Module.


  4. Doesn't surprise me you lost, sheep usually have 4 legs. How is Baaaaaaarbara?


    Originally posted by Mace:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Stuka:

    locked in mortal leg wrestling combat.....

    Ooooh I'd be careful about mentioning that, mate. Makes people cranky ('specially me as I lost my most recent leg wrestle) </font>
  5. and of course, not even close to the truth. Multiple times it has been said, it is NOT an easy fix. As told by countless people, it is something with the cards and the nvidia driver. Has it been mentioned to Nvidia? Yep, but a game the size of CMX1 is so small on their radar, they don't care.

    So last time I am going to say this. It is a 7 year old game, made long before directx10 and Vista. Their is NO small patch that could be done, the engine would have to be majorly over-hauled...which CMX2 is a new engine.

    We have 1 programmer, who spends his time with the Marines module and the new WWII game. Doing anything to CMX1, months of work means we don't have any income.

    This has been said again and again. It isn't even every nvidia card, I have it working with Vista Ultimate 64bit altho a little slow.

    You assumed we didn't notify Nvidia, we did, people here have started a petition. Read some of the other threads.


  6. Flakey ram, over-clocked, bad video drivers. Could be a lot of things, you have to give more information then that, like what operating system, what is the error exactly, how were you playing.

    As a test, I just played 5 tcp/ip games in a row with zero errors. 2 cmbp, 2 cmbb and a cmak game. The person I played was in the UK and also did not have an issue.

    More information then we can at least try to see what is happening with your system.


  7. Post what comment? That it was designed and made when Windows 98 and Directx5 were the standard? If Microsoft changed things in Directx, and Nvidia and ATI changed things int heir drivers, what are we supposed to do? As has been said multiple times here, the program is over 7 years old, and Charles is coding CMSF Marines and CMWWII [no name yet], but of which work with Vista.

    Jomni, yes you are right we mention CMC may even be released freeware, we defintely must be milking it.


  8. I am running CMBB and CMAK with Vista 64, by using the 174.74 beta drivers and setting AA to 4X with override software settings. I have an NVidia 8800GTX 512 memory. The background do NOT get messed up, but scrolling around the map is slower then normal, but does work.


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