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Michael Dorosh

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Posts posted by Michael Dorosh

  1. Originally posted by Shadow 1st Hussars:

    typical that they don't mention that the Canadians were there too.

    Ain't it the truth? My mom's uncle was one of them. He was a draftee - the Aleutians were the first time that Canadian draftees were ever sent into a potential combat zone. A bunch of them deserted before going. At the other end of the spectrum, the Devil's Brigade was there too (before they became known as such). So you had our best and our worst there at the same time.

    Mom's uncle didn't have it so good - served in the Aleutians without having to fight, then went to NWE Europe. After the war was over, he came to Canada to be diagnosed with TB. They kept him in an army hospital for a year before they discharged him. Then a few years later he died of cancer, age 35.

    My dad worked many months in Alaska and on the Arctic ocean doing seismic work, so the region has a lot of interest for me personally.

  2. Originally posted by Shadow 1st Hussars:

    the jeep is the only one i'm having troubles with.

    I hope someone redoes the Sexton and gets rid of the red/white/red recognition flash. It was common in Italy, but not NWE. The Canadian Sextons I've seen had the star or crooked star.

    I know that some Canadian units were using Sextons in Normandy, but some of the SP troops and batteries were reissued with towed 25 pounders while on the continent too.

    I'll check out the jeep files when I get home.

    Here's a serious question - how many hi-res bitmaps can you put into play in Combat Mission before performance becomes an issue? I have a P500 so I'm guessing I could pretty much replace everything I want with hi-res, but I'm wondering if there are any horror stories.

  3. There have been many threads recently that discuss this, but you obviously missed them - once one of your units spots an enemy unit, he is considered spotted by everyone. Hope this helps. For more info, search for "spotting" and you will find detailed info on changes to this likely to occur.

    I assume this is what you mean - and not a simple Line of Sight issue? If it is really just a LOS issue, use the Line of Sight feature when you are in the orders phase. See the manual for more details.

    Does this help at all?

  4. Ye Gods but that squadron insignia on the turrets is bright!

    Well, it does have the advantage of being easily downloaded and used with the low res Shermans you get included with CM.

    Personally, I like the upside down stars better - shows people we're not 'mericans.

    (btw - does this mean the files aren't corrupted? I don't see a jeep.)

    [This message has been edited by Michael Dorosh (edited 01-26-2001).]

  5. Originally posted by Shadow 1st Hussars:

    Hmmmm. The .bmp files seem to be corrupted

    I need to get off my freeserver and put it onto a decent one. GRRRRRRR - by the way, Shadow, I added a page just for you -


    I'm at work, but the stuff seems to download fine. What do you mean by corrupted? Or are you using a Mac? I'm a near-luddite when it comes to hardware...

    [This message has been edited by Michael Dorosh (edited 01-26-2001).]

  6. Originally posted by Terence:

    ha ha ha!!

    I read that one of the reasons that it took so long to conquer Normandy, aside from the bocage and the stubborn defense of the German forces was the fact that every home had a keg of calvados in the cellar, and that the advancing US and British and Canadian troops sampled it extensively every time they libarated another Norman farmhouse.

    (I don't care if this is true, and if it isn't, I don't want to know. smile.gif )

    Have you guys ever had calvados? Its nice.

    The calvados you are talking about is pretty refined - i understand they were drinking a l ot of underaged very raw calvados on many occasions in Normandy. Not that the troops minded (or knew the difference....)!!

    As for Rum Rations - this was very much a reality still in WW II. There was an old joke in Legion Magazine about two guys talking.

    "What does 'mixed emotions' mean?" asked one soldier.

    The other replied "Picture the Regimental Sergeant major going over the side of a cliff in his jeep....with the rum ration in the back seat!"



  7. Sorry guys, Pearl Harbor is a love story first. Some guys like girls, so I don't mind that aspect of it.

    There will be historical stuff from the Battle of Britain, Pearl Harbor, and the Doolittle Raid - but the story will be about the characters first and foremost. That doesn't invalidate it as a film in my books; I'm looking forward to it.

  8. Originally posted by Bullethead:

    Well, if that photo is from the movie, I'll pass, thanks. That's a Charles F. Adams-class DDG in the foreground with what looks like a row of modern LST bow ramps sticking up in the background. Looks to me like they just went up to Puget's mothballed fleet storage area to film the harbor scenes and made no attempt at all to make the ships look anything like WW2. At least SPR had some pretty believable-looking Tigers.

    Strange. You'd think it would have been worth their while to make a computer-generated harbor scene with representations of the actual ships in it. Then they could really have blown them up.

    That's exactly what they did/will do - just not in time for the trailer.

  9. Originally posted by Mr. Clark:

    Thanks guys!

    Keep 'em coming! I will check back again when I get home from work, and then set out on a d/load fest for the night!

    P.S. there is ALSO no jeep MOD that I have found... but the Jeep that comes with the game looks fine. The only Kubelwagen I have found is my own so far... which is fine with me. wink.gif

    Check my site for a jeep mod. It is brown, not green, and has a dirty windhshield. I've been too busy on other things to give it the high res makeover it deserves. It also has the Commonwealth bridging disc over the headlight - won't look right if you play American with it.



  10. Originally posted by Mr. Clark:

    I just checked EVERY vehicle in CM, and found that I do not have MODS for the following vehicles:

    Marder III




    Axis Armored Cars

    Axis Halftracks






    Do any of these exist somewhere?

    Also, are there any SHERMAN mods out there with backpacks, etc on/around the turret?


    Axis halftracks I just saw last night - I think at CMHQ, actually. Do you mean Allied halftracks, perhaps?



  11. Originally posted by Gremlin:

    Michael, you wouldn't be without your comp while upgrading. I meant upgrading it yourself. It's pretty easy, actually.

    As for competition, I'm talking about other indy wargame publishers that can surely see which way the wind is blowing--certainly not Hasbro and their SL disaster.

    Btw, why on earth is someone a "blockhead" because they dislike CM's graphics or at least feel they can be improved? (I fal in the latter camp.) Computer games are largely a visual medium, and that applies to CM, with its 3D battlefield and units, which are integral to its gameplay and vital to its emotional appeal.

    Computer gamers, developers, and publishers have for the most part been very interested in graphics (for different reasons) since the very beginning of the hobby (yes, I've been involved in it that long and know what I'm talking about smile.gif). Graphics alone don't make a great game, but they can sure make one better.

    I'm at work and don't have time to backpedal here - will do so if I get time later, or once I'm at home. I obviously mis-spoke - didn't mean to throw the "blockhead" net so wide. Will attempt a half-assed explanation later!

    As for upgrades - that is something I obviously don't know much about. I considered it last time out, and will definitely have to learn more in future - like when my current lease is up. Thanks for the feedback. Feel free to crawl out from under my "blockhead" net.

  12. Originally posted by aka_tom_w:


    I must step in here

    Some of you need to get your heads out of the sand. Some of us here have pointed out to BTS on the forum what other up coming games will look like.

    and they look Good!!

    Stunning actually!!!

    These game designers that are producing games RIGHT now in developement are NOT complaining about hardware limitations.

    NO! they are posting sreen shots of what the the NEXT BIG thing will look like when it is released

    And it looks like this:




    Check 001).]

    OH PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!! Great screenshots, but do they even say what the game is about (Battleifield 1942 I mean) or even what kind of game it is? They are selling sizzle, not steak!

    B-17 II had great screenshots, but from what I can tell from the word on the net, the game itself sucks crap through a straw!

    I will no longer be hoodwinked by flashy graphics, TYVM, and I hope the game-playing majority will soon be as hardened. I know many who are.

  13. Originally posted by Keith:

    I would just like to say that I think that the Volkstrumm squads represented in CM seem to be a little too well equipped. From what I have read many of these units were equipped with old captured bolt action rifles (Italian) with a a dozen rounds of ammo apiece. The CM volkstrumm squad is as well equipped as a regular infantry unit complete with MG42s and assault rifles.

    One thing I would like to see in the future is the ability to "arm" individual squads with equipment other than panzerfaust and demo charges. That way I could make some volkstrumm squads equipped with just rifles.

    I agree - changing the composition of squads would be a welcome addition, as well as historically accurate - as mentioned in another thread, it was routine for the Brits and Canadians to leave one or two riflemen at B Echelon as LOB - Left Out of Battle. Factor in battle casualties, and quite often squads only went into action with 5 or 6 men rather than 10.

    For special missions, squads were sometimes changed around too - when the Calgary Highlanders crossed the Albert Canal in September 1944, the lead squad was equipped entirely with Stens and Brens. Very atypical, I realize, but something worth simulating.



  14. Originally posted by rob d:

    My uncle was a tank commander with the Southern Alberta Tank Regiment in WWII. (did I get that right? I'm sure about the Southern Alberta but not the tank regiment part)

    South Alberta Regiment. SAR. Does he have an email address? Does he mind talking to people interested in Canadian WW II history?

    The history of the SAR was recently done up in a beautiful hardcover book by Donald Graves. I wonder if your uncle is mentioned in it? It's called South Albertas At War.

    The SAR actually started as infantry and converted to tanks midway through the war.

  15. Originally posted by Gremlin:

    You beat me to the punch. I was thinking along similar lines: I know a number of hardcore gamers who've been put off by CM's graphics currently compared to other games (their loss, but it's understandable, since computer games have primarily always been a visual medium--text adventures excepted).

    Imagine when CM2 is released in a year or so(hypothetical for the sake of argument, but reasonable) and its graphics are only slightly improved over CM. Imagine what other games competing for gamers' hard-earned dollars will look like.

    And as you say, CM's lessons surely can't have been lost on the competition, though that could be good all around if it produces better wargames that also have higher production values.

    What competition would that be, exactly? Hasbro's "Squad Leader 2"? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe they'll go off the deep end and call it Advanced Squad Leader instead.

    Everyone else's products are so far off the mark, and continue to be, I don't think BTS has much to worry about.

    I'll agree with Jeff that a P166 does seem a bit low. As I have stated, it's not unreasonable to expect people to upgrade every three years or so. In a perfect world they wouldn't have to. Consider this, though. I gave my old P200 to my parents thinking it was so generous of me; the 2 Gig hardrive barely holds the card games my mom has downloaded, and my dad is disappointed that he can't play any decent flight simulators on it. Looking back, I'm kind of sorry I couldn't do better for them.

    If two 60+ seniors are disappointed with a P200 (which is slightly better than the stated minimum hardware necessary for CM), then why would any of us young gamers not be?

    It's easy for me to sneer at the blockheads described here who turn their nose up at CM's graphics, but in the end the public at large will always be fickle.

    The only thing we can do to help is to keep generating positive buzz about what we DO like about CM - and telling our friends about it.

  16. I was disappointed when I threw my first grenade. Not at all like the movies; a little puff of smoke and a bright flame for half a second and that was it.

    I remember reading that after seeing a movie in which the heros of the film blew up a bridge with a hand grenade, US troops in the Pacific during WW II put in requests for "those Humphrey Bogart grenades" that would do the same thing. They were probably disappointed too.

  17. I tried a few games of some WW II sim online at After 3am or something like that - can't even remember what it was called. Everybody got four man squads and you maneuvered around a gamey looking map with real time chat. I think the comment about geeks is sadly true; no one cared about realistic tactics, they just wanted to swear about their buddies and rack up kills for their own little fantasy characters while ignoring anyone who wanted to use real team work or test out historical tactics.

    That said, I'll keep an open mind to what comes down the pike. No point trashing something you've never seen. Interesting discussion.

  18. Originally posted by jasoncawley@ameritech.net:

    Huh - you learn something new every day. The unit histories I've seen have all of them called panzergrenadiers or have it translated armored infantry, earlier than that. But I believe you; I don't read German so I haven't seen originals, just translations.

    Thanks for the correction.

    Dude, that is ONE obscure piece of trivia, and I got it from a US Army officer/historian who knew German history backwards and forwards. Sounds like you know your stuff too - but this guy spoke German fluently and lived there. For what it's worth, I've never seen a printed reference in English mention the change either - that includes "Panzergrenadiers in Action" from Squadron Signal (not that they are so great, they are not, but that is something you would expect a book solely on PzG to know!) The shoulder strap info blew me away when I first heard about it too. I guess up until 42-43, they wore pink straps with a "s" cypher. It identified them with the Panzer arm. Then they changed to grass green, which most people assume was the standard from 1939 - not so. But damned if I can find a reference to it anywhere.

    I can still be wrong, but this guy's word was pretty much gold as far as I am concerned. I would love to be able to find a more definitive source. Even Brian Davis doesn't seem to mention it anywhere.



  19. Originally posted by Slapdragon:

    Communications studies is a good spring board into history research if you can train your mind to be sceptical, to demand data before your mind is made up instead of after.

    Sounds like what goes on on this forum, doesn't it? Gets you labelled as arrogant in some corners, doesn't it.

    Been published yet? I do my research on the side; my second book (on uniforms YAWWWNNN) is going into print in the next couple of months. There's no money in it (not like being a rich professor) but it has it's rewards as well.

    Black troops have always been an interesting topic for me - I read HIT HARD (?) by a white officer in the 746 Tank Battalion, but haven't seen much else. Be nice to have a black troops mod for CM, come to think of it. For all the difference it would make!

    The movie about the Tuskegee airmen on HBO was good, if formulaic - I hated that they flew the same model P-51 for the entire movie, and then in one scene, they come upon - gasp - a P-51 (which we've seen in about a hundred scenes already) and the crew chief goes on and on about how great these "new" planes are. I imagine the script called for P-38s or whatever they actually flew before switching to Mustangs.

    Am I rambling much? There is a general purpose mb I go to for fans of SPR, but anything goes there - if you (or anyone else reading this) is ever inclined, you can post at


    for general military topics not really germaine to discussion here. We actually have a WW II US Artillery vet there who is a regular, plus...(gasp) girls and stuff....

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