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Everything posted by Scook

  1. Britain- 1 corps dies, but a 3 strength tanks sits in front of a lot of British. Everything else fairly quiet. China- 1 army and 1 corps vanish, but lots of other units to take their place The Med - All quiet.
  2. Damn emergency troops! Well, not the 1st setback, won't be the last. It was rather close without ammunition, but bayonets and more invaders fell London. It will take some time to get the port in working order too. September 1st? Hmm, I feel like I slept through a turn, time is a slipping away quickly. So, here's what it looks like at the moment: It's going to be bloody. {China} Japan does more thorazine shuffling. Some more pinging. Oh, US us at 26%, and USSR is at 41%. Edit: Ok, I just couldn't let him walk in free when I can do something about. Albania corps faces against Malta corps on Sardinia.
  3. Sir, criticism is allowed, I didn't take it as such, and I don't strike back, at least not without logic . Uhm, you know, I didn't look at reactions. In the 12 test runs I did, USA normally pops to 39%, and USSR goes to 40%, so I will assume until the next turn arrives those are the numbers. And people, please feel free to voice opinions! I have never seen anyone do a Sealion and win either! Focus on taking a port? I can't disagree, but I feel pretty comfortable with my siege of London, especially with A) the size of the British fleet in the Med, and all 6 British ships sunk were on home guard duty. So yes, voice what you see, and maybe someone will learn from it. We need to make more wargamers!
  4. Yeah, the Allies normally do have a lot of MPPs, but 1942?? Wow!
  5. {China} Some more plinking, nothing serious to report {Britian} Some major plinking, british corp dies, one more army lands. London reduced to supply 0, Narwich (adjacent port) reduced to 2. Family pets are on the menu. Entrenchment in London halved also. That big friggen 2 star army with infantry weapon 2 is going to be a nightmare for any close by British. Depending on weather............we will probably have a go at London next turn. Edit: pictures will wait till next turn, had a long work day, just happy to get the turn done and post this.....(the downside of owning your business, 7/24).
  6. I theorized about a dozen different ways, so I came up with something I wanted to try........so if I can pull it off, I'll be the 1st When you come to the cage match, go big or go home.
  7. This is true. In my strategy, I had about a 60% chance of invading Britain. Once I saw 2 carriers in the Med, the chance went to 100%. However, I do like the British Blitz in Africa, and in many circumstances, he would get away with it.
  8. In the world of geopolitics, one must be willing to trade one territory for another. In this case, Britain appears willingly to trade Great Britain for Africa. The Nationalist Socialist Party has run the numbers, and finds this agreeable. Just the one sub escaping last turn will loom large this turn, giving me full strike capability on my turn. The Battle for the North Sea and English Channel is on! July 7, 1940, Europe: Here is the situation at hand: Gneisau was sunk, but Graf Spee had enough time to slip into port for upgrades (Naval War 1) and supplies and make its way to help with the blockade. U-32 kept edging east to support controlling the western side of the Channel, as that BB will soon find out. Once I land two or three more British corps will pop up to make themselves more troublesome than pictured. Post invasion: 2 BB and 1 DD go to Davy Jones' locker. The cruiser in port narrowly escapes being sunk in port. Trupen land and plink away at the corps, along with air strikes. No British land units destroyed, but very weak. Bock makes his approach, supply will be limited, but we are in good shape. {China} Plink! Plink! Japan declares war on Indochina, and we take it with no fight. Finally, some success! After bombing from 3 carriers and assualts from 6 armies, Changsha has fallen. The keystone is destroyed, the rest of the walls will now give in.
  9. Going to wait to get home to do this next turn. I think the people deserve some screen shots of the next turn as the Fuhrer has lifted the photo ban.
  10. June 9, 1940 The lights have gone out on the continent, and the Fuhrer imposes a blackout. Everything is now being consolidated and we will lift the ban after that occurs. Nice to have the French Navy in safe hands, the right hands. Without their lackeys, the Royal British Navy seems to have vanished. Oh yes, almost forgot, British fighter destroyed in Great Britain, by cruiser bombardment and fighters attacking their landing fields. Germany turns down the chance to take French gold, let Greene-Slade event occur. China Massive plinking of Chang Sha happens, army there reduced to a 3, Japanese land forces take 3 hits. Carrier based bombers strike hard, take losses, but demoralize the 8th Army in the city.
  11. Eh, see below, this place holder does not deserve anything. *This space intentionally left blank*
  12. save file send rectified. I think even though my account tells me it is sent, the busy wheel is a turning, and I think it's sent once that stops. Closed it out too early.
  13. 4/14/1940 Mud. Mud is everywhere, except the desert, of course. Too much around Paris to maneuver properly, so we keep slamming the infantry. I put Hoepner in harm's way by sitting him right in front of Paris, in front of those Char-B tanks that haven't done too much. I don't think there will be an elimination, but this could hurt. Besides the tank in Paris, there is a 1 strength corp and a 2 strength army left on the map. Our units have been apologizing for having to kill the Frogs, but then we do thank them for all the experience we have been receiving. HMS Cumberland did sally forth to shore bombard and failed, which brings up two points for me. 1) Tac air is so much more deadly to ships than I remember in any previous version of SC, and 2) Cruiser are rather worthless ships, trying to do the job of both BB and DD, and failing miserably at both. German Stukas score 5 hits, and U-32 comes in to finish the job. Bengazi holds! Mainly because there was no one left to advance into town after routing the Italians. I secretly believe the army melted away once both carriers were parked next to the port. [Asia] We have codenamed Chinese units 'Charley'. Right now my units sit in the rain and mud, getting weaker, while Charley sits in his caves, eating rice, getting stronger. Hmm, no pics, things closely resemble what you already see above. Once things change up a bit, the military paparazzi will get back in the action.
  14. France - 3/17/40 Marshall Petain has his prayers answered, a late freeze in the last week of winter. I have no choice but to try to kill the corps in front of Paris, and ping whoever else I can. Must try and avoid losses this turn and wait out the frost. The infantry fair well, taking few losses. 1st Fallshirmjaeger attacks and take the mine with no losses. Our panzers take as many losses as they give, PZ1-B are not very useful in inclement weather. 1st SS infantry corps has been given the position of honor in front of Paris, to prove their worth. Oh yes, the vaunted Maginot line is reduced to rubble and spare parts. Already French workers conscripted into service are dismantling the guns and moving them to the coast to the north. Africa: I have had a crush on Meryl Streep since I was 12, and in honor of that, the British are re-inacting 'Out of Africa.' With no tanks and only motorized infantry, they are sweeping the Italians before them. Asia The forgotten war, nothing to report here, so not gonna post anything. Hard to believe, this is only my 6th or 7th turn of the game, and one less for Crispy13. Europe is on fire, while buckets of water pour down in Asia.
  15. A Tale of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly {The Good} Feburary 1940 - France The morning dawns clear over France, with good solid footing. Everything can be brought to bare on the French troops, and they way is clear to Paris. Two armies shatter, and supply is problematical without a hearquarters. A maximum entrenched tank in Paris will be a task, but the Landers are up to their future task if the weather holds. {The Bad} Japan pings a bit, but nothing to report, no movement, no nothing. World War I is breaking out, and that's a bad thing. Not even going to post an image. Boot the game up, and look at the 1st turn, you will see about what is occurring. {The Ugly} All of Africa is a concentration camp for the Italians. Massive British and French fleets bombard anything they can see, units, ports, snakes, bottlecaps, women in burkas, everything! There is not just one carrier, but two(!) in the Mediterranean shaking the ground around Tobruk. The troops barely hold, and get minimal reinforcements. Unless Providence intervenes, Tobruk should fall next turn.
  16. I will take you up on that, after I get done. I think I just one at a time right now. It's going to be a bit, he plays Allies like I would, conservation of resources. My Axis Kung-Fu is weak, and my theories on how to handle China are in Limbo. However, once I get it rolling, we'll see. It's like being a grappler in the Cage, once I hang on, I won't let go, slowly reducing your options until you submit, just have to see if I have enough time to make it happen.
  17. Vista and Chrome. I have never had issues with Vista (think I might be singular in that, and just haven't upgraded to 7 yet) and I prefer quickness in a browser. I did find more advanced options here at battlefront, just not as many buttons as yours, but does include postcard features.
  18. I prefer the perfection too, now have a place to upload images the way I want. Gonna make 'em realy purty just you for, xwormwood edit: Btw, I don't seem to have the same interface you do, X. I have no buttons anywhere, just a grey box for typing, so have to everything by hand. Going to search options next to see if there are more advanced settings.
  19. France, January, 1940 Snow, anything but snow and this gets ugly fast for France. I cannot hope for the weather to hold like it has been. We attack the fresh army railed into the Maginot, reducing him to a 3. We ping another army to an 8. Otherwise, we hold tight, add reinforcements, and enjoy the holiday season. The French Navy apparently has a crush on Italy, every port in North Africa has a French ship next to it! And Britain has 2 armies on the border near Tobruk, what an opportunity to site-see! Oh wait, Il Duce has informed we are at war with both Great Britain and France. Oh, the indignation! Just wait, we'll get blood on your uniforms if you aren't careful there. China Foochow is cleared of enemy units, but no one advances into town. Otherwise, units are reinforced and nothing else happens this turn. Snow slows things down even more than the pace I am already setting. Not happy with these images just yet, will keep working on it, but wanted to get some visuals. The China pic does give some intel away, but I don't consider it mission critical, so going with it so you can see the whole front line.
  20. Hehe, thanks, paint.net has a quality save feature that will work. And for this server, Go advanced, then manage the images for upload. My tech knowledge starting slipping with HTML, as I noticed the trending of computers from a specialty item to mass market. Glad I did, as the computer industry is like any appliance industry now.
  21. An image that is 620x280 is 65kb, however to upload here there is a maximum of 19.5kb. I think the proper wording would be quality reduction to change that 65 kb to 19.5 kb. Using just what I have, to meet the 19.5 kb requirement, a jpeg is approximately 120x103 pixels in size, or about viewing 4 tiles. Not worth posting a screenie of that. And thanks Wormie, will check those products out.
  22. I need hints, I am googling, and not getting very far. I am not using very sophiticated tools, but the maximum size image (620x280) yields an image that is about 65kb in size. So, how do I keep that size but make it take 1/4th the kb in size? I only am using Paint, and whatever default tools that come with Windows. My screen resolution is 1900x1280. Any thoughts I will try. Barring that, I will just get a Photobucket account and link the images for the AAR. Thanks in advance.
  23. Sidenotes: Doing this from work, it's good to own your own business. As far as strategies go, I have committed to what I am doing, don't know how well it will work though. It is really fun playing a human, so different in just these few turns. Tactically, I am committing in ways I can improve on, but I have a strategy and am going to stick to it. My esteemed opponent appears to be doing the same, damn him! He is playing China as I would, like Gandhi is running the nation. Back to the action. France: Another French army is sacrificed to the gods of war. Herr Hoepner leads his panzers into attacking the pride of French, their 1st Army, and re-inacts the desert scene from 'No Country for Old Men.' Bodies and vehicles (and dogs) are strewn everywhere (3 tank losses vs. 6 inf losses) in the mud. This is a very mild winter, by the way, clear skies, and mud, only one turn of snow, luckily its for the Allies. Hoepner can only hope for storms now. China: Action slows around Changsha, as losses slowly mount over the last 3 turns for the Japan. Tojo wonders if he needs to shake things up a little. Chengchow keeps getting pings by 3 armies, losses are fairly even on both sides. A lucky salvo lands in the munitions storage of Foochow, destroying ammunition and food supplies, water rationing is in effect (city has been reduced to 0 MPPs). Armies are now preparing to siege Foochow from the land.
  24. Note: these will be the 1st pics, once I get used to the maximum sizing and such, and seeing how these turn out, they "should get better. Hmm, I am running out of time this morning, I have the pics the right size, but they are still 55kb, and I can't get them down to 19.5kb. Any advice on how to do that, or what program(s) to download to make that happen? Onto the report...... {Tojo tells a funny} Question: How do you make a Chinese corp? Answer: Kill a chinese army, and the surivors make up the difference. 5th corp has replaced 5th army for the Chinese south of Chansha. They have a better fate than 5th army, only suffering 50% casualties. They do cause some bomber and troop losses, unlike their predecessor. Chengchow takes three hit while their assaulters suffer none. Chinese intelligence does ascertain most free Japanese units have been motorized. Japanese intelligence is still wondering where the two Chinese armies that railed away have gone. Edit, I actually submit this before ending my turn in game, so fighting breaks out between Chinese Nationalists and Communists, and British prisoners taken at Dunkirk. {The Bunker Report} Clear weather in France, in November! The Fuhrer will not let this go by! One French corp and Army pay the ultimate price, but 10th and 4th armies step into the Devil's Den, one at the corner on three French armies, one on the coast. Limited units do what they have to do to kill Frenchies while the rest of the Army moves into position. Now Germany prays for bad weather. Will come back and insert the pics once I get something to compress these images.
  25. Will work on it, no problem with the screenshots, but I suck at Photoshop! Actually, I dont even have Photoshop, and would use paint for editing. But will do when I have time.
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