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Posts posted by Jim1954

  1. 2 hours ago, Erwin said:

    In addition:

    Crosses of Iron (2/2/15) (may be different from The Cross of Iron"?

    The Battle of Tali Ihantala

    The Hill

    The Last Bridge

    The Last Panzer


    I got the cross of iron in July 2015 so it might be the same one. If it starts out with a MASSIVE katyusha barrage against a German defensive line anchored by 2 platoons of Tiger 1's, its the same. Where did you get the other ones?

  2. What scenario are you referring to?

    6 hours ago, kb6583 said:

    I'm referring specifically to  a scenario that I'm playing as the Germans where roughly six Wespes are on the map. I have two observers as well, but along with all of the leaders on the map, I can't figure out how I access them for indirect artillery support. So how do I do this? 


  3. You didn't happen to mention if it was wireless or not.  I have seen the issue of the mouse disapperaing on Win 10 apps at times.  Try taking the battery out of the mouse for  a few seconds and see if it reappears.  I have heard that wireless mice can be susceptible to inteference, even from cell phones.  Worth a try anyway.

  4. 2 hours ago, Bozowans said:

    I remember that in CM1, the game would fool you about the location of distant shooters. At very long range, you might get a "?" mystery contact that is several tiles away from their true location. Then after you've blasted that spot with area fire, you discover later on that their real location is 50m off to the right or whatever. That was a pretty cool way to handle the problem. Whatever happened to that? I've always felt that CM2 gives you way too much info about the enemy. Not just with the sound exploits, but with other things as well, like being able to tell who is an enemy HQ team and who isn't at 1000+ meters or whatever. Or the game telling you the exact moment that an enemy MG or AT gun position is destroyed or abandoned. Or always being able to tell the exact type of enemy tank. I liked how in CM1, your troops could mis-identify enemy tanks, thinking one is a Tiger when it really isn't or whatever.

    You didn't mention what game skill level that you are playing.  The higher the skill level, the less the amount of info you get.  Rachet it up to at least Elite... Iron is better still.

    But that's just my opinion.

  5. You could set it to day, I guess but it would need to be a really, really long battle. Can't remember off hand which scenario it was, or maybe it was in the American campaign but there is at least 1 battle in there that was like this. 


    It was in the US campaign but it was 09:45 in the morning. The effect is the same. 

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