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How is the WW2 campaign?

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I've owned a lot of the SC games through the years and had fun with them but I don't have Global or WW1. Lately I've been getting in the mood for a fun grand WW2 statetgy game and of course I was considering SC again. If possible I'd rather focus on Europe so I'm drawn to the WW2 campaign for the Great War.

How is it for a fun single player experience? Or should I look elsewhere? Thanks for the advice!

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I think it is as much fun, probably more, than the previous iterations of the game system. The only drawback seems to be the lack of user generated WWII mods for the new engine. Calm Before The Storm is a fine one though and Cantona66 keeps tweaking and updating it on a regular basis.:D

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For probably the best way to get an idea on what the WWII campaign has to offer feel free to download and try out the DEMO which includes the WWII campaign:


Either way I think you'll enjoy it as it is using our biggest European Theater map to date, i.e. lots of room for maneuverability as well as including all our latest features and AI logic and speed improvements.

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