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New file at the Repository: H2H - Breakout (2011-09-28)

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Unfortunately the description was lost in the upload and I've not been successful in trying to update it.:o

The scenario depicts elements from the 352nd Infantry division that has been trapped behind enemy lines, five days after the D-day. To avoid being encircled and forced to surrender the only option is a breakout to the south to join the rest of the LXXXIV Corps. It's a fictional scenario but designed to feel as authentic as possible with regards to the map layout and units.

I've designed the scenario exclusively for H2H play. This means that it is balanced for two human opponents. It is also designed to require movement from both sides. The unit density is low-to-medium to give room for manoeuvre. There are openings in the bocage (how else would the farmers be able to harvest their lots, eh?).

Thanks to Badgerdog for play testing. Feedback warmly appreciated!:)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I play tested this for George and it was really challenging and a whole lot of fun, even though he kicked my butt ... :D

George has a real talent for imaginative scenario design that makes for very interesting play balance, combined with a well thought out and realistic map layout ..

This one is worth experiencing for those of you who enjoy head to head PBEM....

Im looking forward to more of his scenarios and I'd love to replay this one from the other side's point of view...



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