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WIP 'Bonkers in the Bocage' CMAK remake


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Hey all,

I'm doing a CMBN remake of one of my favourite CMAK maps Bonkers in the Bocage, originally by Carl Puppchen and the actual CMAK map by Eric Martucci.

Its fairly small at 800x800m but its quite built up and the original was good because rather than having a pitched battle from one side to another, instead you had loads of mini battles all over the map as you try and capture the objectives. It made every unit you have become invaluable and showed some surprising strengths and weaknesses in various units.

Also, both sides had a constant trickle of reinforcements turning up at random intervals with various equipment and quality. It also made the map quite re-playable due to the random factor. I hope to achieve this in my version too.

Unfortunately there are some omissions that have had to be made - mainly the Commonwealth forces which made up a good portion of the Allied side. A fair bit of German equipment such as the Canister firing Pz3 with the short 75mm and the flakpanzers etc, not to mention flamethrowers on both sides. The original was a real showcase of toys for both sides, so I will try and replicate this as much as possible.

If there are any of you guys who played the original and have some suggestions, feel free to fire away. Ill post some screens up of my work so far. :)

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Thanks man!

Ive finished the elevations for now, just some minor tweaking here and there. The Main thing is trying to make the buildings look less clinical and bare. Ive been trying to make things look as natural and lived-in as possible. The flavour objects turn things into a nasty clickfest soon enough though. The Graveyard is the first and last one Ill be doing for a while lol.


This is looking back at the crossroads:


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