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WIP Saint-Cuthbert


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Work in Progress

1st map in CM, it's a small set of crossroads and 3 farms. allied start with the 1st set of building and need to go through bocage and get to the road + crossroad and then push through 2 farms and the 2nd crossroad.

Allies got 1/2 a bataillon (A and B companies and engeener platoon) +3 tanks and 81mm mortars.

Axis got 2 grenadier companies with some mortar support

The map is quite small

320mX400m so it might be a slaughter. I might get it more in depth. later one as I'm a fan of leapfroggging companies like Brits used to do.


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That map really looks far too small to have more than a reinforced company (3-5 platoons and a few vehicles) on either side. Is there even room to put 2 companies in the first farm? Appearances may be deceptive, of course.

The map also looks pretty flat, and densely covered with sightline-breaking vegetation. This will mean that the two farms' defenders will have a job supporting each other with fires, and the attacker might find it too simple to concentrate enough force on the objectives in turn.

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yeah i playtest it and it's way too much troops.

Actually I stoped a compagny with a germans platoon...

I'l also make the american spwn a bit more back.

Thie map is quite ondulating. it's a forward slope up to the road, and the 2 farms a still a bit higher. 2 farms area got a view on the crossroads.

I got 5 AI plans for each sides. So far, but I think i'll reduce the 1st companie to a platoon and keep the 2nd intact for german. And Keep the A-B companie for american and take off the engeeners for amis.

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