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short: what means "U2" in the szenario editor


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Yes. You can mark units with U2,U3... etc and in the mission objectives, you can add point value for these units. E.g.: if the germans kill pvt Ryan, the Axic side get 2000 points and win the scenario, even if they lose an 500 point victory zone.

Additionally, this points added to the Allied side, if they can escape with pvt Ryan in an Exit Zone.

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Yes. You can mark units with U2,U3... etc and in the mission objectives, you can add point value for these units. E.g.: if the germans kill pvt Ryan, the Axic side get 2000 points and win the scenario, even if they lose an 500 point victory zone.

Additionally, this points added to the Allied side, if they can escape with pvt Ryan in an Exit Zone.

This is a feature that makes it possible (once the Brit module comes out) to create an exciting scenario for the following small mission:

"During the Dieppe raid, radar technician Flight Sergeant Jack Nissenthal was assigned to a top-secret mission to learn about Freya [A German radar station on the coast]. Members of the South Saskatchewan Regiment escorted Nissenthal on the raid. Because his extensive knowledge of radar systems could be a significant asset to the enemy, the Regiment was [secretly] ordered to kill him rather than allow him to be captured. Nissenthal and his escorts landed near the town of Pourville and made their way to their intended target, the radar station at Caude-Côté. Unable to penetrate the heavily fortified station, Nissenthal did the next best thing and cut its phone lines to the German forces. The German personnel at the radar station were forced to use radio communication during the battle. R.A.F. listeners in England monitored this radio traffic and learned a great deal about Freya's capabilities. The Allied armies thus gained a vital tactical advantage, the ability to jam German radar. Countless allied airmen owe their lives to the Dieppe raid. Nissenthal and at least some of the South Saskatchewan Regiment returned safely to England. Others were not so fortunate and were among the many killed or captured at Dieppe."

The raid on the radar station is described in thrilling detail in the book, "Green Beach," by James Leasor.

A CMBN scenario could make the radar hut a "touch objective" for a one-man unit (U1, representing Nissenthall). Set up the victory conditions to put the Allied player in a dilemma: Allies can't win unless Nissenthall exposes himself to reach the radar hut...but the German player automatically wins if Nissenthall is captured. So, at a certain point, if things start going badly, the Allied player has to decide whether to keep pressing on, or to kill Nissenthall if he seems about to be captured. Even if Nissenthall achieves the objective, he and his escorts still have to fight their way back to the extraction point back at the beach. There's a lot of suspense in the predawn beach landing, trying not to arouse the sleeping Germans, trying to protect Nissenthall so he can reach the radar hut under fire, and the race to complete the mission before a reinforcing German panzer detachment arrives from inland.

Does this sound like fun?

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A CMBN scenario could make the radar hut a "touch objective" for a one-man unit (U1, representing Nissenthall). Set up the victory conditions to put the Allied player in a dilemma: Allies can't win unless Nissenthall exposes himself to reach the radar hut...but the German player automatically wins if Nissenthall is captured.

It's not possible!

1. There is no Touch objective for a specific unit! So if anybody reach that zone, the side got points.

2. There is no point for captured units! If you kill your man, the enemy get the points! Well, doesn't matter who kill or capture a unit.

This is not THAT game. If you want create so detailed missions, play ArmA2.

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