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OTTOMAN movement question

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Started playing 1914 call to arms, having problem moving Ottoman units which are near TRABZON to DAMASCUS. Get units to ISLAHIE but can never cross mountains which have penalty movement of 4 against my units movement of 3. How should I get thoses units to the DAMASCUS area ?

Can not see another way around. Many thanks for any help.

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Until the Ottomans have entered the war, their territories south of Turkey proper are neutral. But once they've joined the Central Powers, they will become active and you will be able to send troops there. There will also be some units mobilized in these areas, so when the time comes you'll be able to reinforce them with the unit you've moved to Islahie.

Though be careful not to leave Trabzon unguarded as the Russians might want to get their greedy hands on it!

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