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1914 Call to Arms AAR - Bill v Dan

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The German HQ and the detachment in the Russian pocket sea evacutated out to fight another day, protected by the victorious German Navy. Russians liberated the town and forced marched all remaining units forward to form a defensive line. I don't know if Bill plans to attack or hold. I will entrench in that defensive line, repair, then decide later if I should advance.

UK Naval ships returned to their reserve position near Rosyth. Two more understrength ships are heading to the far blockade line. German National Morale is down to 75%.

I had hoped that the new upgraded French artillery unit would provide an opportunity to destroy a German corps. However my ground attack losses would have been exchanges. I cancelled the French ground attack.

I am very concerned about Central Powers attacks in general. I have raised French, Russian and UK research to some day provide level 5 trench advances. France and Russia will try to build a corps a turn to put reinforcements in the pipeline. Massive UK reinforcements evacutated from Belgium are racing to Palestine. With German corps moving into Austria, Italy may go on defensive very soon. Italy only has trench level 1.

Diplomacy saw a positive hit on Potugal for 8%.

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All is fairly quiet in the east this turn, apart from in East Prussia where our newly arrived artillery carry out some range finding shots.

There is more action on the Italian front as our newly arrived Germans hammer the Italian Corps that had broken through our lines.


Our Ottomans are now moving in strength into southern Mesopotamia, and are hopefully now closer to Basra than the British forces that had advanced on Baghdad.


British forces are now besieged in Aqaba on the Red Sea. So far the war's not gone too badly for the Ottomans, though the Russians are starting to get a bit troublesome in the Caucasus so we'll have to consider sending some reinforcements there.

Conquering Belgium has freed up some reserves for service elsewhere, but it will take a few turns to prepare either an attack in the west, or to send them to the east. It is actually tempting to send some by rail to Palestine, but an offensive on the Chemin des Dames is also looking like it could have potential.

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The UK and Italian only had Trench 1. The UK advanced to Trench 2 this turn. Italy has no additional investments in Trench now but it will be a priority.

I made a bad move being too aggressive with my Italian corps and now will lose it. Italy repaired its other ground units.

A large UK force is still racing by sea to Palestine. The UK artillery in Palestine is now upgraded and full strength. All other UK forces there are entrenched.

The French detachment is now ashore and ZOCing a possible future Libyian partisan generation point. Oddly, not pro-Entente Arab partisans have shown up.

Russia is testing German defenses in Germany. Russia may go on an offensive there. Russia repaired the Black Sea battleship to full and attacked an Ottoman battleship with a sub. Russians in Turkey are waiting for more artillery shells.

Serbia and the Balkans were stable, but Bugaria and Greece are now in the war.

UK invested in level 1 Gas/Shell Production.

France put one diplomacy point into Holland. Russia put another diplomacy point into Sweden. I didn't take screen shots this turn.

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It's time for our U-Boats in the Atlantic to get to work, so one is going to start raiding this turn, quite far to the west of Ireland. Hopefully it will distract the Royal Navy while our main force moves into position to launch an unrestricted campaign against merchant trade to the UK.

Our Ottomans are now at the gates of Basra. Let's hope Dan either doesn't notice, or can do nothing about it before we move in to occupy the city next turn!

A victory for our arms on the Italian front where the enemy bridgehead over the Isonzo has been eliminated! :)

Austria-Hungary is deploying some new weapons in this area too, a Rail Gun and some Fighters to counter the Italian Recon Bombers that are based at Venice.

Konigsberg is under attack, but the Russians in front of our fortifications are suffering heavily. Our plan is to open up a new front under Hindenburg's command, either to relieve Konigsberg or to march on Warsaw. This will depend on the force balance and how the enemy's attacks against Konigsberg are faring. Below you can see the two main options:


Now that Bulgaria has entered the war, the time has come for Serbia to leave it. Operations start with Bulgarian forces moving towards both Uskub and Nish, while Austria-Hungary launches a heavy attack on Serbian forces to the north.


Purchases this turn include two new Recon Bombers for Germany, and we're researching Ground Attack Aircraft. This should hopefully prove useful when it comes to targeting enemy artillery behind their lines.

Here is the area of our planned offensive in the Chemin des Dames:


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The UK sacked the French HQ (4) in France and replaced him with Plummer (8). France is stable.

Four UK destroyers are racing to attack the U-Boat discovered on the Canadian convoy line by UK Intelligence. I need more destroyers, especially in the Med. Another understrength UK ship joins the far blockade line.

The massive UK troop convoy continues to race to Greece/Palestine. Unfortunately, they now will be too late to save Basra. Bill snuck a detactment around my sole detachment in the area. I transported the UK marines from an island to help defend Greece. Entente Greece is looking more like a hole than an asset right now.

France built another corps for a planned future offensive. France advanced to Infantry Warfare 1 and Trenches 2.

Italian troops move to more defensive postions and invested two points into Trenches, making Trench Levels 2 and 3 possible at some point in the future. All Libyan partisan points are now Entente occupied.

The Austrians seem badly stretched in the Balkans. A repaired Russian cavalry corps gambled and occupied an empty Debrezin. I forgot to repair a damaged Serbian corps and will probably lose it now.

I committed my Russian units to a flanking offensive in Russia. Air recon and Russian moves uncovered far more German troops than I believed existed in the area. I may be in for a wild fight there. I have rebuilt Russian corps coming in from future production. But I may just hit and fall back. I mauled a German artillery unit. It was only Level 1, not 2 as I had feared. I now believe that Bill's successes in Belgium was due more to the UK only having Level 1 Trenches rather than Level 2 Artillery.

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It's September 1915 and Central Powers units are now advancing in strength into Serbia, with a diversion into Greece too.

The mass Russian assault near Konigsberg has forced us to withdraw our artillery, perhaps prematurely as our counterattack was a total success and we have repaired the hole in our front line.

Our reconnaissance has discovered that the Russians have 8 Corps in the Konigsberg area. This will be a good battle, and I'll probably have to revise those plans I outlined last turn!


Austria-Hungary unveils its latest weapon: a Rail Gun, which promptly starts pounding the Italians. The Italian front is still an area of concern, though less so than before.

The Ottomans win another great victory by seizing Basra. Townshend's Force D were totally outmaneuvered and are now trapped in Qurna. Once Liman von Sanders has arrived, we should be able to finish them off.


Now to the naval war, where our U-Boats are now commencing their campaign of unrestricted warfare against the UK. Let's hope it hurts!


Finally, to the west where our Chemin des Dames offensive is a complete success! The French defenders are destroyed and our infantry move forward to occupy their positions. Their will be no follow up, this is just a "bite and hold" operation because a breakthrough at this stage probably isn't possible. Though the French lines in this area do look a lot thinner than we'd expected.


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The Entente counterattacked in France with some saved artillery shells and reserve corps destroying three German corps. I have more shells for next turn. German National Morale has dropped to 69%. The French upgraded many corps to Infantry Weapons 1 and built another corps. France got an advance to Industrial Prodution 2 and Trenches 3. A French destroyer is in route to the Med.

Four UK destroyers encountered three U-Boats in the Atlantic. The US is angry about U-Boat warfare. I sent another UK destroyer to assist from Scapa Flow.

The UK invested one point in Industrial Production and in Infantry Warfare 1. The UK got advances in ASW 1 and Industrial Production 1.

The Belgians landed safely in Albania. I gambled with a forward UK corps transport and was ambushed by a U-Boat. The rest of the main convoy continued to sail at full speed behind scouting destroyers. Entrenched UK units are holding in Palestine.

With Bulgarian infiltrators behind the lines, the Serbians withdrew to a better river defensive line. My one strength point Serbian corps escaped detection and repaired to full.

The Russians in Russia on the flanking offensive entrenched and reinforced. My new rebuilt Russian corps are now coming off the production line. Another limited Russian coastal offensive damaged an Ottoman corps. I really need an advance in Gas/Shell Production. Russians spent another diplomacy point on Sweden.

There are no screen shots this turn.

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Well, it looks as though I wasn't the only one planning an offensive in the west! Far from having won the initiative from the enemy there, they've blown two clean holes in our line, and also booted us off the Chemin des Dames! :eek:


Fortunately we've got enough reserves to plug the gaps, and with a further seven infantry Corps deploying for battle this turn, we'll send two to the west.

The remaining five are positioned in East Prussia, hopefully out of sight of the Russians attacking Konigsberg. The Russians lose another Corps this turn too.


Our U-Boats caused panic in the UK last turn, effectively shutting down imports to Liverpool. Now we need to see if we can have the same effect on merchantmen sailing to the Clyde and Bristol. Some British Destroyers tried to attack us but with little effect.

The Russians are stepping up their attacks in the Caucasus so we'll have to ensure that we don't let them get too successful while we're conducting our reconquest of Mesopotamia. I am currently considering a move into Persia too.

In the Mediterranean, British transports carrying VII Corps to Egypt sailed right into U-21's hunting grounds. Ouch! :D

The Bulgarian advance into Serbia last turn has paid off, as the Serbian commander has left his forces to the south of Belgrade in poor supply. Not one to miss such an opportunity, Potiorek orders an attack which, despite heavy casualties, succeeds in reducing the nearest Serbian Corps down to half strength. Hopefully we can finish it off next turn.


This turn ends with Germany getting Trench Warfare level 3. This might be the life saver we need!

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The UK used its new ASW 1 to upgrade some battleships and one destroyer. I moved some more destroyers to port for ASW upgrades next turn. I need to invest in ASW and to build destroyers.

The Entente destroyed two more German corps in France. I still have some artillery shells left. France upgraded more corps to Infantry Warfare 1.

I landed the major UK convoy group in Alexandria, along with the damaged corps. I would rather that they walk further than risk getting sunk at sea. Palestine is holding well.

The Russians dug in in Russia. Air recon shows strong German forces to the West. A new Russian corps marched into the front there. Serbia and Balkans were stable.

UK invested one point in Gas/Shell production and got one advance in it. UK advanced to Trenches 3. France advanced to Industrial Production 2. Italy invested one point in Trenches and one in Production Tech. Russians advanced to Gas/Shell Production 1. The US advanced to Industrial Production 1.

The Entente got a Diplomancy advance of 8% in Swizterland.

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The USA has got rather upset with our U-Boat captains, so it's time to call off our unrestricted campaign for the time being. But they have done well as all UK ports are currently clogged up with merchantmen, and British income has been pretty much halved by this. :)

We're continuing to hammer away at the Serbs, and our Rail Gun is on its way from near Trieste to add a little extra weight to our attacks. Germany is also sending its Zeppelins to help out.

We're also attacking some Russian Cavalry in Hungary, as it's about time we drove them out and their supply level is very low so now's the time to strike!


The situation near Konigsberg looks quite stable at the moment, especially now that we've deployed a second Heavy Artillery unit there, so let's take a look at the western front.

Here, the French have some rather depleted Corps to the north and south of Amiens. Never one to turn down an opportunity, we launch into the attack. This turned out to be somewhat of a mistake because although we destroyed one, our own losses have been heavy.


More reinforcements are arriving in the west, and it sure looks like we're going to need them there!

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The Entente damaged several German corps in France but didn't destroy any. My units were just too depleted from their previous successful attacks. Two new rebuilt French corps arrived. France upgraded more corps to Infantry Weapons 1. France brought a battlecruiser up to full strength. France put one more diplomacy point into Holland and invested one research point in Gas/Shell production.

The UK upgraded most of its destroyers to ASW 1. I am ready to go U-Boat hunting. The U-Boats convoy line damage and buying Lawrence of Arabia consumed most of the UK's income. Greece and Palestine are holding. The main convoy group that landed in Egypt forced marched to the front. They may go on the offensive within the next few turns. The UK got an advance to Industrial Technology 1.

Russia invested another diplomacy point into Sweden. Two rebuilt corps were put in the Balkans as the Russian front is stable. Almost all of Russia's destroyed corps have been rebuilt now. Serbia is bending under the Austrian/Bulgarian pressure.

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Clydeside has opened up to trade again a bit sooner than expected so we're going to launch some more unrestricted attacks in the North Channel to shut it down again. Hopefully the US won't get quite as annoyed as the last time!

A fairly quiet turn in the Balkans, as most of our forces are resting and consolidating their new positions as we advance into Serbia.

In Mesopotamia, here is the situation as our forces encircle the beleaguered British forces in Qurna:


It's time for Hindenburg to make his move into Poland, with troops marching on Warsaw from the north and north east. The Russians do appear to have more forces in Poland than we would have liked, but most of them are around Lodz to the south west of Warsaw. I'm hoping that they will react by leaving their positions, opening up some opportunities for us.


In France our line held last turn and hopefully now that winter will soon be upon us we'll be able to consolidate and better prepare for the action to come in 1916.

Time to invest some diplomacy into Norway to prevent the British from cutting our imports from there to Germany.

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The newly upgraded UK destroyers damages a U-Boat in the Atlantic for 8 points. I upgraded more UK ships to ASW 1. The last of the major UK troop convoy arrives safely in Alexandria. I begin an offensive in Palestine. There are two Arab partisans now. UK gets level 2 in Gas/Shell Production.

The Entente in France destroys two more German corps. France builds a heavy artillery. Frances advances to Gas/Shell Production 1.

Italy, Russia and the US invests one point in Intelligence. I want to know where the U-Boats are and to prevent my tech gains from being easily discovered by the Central Powers. Italy advances to Industrial Production 1.

Placing two Russian corps in Poland last turn to support an offensive was a good piece of luck. I needed them plus my newly arriving corps to garrison cities in Poland against Germany's probes. Russia also invested one research point in Industrial Production.

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It is now the 1st January 1916 so Happy New Year to all our readers!

Rather than focus on operations this turn, now seems like a good opportunity to provide a brief assessment of the current situation, along with our hopes for the future.

The Kaiser is pleased with our advance into Poland, as the enemy will have to react or risk losing Brest-Litovsk, which is currently ungarrisoned.

Our income is good, Germany is collecting more than 600 MPPs a turn. Austria-Hungary is collecting nearly 250, and the Ottomans just under 150 a turn.

Our Heavy Artillery are deploying in greater strength with more shells than before. We have developed the Ground Attack capabilities of our Recon Bombers, and we are also developing Zeppelins and Gotha bombers for use against strategic targets.

National Morale is a concern, as due to our heavy casualties, Germany's is down to 62%. Austria-Hungary is on 76% and the Ottoman Empire on 70%.

By contrast, the two most important enemy powers, France and Russia, are on 77% and 87% respectively. This situation must be changed in the coming year.

In 1916 our priorities must therefore be to:

  • Finish off Serbia.
  • Maintain our position in France.
  • Conquer Poland. This should relieve the pressure on both Konigsberg and Austria-Hungary.
  • Bolster up the Ottoman forces in Palestine and the Caucasus.

I look forward to seeing where we are in a year's time!

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Can you briefly discuss strategies for the Central Powers to reduce the decline in national Morale of Germany? I realize breaking the embargo is one such. I normally do well militarily with Germany but even with capture of key objectives, sinking the Russian fleet it seems hard to keep NM above the French as you are fighting on so many fronts and it will take some years to KO France or Russia. When the Ottoman joins, that produces a NM boost? I think there should be a few more events or objectives that boost your own NM - e.g. fall of Paris or minor Allies joining. The overall picture should be a decline but the odd temporary reversal would boost player morale too......!



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UK destroyers sank two German U-Boats in the Atlantic. The Entente is forming a destroyer screen in the Med to block passage of U-Boats from Turkish bases.

The Entente destroyed another German Corps in France. France repairs, ungrades and invests in Gas/Shell Production.

The UK began an offensive in Palestine. The UK sack/replaced the Hamilton HQ 5with Allenby 7. I believe that the UK will push the Ottoman's back.

The Russians and holding well on all fronts and are filling in Polish cities with new corps. The Russian repaired a Baltic battlecruiser. The Russians badly damaged an Ottoman battleship in the Black sea with artillery, sub and a Russian battleship attack.

The US invested one point in Production Tech.

The Entente got a +25% diplomacy hit on Sweden. That should stop the Swedish convoys to Germany.

German morale is down to 60%, Ottomans 68% and Austrians 75%. The lowest morale Entente nation is France at 77%.

Overall, the Entente strategy is to destroy the German National Morale with naval blockages. When Germany surrenders, the other Central Powers will also. On the ground, the Entente is content to hold what it has and/or to launch cost effective attacks when the opportunity presents itself. I won't launch damage exchange attacks just because I can. I will kill more that I will lose or I will hold. I want to keep my National Morales up.

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Our U-Boats clash with British Destroyers near Rockall, nearly sinking one of the enemy's ships. It got lucky!

Our offensive into Poland continues, and we are attempting to isolate Warsaw. More troops and guns are deploying in East Prussia to support this offensive, and the outcome of the whole war could well hinge on its fate.


Bad news on the diplomatic front as Sweden seems to have ceased trading with us. :(

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Can you briefly discuss strategies for the Central Powers to reduce the decline in national Morale of Germany? I realize breaking the embargo is one such. I normally do well militarily with Germany but even with capture of key objectives, sinking the Russian fleet it seems hard to keep NM above the French as you are fighting on so many fronts and it will take some years to KO France or Russia. When the Ottoman joins, that produces a NM boost? I think there should be a few more events or objectives that boost your own NM - e.g. fall of Paris or minor Allies joining. The overall picture should be a decline but the odd temporary reversal would boost player morale too......!



Hi Colin

Capturing resources in France or Russia is normally the best way. Especially in Russia as there are more to take.

Capturing Paris would give an extra special boost, in addition to the per turn value of holding the capital.

Using unrestricted warfare against the British also helps, and the Ottomans joining also boosts NM.

There's quite a large section on this in the Strategy Guide which you might find useful.


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Entente sinks one U-Boat in the Atlantic and one U-Boat that was ambushed in my new destroyer screen in the Med. Another Atlantic U-Boat was damaged. One badly damaged strength 1 UK Atlantic destroyer limps back to port. Oddly, one North sea U-Boat sails up to my Channel fleet screen. I move cruisers forward to screen my lone destroyer which damages the U-Boat. I sail three reserve battleships closer in case Bill wants a major fleet action in this area.

The Entente destroy another two German corps in France. France moves more upgraded infantry into front line positions. France buys another heavy artillery unit. I intend for France to go on a serious artillery offensive in the future.

UK forces in Palestine destroy an Ottoman corps, breaks through and exploits the hole in Ottoman lines. This could be decisive for the Palestine area. I operate a UK recon bomber from France to there for future UK exploitation manuevers.

Italy repairs and puts another diplomacy point into Holland.

The Russian front is stable. Russian corps in Poland snipe at German corps doing significant damage. Russia rebuilds a destroyed cavalry corps as all former destroyed Russian infantry corps have now been rebuilt. Russia puts a diplomatic point into Holland. With all of this diplomatic pressure, Holland must move toward the Entente soon. That will intensify the morale effect of the sea blockade.

The same Russian sea/artillery team that badly damaged an Ottoman battleship in the Black Sea now sinks an Ottoman battlecruiser there. The Russian battleship is seriously damaged but returns to port to be repaired.

The US invests a research point into Intelligence.

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Dan really has caught me out with his surprise offensive in Palestine! Our lines have crumbled and we're scrounging around for replacements wherever they can be found. Losing the Goeben/Yavuz Sultan Selim in the Black Sea was also a shock.


Better news comes from Eastern Europe where we liberate Debrezin, and in Poland where we capture Syedlets and continue to isolate Warsaw from the rest of Russian territory.


Our U-Boats have not been having a good time trying to break through a picket of enemy Destroyers and other vessels to the north west of Scotland. Although we've badly damaged a British Battleship, we'd much rather be sailing home in clear waters with no enemy in sight!

The turn ends on a positive note as Germany develops level 4 in Trench Warfare. We've been really hard pushed to maintain our positions in France I really hope this helps.

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UK destroyers damage an Atlantic U-Boat down to 2 strength. UK is very low on MPP's due to U-Boat convoy shut downs. I can only repair my one strength point destroyer back to 8. Germany National Morale is down to 53% with both blockade lines fully occupied by Entente ships.

The Entente destroys two more German corps in France. More upgraded French infantry man the trenches. France build a rail gun and invests one point in Intelligence.

The UK wins a decisive victory in Palestine! Jerusalem is liberated and UK forces are in hot pursuit of all Ottoman units. One more Arab partisan arrives.

UK marines liberate a Greek city abandoned by retreating Central Powers forces.

I now realize that German forces in Poland are not just probing for unoccupied cities. They intend to take Warsaw. I commit all available Russian units in the area for counterattacks. Serious damage is done to German units.

I fully repaired the victorious Russian battleship in the Black Sea.

Italy advances to Trenches 3. Russia advances to Trenches 4 and Bombers 1.

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We're in a real pickle in Palestine now, so we need to step up our offensive against Serbia so that we'll then be able to send reinforcements to help out the Sultan.

Bulgarian artillery and Zeppelins pound the Serbian capital at Nish, while further north Austro-Hungarian infantry, under a grand barrage of shells, destroy the defenders of Kragujevac.


Operations to encircle Warsaw continue, though we've had to transfer Prince Rupprecht from the Western Front as our supply levels in Poland are very low. Austria-Hungary is helping out by launching an encircling attack on weak Russian positions near Krakow.


We're really struggling to hold our lines on the Somme, so one of our Heavy Artillery units is transferred to that area from East Prussia.

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The UK damaged three more U-Boats in all. The Entente destroyers are getting worn down. A badly damaged UK destroyer in port was repaired to full. The UK is still suffering from convoy route shut downs. I have no MPP's to transport UK infantry corps sitting in England.

The Entente went on an offensive in France. Two more German corps were destroyed. The Central Powers line in France is cracking. France received a new heavy artillery unit and rebuilt an infantry corps, a cavalry and a marine. France got an advance to Intelligence 1.

Italy repaired ground units and got an advance to Industrial Production 1.

The UK continued attacking and advancing in Palestine, destroying a damaged Ottoman corps and a detachment. They captured Deraa.

Serbian units are being hammered and were driven out of a city. Reserve Serbian units reoccupied the vacant city. I hope that they can hold. That move forward may have been a mistake. The Entente advanced units in Greece towards Serbian to assist.

Poland has become a wild free for all but the Russians are winning. The Austrians have left their trenches and are joining in. The Russians destroyed a German corps and a cavalry while damaging other units. Fighting has become so savage that I am waiving my no exchange attack guideline. It is needed for Russian numbers to overcome German qualitative superiority.

The Russians destroyed a German corps in Germany and advanced forward two squares. The Russians badly damaged an Ottoman corps in Turkey. The Russian rebuilt a destroyed infantry corps and a Serbian corps.

German National Morale has fallen to 49%, Ottomans 52% and Austrians 71%.

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Syedlets and Kutno are both captured in Poland, and we should hopefully be able to hold these towns as they will give us good bases from which to attack Warsaw from the east and west respectively. Our airforce and artillery have been doing great work to reduce the enemy's supply level here.

A Russian unit that breached our lines at Konigsberg is destroyed, and the Serbs are taking a hammering.

In Palestine, our commander Djemal Pasha is caught on the wrong side of the British breakthrough, as is our newly arrived artillery unit. This is going to be tough.


The British and French have been trying hard to break our front lines on the Somme, but this turn they over extended themselves and we've destroyed two French Corps, and shattered a British one.


Germany has 11 Corps in the Production Queue. We've built all the extra units we'd planned, like Bombers, Rail Guns and even a Tank unit which will be arriving shortly.

We can replace our losses quickly and easily. But the problem we face is that our nation is losing the will to fight and industrial unrest is increasing.

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UK has cornered and badly damaged a U-Boat in the North Sea. The German Fleet could have made a real mess of things if it had joined in with the U-Boat fight.

The Entente destroyed two more German corps in France and liberated Abbeville. I am pressing hard hoping that the German lines will crack before I run out of units. The French advance to Heavy Artillery 2. The new French artillery unit is now in position.

The Entente sinks a U-Boat in the Med. In Palestine, the UK takes Maan and attacks Damascus, damaging the Ottoman infantry corps to strength 1. The UK gets Advanced Infantry 1.

The Serbs hold, but barely. A Greek infantry corps now defends a Serbian city.

The Russians attack, destroy an Ottoman infantry corps and take Rize in Turkey.

In Poland the Russians destroy a German HQ, 1 infantry corps, 1 cavalry corps and damage other units. The Germans take and hold two Polish cities. I am glad that I had concentrated on building numbers of Russian units instead of researching in qualitiy.

Holland swings 25% towards the Entente. The blockades will bite much harder now.

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