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Help me please! :-(

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Hi all.

Im new here, so please forgive me if i ask some dumb questions, but i really need help now:

I like to play Beyond Overlord with a friend over TCP/IP last weeks. Now that we played all missions (without any problems), each of us buyed Barbarossa to Berlin (german version, already patched to 1.03).

Yesterday i opened a game (as always), we started mission Boriska Trainstation (or something like that...). I choosed allied troops.

To this point, everything was ok.

Now i wanted to place my units, do it with the T43s and then i clicked on the truck with the officer - *PLING* - CM crashed with an unhandled exception, fault in "ddraw.dll".

Game only crashes when i click on this specific truck!!!

Reverse control: My friend choosed allied, he can click that truck without problems.

Now i found the sticky thread with this prob, seems to be a DirectX-problem.

Ok i used 3 (!) different DX9-uninstaller and nearly got crazy...after hours of trying i got DX 8.1 installed, then DX 9.0b..but never again 9.0c, because Setup aborts the installation, telling me its already installed (definitely wrong!!)

So this morning i reinstalled my whole WinXP pro with all drivers, etc.

Then i reinstalled, Barbarossa to Berlin, choosed this Trainstation Mission, clicked on that truck and - *PLING* - game crashes and is dead.

My System:

Pentium 4, 3 Ghz

Asus P4P800 with i865Pe Chipset (newest Drivers)

Sapphire Radeon 9800 Pro (Catalyst 4.12, no AA/no AF)

1024MB TwinMos DDR400, dual channeled

WinXP Pro

Sound Blaster Audigy

Can anybody pleaaaase help me to get the game running, i really would like to play that... :(

Any ideas?

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I'm not sure what may be the cause of your problem. Is there anything running in the background while you play CMBB ? This includes anything like anti-virus checkers, browsers, CDRW utilities, etc.

Are you using the Rage3D Tweaker v. 3.9c ? Though I haven't examined this issue lately it supposedly helps when you use it to disable "Z Mask" acceleration. However I would doubt that failing to disable the Z Mask acceleration would result in unhandled exceptions.

It's a bit strange that DirectX 9.0c wouldn't install on your system. Are you currently running 9.0b ? DirectX 9.0c is actually some bug-fixes to 9.0b, though I don't know if any of them would be something that someone would run into playing CM. Are you running Service Pack 2 for XP ? That too shouldn't be a problem as far as I'm aware.

You may also want to consider down-grading your driver version from 4.12 to something earlier; perhaps 4.10. I'm not familiar with any particular problems with the latest Catalysts and CM, but I believe the last time I was tinkering around with a Radeon 9000 Pro it was with 4.10.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got XP, and the same video card. I had to upgrade to DX 9.c to solve a problem with the turn playback.

Make sure you have any instant messaging turned off...XP defaults to having it on...look in the lower right corner of your task bar...you can turn it off there, or go into msconfig and kill it in the startup.

In any event, I've never had the problem you describe...but I dont' know that I've ever used that truck. I'll have to play with it and see what happens.

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