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Courage and Fortitude: Second Mission (Spoilers)

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has anybody finished this mission without the losing a lot of TOE ?

This mission is designed to give the attacker a really bloody nose so to speak.

The german defense has at least 2 AT gun besides the hill, there is a river cut the width of the map and the german infantry is entrenched with one platoon on each side of the road which crosses the river trough the bridge which is blocked by wires.

Did i mention that there are no trees or ridges to hide (the map is flat). Also the bridge is surrounded by a swamp. Also on the end of the road is a hill which has also at least two bunkers with mg's inside, besides the AT guns.

I tried with mortars smoke but the wind dissipate the smoke in 10 or less seconds. And to make a matters worse the enemy spotters spot the troop movement in a flash and the whole squads get massacred by artillery which is very precise.

So has anybody found a good solution to this mission?



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It is possible to win, but requires certain tenacity and understanding how to spread out and take advantage of even the smallest concealment that the terrain can offer.

However, you don't really have to win here if you find yourself beating your head into a stonewall; you can ceasefire and try again later in the evening, this time with the mines cleared during the day and with more artillery support. But it's still a good idea to try to inflict losses on the Germans on your first try, because those losses carry over!

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i can ceasefire and replay the mission on later? What are the penalties for this?

Yea those losses can really add up progressing trough the campaign, i had almost a problem with CMSF campaign because of that :eek:.

Any tactical tips? I moved the tanks just a little forward of the village house and they get slaughtered by AT guns then I found a really funny situation, after the AT guns the heavy shelling started and found the Shermans on the move but the bastards stopped because of the moral plummeted, and got slaughtered by arty on the spot :mad:



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The penalty for losing this battle is that after the campaign is over your victories and losses will be compared. Plus the renewed battle can still be a plenty challenging, just maybe not so much in your face style! I'd say it's worth trying your best in the dawn attack, but if you find yourself mired, hit ceasefire and continue in the evening. Any Germans that you kill in the morning will remain dead in the evening, that's for sure.

I succeed in this mission by moving infantry forward half a platoon at a time, squads split and scattered enough so that the risks of mortar strikes falling on them is minimized. My medium machineguns are very important in suppressing any spotted enemies while mortars zero in on them. Use engineers to mark spotted mines so that they pose a lesser risk... I try to keep my tanks to the back here, supporting the advancing infantry with smoke and HE. The infantry will then advance both forward along the road as well as across the marshes to the left and right, either crawling or in short dashes. Just keep hammering the enemy locations with machinegun and mortar fire, and also use rifle squads if they're in reasonable range. There is not much that you can do about the mortar strikes on your men except keep distances so that at most you lose a few guys at one go.

Someone also said that he just kept one squad running back and forth in front of the Germans flashing their buttocks until the Germans had run out of all ammo and shells, then just walked through, but I haven't tried that myself to see if it works or not! :D

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Indiana, I can post the final review map to give you a better idea of what you are dealing with.

As far as the mortars running out from the germans, it never happened in my game. Too bad really... they take a horrific toll. I used one of the shermans as bait, let the ATG's expose themselves and then pounded those areas with everything within LOS/F. I left a split squad on the bridge throughout most of the game, and they werent really attacked/ mortared as much as I hoped.

I tried a rather standoff approach after that, but then the mortars start falling behind your lines its time to move, I did a bunch of microing every time a spotting round came in and that gets rather old. I advanced what M4's I had left with support from the MMG's and try to overrun the strong points that were left. They were all immobolized and then I advanced most of my rifle squads into a massacre, crossing the bridge and trying to go through the swamps. Thankfully the germans surrendered, because it was getting really ugly. :)

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Sergei, i was doing all the campaigns in the RT, maybe i should try in WEGO.

In theory it should be just as possible to win in RT (and there are certain advantages too), but in practise in a battle of this scale your eyes cannot be everywhere at the same time so it may be hard to manage both the advance and support elements equally well.

P.S. Indiana was a dog, MJ, call him Henry Jr.! ;)

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I have tried in WEGO and using your tips i gained better foothold on the enemy territory, but their artillery is raping me. This mission is really one tough nut to crack, all other missions you could outflank the enemy but here you can't do that only option is frontal assault and hope that your ass will not be grass :D.

Ok tried now the cease fire, the colonel was not impressed :P and here we go again.

Major those swamps are really show stoppers my platoon got stuck and got exhausted from slugging in the swamp and got pounded by arty and could outrun the shells :mad:. My advice is to avoid the swamp at all cost.

PS: There are 3 AT guns and AI has several plans on this map, because AT's are randomly placed.



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I have tried in WEGO and using your tips i gained better foothold on the enemy territory, but their artillery is raping me. This mission is really one tough nut to crack, all other missions you could outflank the enemy but here you can't do that only option is frontal assault and hope that your ass will not be grass :D.

Ok tried now the cease fire, the colonel was not impressed :P and here we go again.

Major those swamps are really show stoppers my platoon got stuck and got exhausted from slugging in the swamp and got pounded by arty and could outrun the shells :mad:. My advice is to avoid the swamp at all cost.

PS: There are 3 AT guns and AI has several plans on this map, because AT's are randomly placed.



I think the main thing that made it 'easier' for me to beat this is that I used all my arty,mmg's,tanks and focused on the foxholes/trenches areas where I knew the enemy was. That and I waited until the last 30 minutes before I advanced my infantry beyond the bridge. So the Germans were in a pitiful state, even though my guys were too... they were worse. Yea the swamps are bad news, but a three pronged attack will work better than moving them all up the middle. Mortars all being focused on the middle... just really horrible carnage guaranteed.

P.S. Indiana was a dog, MJ, call him Henry Jr.!

Bah, only his dad called him that. :)

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