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ford question

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i was tooling around with the editor and noticed the fords i placed across the water were invisible! is this supposed to be the case? or is it just the graphic settings for the capabilities of my computer?

at first i didnt think they had even placed at all, until i looked from under the water.... i guess in any water based scenario i play i will need to scour the rivers and creeks from below to find any fords that may be available.. :(




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Easiest way I've found thus far to find fords while playing is to initiate plotting a movement order, and then place the mouse pointer over the water, making sure that the action spot you're hovering over is a full-out water action spot, and not actually an action spot that's mostly riverbank, with just a little bit of water. If it's a ford, the mouse pointer will be the usual green one that you get when plotting a movement order. If it's regular water that can't be moved through, the mouse pointer will change to the red "no-go" icon. You can actually just sweep the mouse along a stream and find any ford tiles very quickly this way.

Of course, if you want to tell the difference between infantry-only and vehicle fords, you need to select the appropriate type of unit.

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Also, the banks will be less steep around fords and scenario designers usually put an indication of their existence, either an outright label or a hint in the form of different bank textures or paths leading down to the ford.

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