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Will Mac user be able to battle windows opponent in two player realtime?

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I have a Mac, but I play these games with my son who has a Windows 7 machine. If I purchase the Mac version (which I would prefer to do), and he purchases the Windows version, will I be able to play against him in two player real-time mode?

I would hope that if both are using the same communication protocol, they would work, but from experience, I know that this is not always the case.

Does anyone know? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


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Yes you certainly can. :)

Both share the same file format for saved games / PBEM and you can play TCP/IP games between a Mac player and a Windows player.

i have done both on numerous times during testing.

I have a MacBook Pro and a Windows 7 (64Bit) desktop and both are running CM:BN.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have tried playing the demo this weekend with me running it on my MacBook Pro 2.8GHz, 8GB RAM, 500GB-7200RPM and with my son running the windows demo on Windows 7.

We were unable to play against each other. We were able to connect and get into initial debriefing screen and to initial setup of units, but as soon as he clicked the red start button on the bottom right in the command panel, my mac version errored out to the desktop.

Is this something that is fixed in the final release of the Mac game or will it be a problem. Are they going to be compatible for a Mac player to be able to play against a Windows player? Has anyone been able to successfully do it with the demo? Are there any additional steps I need to perform to get it to work?

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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