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XP scenario difficulties

Tim S

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Hello one and all,

I'm having problems with scenarios and XP. Here's the deal. I have 2 hardrives one with '98 the other with XP Pro (fat32). As with other posts '98 and CBM work just fine on my computer, but XP is something else all together! I have gone through all the Nvidia graphic problems noted on other posts. They are fixed now for the most part but I can't get a handle on this agravating scenario reading problem.

I have downloaded many 3rd party missions and operations (Thank you), all of which run fine under '98, but XP will only read/play the original scenarios that came with the CD! I copied and pasted the senarios from drive to drive, the file extensions are all correct in explorer, but CBM won't play or even list them.

Any ideas will be appreciated.

Thanks....Tim S

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Sounds like you are running it off your CD Rom in XP, or possibly made a fresh install. CM can be played in multiple OSes from the same folder (I know this because I do so regualrly). So uninstall the XP version, find your win98 version (probably in C:\Program Files\Combat Mission) and make a shortcut to Combatmission.exe in that folder.


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Thanks for the reply but I forgot to include one critical piece of info in my original post, my 2 drives are electronically seperated. That is, I only run one at a time and I connect and re-jumper the other as I need it (a pain but it works for me).

I downloaded 2 scenarios yesterday, the first Bavarian Breakout is listed and plays in XP, the second Ambush (in the Bratwurst Forest) doesn't list or play, needless to say both are fine on my second '98 drive, go figure!.....Tim S

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If it isn't listed, then either a version difference [which I doubt], or you are loading fromt he CD. When you change the drives and jumpers, you are changing the master/slave I assume? you might be doing somethign where the drive isn't being seen? I have Windows XP on my system and test CMBO and CMBB and have never had this problem.


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I'm using XP and I'm convinced this fellow hasn't had too many cups of coffee! I rename my scenarios by prefacing them with numbers so I can get them appearing in chronological order. I typically pull them up in the scenario editor to find the dates. The built in one's are fine but the scenario editor couldn't pull some of them up eg, Grief of the Guards, The fiery French donloaded from Wild Bill's site. I got a strange message about a later version or something.

I thought "what the hell" I'll just pop them in the directory so that I can at least play them, but lo and behold, they don't appear on the scenario menu either. This is weird, and otherwise CM runs beautifully in XP. The NVidia /white background issue Win2k too)is minor and easily worked around, but this ...

Oh my god!! How can I ever play CM with this happening ;)

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What you posted sounds like a version conflict. Are you running 1.12 of the program? The error of a different version indicates you may not be running the latest. Check the version on the main screen at the bottom right when it comes up. I have not had a problem with any scenario on Windows XP, but I am using 1.12.


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