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captivating indeed.

My thoughts on the CP strategy (I haven't seen the Dec 14 turns mentioned above):

The little advance into western Poland seemed rather reckless...unless the thought was to launch a spoiling attack to distract the Russian player from launching the historical two pronged attack on East Prussia...hmm The German corps was destroyed and it will be interesting to see if the 3 A-H corps will be similarly handled.

On the western front, it appears XWormwood is already giving up on a massed direct strike on Paris in favor of a broader front advance all the way to the Channel. I would have thought most players would at least try for Paris, and, then, failing that would "Race to the Coast". I have to wonder if XWormwood's strategy is drawn from his testing experience with the game, finding Paris impossible to take in 1914 against a reasonably competent player so he's instead going to grab as much territory as possible during the war's mobile phase.

Lots of stuff to ponder until the rest of us get the game...

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