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A rather annoying NATO QB glitch

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I was playing some quick battles and again came across a certain rather frustrating issue with NATO. It seems the formation points or whatever are off for atleast Canadians and Dutch.

I often play infantry battles. If you select a tiny meeting engagement, as US Marines you often get as medium infantry, 4 LAVs and 4 squads of infantry. Ok, that is great for a tiny battle.

But if you choose Canadian or Dutch infantry forces in tiny scale you end up with like 20 LAVs 20 Nyalas each full of infantry. And against you are 4 BMP-2s with infantry...As Dutch tiny force you might end up with 20 Fenneks...

Needless to say these quick battles aren't fun. :D

Just something that would really fix a lot atleast for me, since only German quick battles are playable most of the time.


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We need a community that provides you with a good enemy force.

My idea is:

You open up a Quick Battle map in the scenario editor and pick a force.

Then you send the scenario to a community member and he gives you an interesting enemy force, maybe guided by your wishes. The map already has an AI plan, so this can be an easy task. But with a little surprise.

Then he sends the scenario back and you can play.

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